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姓名 劉有量(Yu-Liang Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 鎳基高速燃氣熔射塗層耐磨性能研究
(Study on the Structures and Wear Behaviors of HVOF-Sprayed Ni-MoS2 Coatings)
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摘要(中) 本研究係以二硫化鉬為核心,以無電鍍法將鎳包覆於二硫化鉬外部,製備鎳-二硫化鉬粉末,並配合高速燃氣熔射在1020低碳鋼基材上進行鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層製備,透過各種材料檢測技術 (如SEM/EDS、ICP-AES、XRD、硬度值及附著力等) 進行鎳-二硫化鉬複合粉末及熔射塗層之外觀、結構、成分、硬度、附著力等材料性質探討。並依據ASTM G99規範,於乾摩擦情況下以球-圓盤磨耗實驗來進行鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層耐磨性能評估。
實驗結果證明本法確實可製備以鎳為基底、二硫化鉬為分散相之鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層,且其磨耗機理係由二硫化鉬作為固體潤滑劑,屬低摩擦複合塗層;惟熔射過程中產生高溫,部分二硫化鉬燒失,以致鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層中二硫化鉬含量降低。依據磨耗試驗Ⅰ結果分析,在低負荷下 (< 15 N) ,鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層重量損失甚微,隨著負荷增加 (> 30 N) ,鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層的重量損失則快速增加。另比較純鎳熔射塗層與鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層之平均磨耗率,純鎳較鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層高出40倍,顯示添加二硫化鉬之鎳-二硫化鉬熔射塗層耐磨性顯著提升。
摘要(英) In this study, the wear resistance of thermally sprayed Ni-MoS2 composite coatings on an AISI 1020 steel substrate was investigated. Ni-MoS2 composite powder (size: 60-90 μm) containing 25 wt.% of dispersed MoS2 was prepared by electroless plating. Ni-MoS2 composite coatings were then prepared by HVOF thermal spraying. The coatings were characterized by structural, surface morphologies and compositional analyses by means of microhardness tests, SEM/EDS, XRD, and ICP-AES. For the evaluation of their anti-wear properties, the composites were subjected to ball-on-disk dry wear tests based on the ASTM G99 standard at room temperature.
Experimental results showed that some of the MoS2 content dispersed in the Ni-based composite coating burnt away during the high-temperature spraying process, thereby reducing the MoS2 concentration in the coating. In the wear test, the weight loss in the Ni-MoS2 composite coating was minimal under a low load (< 15 N) but increased rapidly with increasing load (> 30 N). The average wear rate of the coatings was found to be ~1/40 times that of a pure Ni coating, showing that the wear resistance of the composite coatings was significantly improved by MoS2 addition.
The coatings were then subjected to heat treatments. Various surface inspection techniques including hardness test, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray fluorescence were then used to characterize the composition and mechanical properties of the composite HVOF coating. In addition, ball-on-disc tests were carried out under dry abrasive conditions, on specimens that were heat treated at different temperatures, according to the ASTM G99 standard. The wear of each specimen was observed and recorded, and the measurements were used to provide a comprehensive assessment of the coating’s wear resistance. When the Ni-MoS2 composite coating was heat treated at 500°C, the growth of MoO2 crystals evaporates from the inward, and condenses as the protruding oxide crystals on the surface, which led to an increase in porosity and structural looseness. Consequently, the hardness and structural strength of the coating decreased significantly, which dramatically decrease its wear resistance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 熱處理
★ 耐磨
★ 高速燃氣熔射
★ 鎳-二硫化鉬
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 V
總目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
符號說明 XIV
第一章、 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 4
第二章、 文獻回顧 5
2.1鎳金屬簡介 5
2.2固體潤滑劑種類及其應用 7
2.2.1結構性固體潤滑劑 8
2.2.2機械性固體潤滑劑 14
2.2.3皂類 15
2.2.4化學活性潤滑劑 16
2.3熔射技術及其應用 17
2.3.1 火焰熔射 19
2.3.2 電弧熔射 20
2.3.3 電漿熔射 21
2.3.4 高速燃氣熔射 22
2.4 熔射複合塗層種類 27
2.5熱處理對塗層影響 30
2.6磨耗機制 31
2.7磨耗試驗 34
第三章、 研究方法 38
3.1鎳-二硫化鉬粉末製備 38
3.2鎳-二硫化鉬塗層製備 39
3.3熱處理 39
3.4微觀結構觀察 40
3.5成份分析 40
3.6重量量測 41
3.7硬度量測 42
3.8附著力測試 42
3.9磨耗試驗 43
第四章、 結果與討論 45
4.1表面結構觀察 45
4.2成分分析 46
4.3硬度量測 48
4.4附著力測試 49
4.5磨耗試驗 49
第五章、 結論 53
第六章、 未來研究方向 56
附錄A ASTM G99 規範資料 91
附錄B ASTM E18 規範資料 93
附錄C ASTM D4541 規範資料 95
參考文獻 96
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指導教授 黃俊仁 鄭銘章 審核日期 2020-7-24
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