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姓名 楊璽懷(Xi-Huai Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 製程參數對雷射積層製造AISI 420不銹鋼工件機械性質之影響
(Effects of Process Parameters on Mechanical Properties of AISI 420 Stainless Steel Fabricated by Laser Additive Manufacturing)
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摘要(中) 雷射積層製造技術是透過雷射光聚焦於金屬粉末上,利用加熱熔融的方式將粉末逐層堆疊至物件完成。本研究共製造了五組試片,選用的材料為AISI 420不銹鋼,Group S1 至Group S4皆使用帶狀掃描策略,且光斑直徑分別為0.1 mm、0.2 mm、0.3 mm、0.4 mm,Group S5的掃描策略為棋盤式,其光斑直徑與Group S1 相同 (0.1 mm)。本研究的目的為探討雷射積層製造的製程參數對積層工件各項性質的影響,包括幾何尺寸、表面粗糙度、密度、硬度與殘留應力,並進行拉伸試驗求得試片的機械性質,最後觀察試片之破斷面和微結構。此外,本研究亦利用商用有限元素軟體模擬雷射積層製造過程,並透過與尺寸及殘留應力的量測值比對,以驗證模擬的有效性。
摘要(英) The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of laser spot size and scanning strategy on the quality of SLM build, including deformation, mechanical properties, and residual stress. The specimens are made of AISI 420 stainless steel powder through SLM process. Five groups of specimens are fabricated. Group S1 to Group S4 are fabricated using an island scanning strategy with a laser spot size of 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, and 0.4 mm, respectively. Scanning strategy for Group S5 is a checkerboard pattern, and its laser spot size is the same as that of Group S1 (0.1 mm). In addition, a three-dimensional FEM model is developed to simulate the SLM process. Measurements of residual stress and dimensions are performed to validate the FEM model. Dimensions of the geometry are measured using a coordinate measuring machine. Residual stress is measured using an X-ray diffraction instrument. Surface roughness, hardness, and density are also measured in this study. Moreover, fractography and microstructure are analyzed for the built parts.
Experimental results indicate that laser spot size has a great influence on the dimensions, surface roughness, hardness, density, residual stress, and mechanical strength of SLM build. The main reason is that a large laser spot size is more prone to balling phenomenon and greater porosity compared to a small one. It also produces a larger re-heated region and sub-grain size. For the given island and checkerboard scanning strategies, scanning strategy has limited effect on the properties investigated except mechanical strength. The mechanical strength of the specimens fabricated by checkerboard scanning strategy is lower than that of the island scanning strategy. The reason is that a weak texture exists at the juncture between two neighboring squares of checkerboard scanning strategy. Finally, the results of XRD analysis indicate that the SLM specimens of AISI 420 steel exhibit a high content of martensite (68%) and retained austenite (32%).
Simulation results show that the maximum residual stress is mainly distributed on the top layer of the SLM specimens. As the laser spot size increases, the residual stress becomes smaller. The maximum residual stress components parallel and perpendicular to the laser scanning direction occur at the top surface, while the maximum residual stress component in the build direction is located at the middle layer.
關鍵字(中) ★ 雷射積層製造
★ 420 不鏽鋼
關鍵字(英) ★ Laser additive manufacturing
★ Mechanical property
★ Microstructure

1.1 Laser Additive Manufacturing 1
1.2 Effects of Process Parameters 3
1.3 Effects of Scanning Strategy 8
1.4 Analysis of Residual Stress and Deformation by Finite Element Method 12
1.5 Purpose 15
2.1 Specimen Fabrication by Selective Laser Melting 16
2.2 Process Parameters and Scanning Strategy 18
2.3 Measurement of Geometry and Surface Roughness 20
2.4 Measurement of Density and Hardness 21
2.5 Measurement of Residual Stress 23
2.6 Tensile Test 24
2.7 Microstructural Analysis 24
3.1 Thermal and Mechanical Modeling 27
3.2 Material Properties 28
3.3 Model Description 30
3.4 Calibration 34
4.1 Experimental Results 36
4.1.1 Geometry and surface roughness 36
4.1.2 Density and hardness 43
4.1.3 Residual stress 46
4.1.4 Tensile properties 52
4.1.5 Fractography analysis 55
4.1.6 Microstructural analysis 61
4.1.7 Effect of laser spot size 71
4.1.8 Effect of scanning strategy 72
4.2 Numerical Analysis Results 73
4.3 Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results 80

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指導教授 林志光(Chih-Kuang Lin) 審核日期 2020-8-11
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