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姓名 林彥耀(Yan-Yao Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 2016美濃地震引致嘉南平原與屏東平原地下水文特性變化研究
(2016 Meinong earthquake induced hydrological property changes in Chianan and Pingtung plains, Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 透過地震引致異常水文現象為了解水文地質特性的有效方法,而水文地質資料的完整性也是地震水文研究的關鍵。本研究蒐集2016高雄美濃地震震後地表與地下水文變化情形,嘗試理解地震引致台灣南部地區水文變化的機制。藉由分析第一含水層之同震水位變化之空間分布,以及地表破裂與液化噴砂之位置,可以發現同震水位變化主要發生在震央西北部的嘉南平原,而許多的液化與破裂點位位於新化斷層沿線。將液化點位與尖峰地動加速度與尖峰地動速度(PGA,PGV)的內插結果進行比較,結果顯示液化事件與PGV之關聯性較高。細究其數值則顯示引發液化事件之PGA門檻值約為150 cm/s^2,而PGV之門檻值約為40 cm/s。另外,新化斷層周圍數個地下水井中,部分深部含水層井位觀測到的水位變化不同於其他嘉南平原之水井呈現整體水位上升的情形,反而顯示同震水位下降,其位於淺部含水層的井位則顯示同震水位上升。其中,新化與那菝兩井顯示出不同深度的地下水位於震後變得靠近的現象,可能為不同含水層在震後變得連通而產生垂向的水壓傳遞所致。而我們對於含水層間連通性變化的推測,可以藉由以地潮分析不同含水層地下水位得出的相位差結果驗證,並且估算震前與震後含水層之導水係數變化情形,以此探討地震對於區域含水層的影響。結果顯示,新化井不同深度含水層之相位差變化趨勢於震後變得相似,代表新化井不同深度之含水層於地震後因裂隙而產生垂向連通,並引起地下水位變得相近。
摘要(英) The observations of hydrological anomalies induced by earthquakes are valuable data to investigate the hydrogeological properties. In this research, we collected the hydrological data before and after the Mw 6.4 2016 Meinong Earthquake. The main purpose is to investigate the mechanism of hydrological changes triggered by earthquakes. From the distribution of groundwater level changes at the first aquifer, as well as the distributions of the surface rupture and liquefaction points, it is found that the co-seismic groundwater level change is large in Chianan Plain, in the northwest area of the epicenter, and accompanied with a lot of ruptures and liquefactions located along the Hsinhua Fault. We compared the liquefaction points with the interpolated values of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and peak ground velocity (PGV) data, the result shows that the distribution of liquefaction points have the similar pattern with that of PGV values. The minimum threshold values of PGA and PGV for earthquake induced liquefaction are about 150 cm/s^2 and 40 cm/s, respectively. By the way, the observations in some wells in the deeper aquifer around the Hsinhua Fault show a different groundwater level change compared with the other wells in Chianan Plain. These wells show groundwater level decreases in the deep aquifer and increases in the shallow aquifer. In these wells, the Naba and Hsinhua wells show groundwater level convergence at different depths after the Meinong Earthquake. The earthquake enhances the connectivity between different aquifers and produces a vertical pressure propagation, that might be one possible mechanism for this phenomenon. The hypothesis of connectivity changes between different aquifers can be verified by analyzing the tidal response in different aquifers. Tidal analysis uses the phase shift pattern to judge if the aquifer permeability and transmissivity were changed after earthquakes, which is an important clue to understand how earthquake influences the hydrogeological properties. The results show that the pattern of phase shift at the Hsinhua well in different aquifers become similar, which is the evidence in proving the connection between different aquifers.
關鍵字(中) ★ 2016美濃地震
★ 地下水文
★ 水文地質特性
★ 地潮分析
關鍵字(英) ★ 2016 Meinong Earthquake
★ groundwater hydrology
★ hydrogeological property
★ earth tidal analysis
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 同震地下水位變化 4
2-2 地震引致地下水位變化機制 6
2-2-1 應變模型(Strain model) 6
2-2-2 不排水壓密(Undrained consolidation) 8
2-2-3 破裂模型(Crack model) 8
2-2-4 震央距與地下水位變化機制 9
2-3 地震引致河川基流量變化 10
2-3-1 同震彈性應變(Coseismic elastic strain) 12
2-3-2 滲透率增加 (Enhanced permeability) 12
2-3-3 同震壓密與液化 (Coseismic consolidation and liquefaction) 13
第三章 研究區域與資料蒐集 14
3-1 美濃地震 14
3-2 美濃地震造成之災害 16
3-2-1 地表破裂 16
3-2-2 土壤液化與噴砂 17
3-3 嘉南平原 19
3-3-1 區域概況 19
3-3-2 區域地質概述 20
3-3-3 新化斷層簡介 22
3-4 屏東平原 22
3-4-1 區域概況 22
3-4-2 區域地質概述 23
3-5 水文資訊觀測系統 24
3-5-1 水利署地下水觀測網 25
3-5-2 中央氣象局地震地下水觀測網 28
3-6 資料蒐集概況 28
第四章 研究方法 31
4-1 地潮分析 31
4-2 分析程式 37
4-2-1 Baytap-G介紹 37
4-2-2 Baytap-G之分析結果測試 42
第五章 結果與討論 44
5-1 同震水文現象變化 44
5-1-1 地下水文變化 44
5-1-2 河川流量變化 53
5-2 地震波與地下水位階變量 58
5-3 同震地下水位變化機制探討 60
5-3-1 大範圍地下水位變化情形 60
5-3-2 地下水位異常下降 62
5-4 地潮分析結果 68
第六章 結論與建議 75
6-1 結論 75
6-2 建議 76
參考文獻 78
附錄 85
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指導教授 王士榮(Shih-Jung Wang) 審核日期 2020-8-13
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