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姓名 陳榮秋(Jung-Chiu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 台中地區能見度與消光係數、質量散光效率及物化特性之關係:硝酸鹽生成對能見度劣化之影響
(Taichung visibility relationship between extinction coefficient, mass scattering efficiency and physicochemical characteristics : Impact of nitrate formation on visibility degradation)
★ 能見度劣化期間細懸浮微粒、含碳物質及水溶性無機鹽離子質量濃度之特徵分析-以台中地區為例★ 能見度劣化與細及超細懸浮微粒粒徑分佈之關係 -以台中地區為例
★ 使用中機車粒狀物量測技術開發與行車型態污染物濃度影響
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摘要(中) 鑒於民眾對於改善能見度的期盼、能見度無逐時觀測以及當前研究缺乏能見度劣化與氣膠物化特性之關係的全面性分析,本研究在台中市東海大學的2017年十月至2019年八月進行高時間解析度的觀測,在移動式測站IMPACT (Integrated Measurements of Pollution and Aerosol Composition & Transformation)放入質量濃度、光學係數、粒徑分布、水溶性無機鹽離子、重金屬元素、微量氣體與氣象狀態等面向的多台儀器進行觀測,使用化學散光模式(IMPROVE, The Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments)以及事件演變階段的分析方法來探討台中能見度劣化之成因。
在總觀測期間內發現光學機制由散光主導,能見度低值事件(消光係數上升)不僅與「量」有關(粒狀污染物濃度增加),同時亦受「質」的影響(單位質量的微粒消光效率上升)。在季節變化中,以夏秋兩季消光係數較低;冬春兩季較高。在風花圖的結果發現低風速下容易產生高消光係數、SSA(single scattering Albedo)與MSE(Mass scattering efficiency)。由乾淨情境(Clean)與事件期(Event)分析兩年冬季的化學散光組成,發現能見度劣化期間的硝酸鹽比例較乾淨期間大幅增加(12%增至43%),此外主要散光成分的硫酸鹽(18%)、硝酸鹽(43%)與有機物(32%)的粒徑有明顯增長,分別在400 – 600 nm、200 – 500 nm與100 – 300 nm的範圍內,造成散光效應促使能見度降低之結果。在事件演變階段(Stage 1與Stage 2)的氣象條件屬於低風速(< 1 m/s)與高溫的情況,在不同相對濕度下會出現對應的硝酸鹽生成機制,白天的低濕度(70%)適合氣相反應;晚間的高濕度(90%)則偏向異相反應,造成反應機制不同,但產物與劣化表現相似的結果。
摘要(英) In Taiwan, many studies have been carried out over the past to survey the reasons of visibility degradation, but there still lack of the comprehensive analysis in aerosol physical-chemical characteristics. This study established a high time-resolution monitoring system and seted the trailer station – IMPACT at the campus of Tunghai University in Taichung during October 2017 to August 2019. Measurement items include the mass concentration, extinction coefficient(bext), size distribution, water-soluble inorganic ions, heavy metal elements, tracer gas and meteorological data in two years. In this study, to evaluate the reasons of visibility degradations, we used the revised IMPROVE algorithm and the stage variation of events to estimate the chemical components and extinction coefficient (bext) of fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
During the observation period, the extinction mechanism is dominated by the scattering particles. The low visibility events (high bext) are not only caused by high PM2.5 concentrations but also affected by high mass extinction efficiency (MEE). In seasonal variations, the bext is lower in summer and autumn than in winter and spring. Based on the wind-roses analysis, lower wind speed (WS < 1 m/s) would cause higher bext, single scattering Albedo (SSA), and mass scattering efficiency (MSE) during each season. In the IMPROVE chemical scattering of event analysis, the main contributor to bext is Nitrate (43%), followed by OM (32%) and Sulfate (18%). Nitrate would get a higher proportion (12% to 43%) in visibility degradation than clean case. Furthermore, the particle size range would become larger and concentrated, Nitrate is 200 to 500 nm, OM is 100 to 300 nm and Sulfate is 400 to 600 nm. While the increasing particle size make higher scattering effect and lower visibility. In stage 1 and stage 2 of event, wind speed is lower (< 1 m/s) and the temperature is higher than the clean case. The different relative humidity (RH) would correspond to those Nitrate formation-reaction. Low RH (70%) during the daytime is suitable for gas-phase reactions, and high RH (90%) during the nighttime is appropriate for heterogeneous reactions. Surprisingly, daytime and nighttime mechanisms are different, but the final situation cause visibility degradation and the same produce - nitrate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 能見度
★ 消光係數
★ 質量散光效率
★ 硝酸鹽
關鍵字(英) ★ Visibility
★ Extinction coefficient
★ Mass scattering efficient
★ IMPROVE algorithm
★ Nitrate
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章、 緒論 1
1-1 研究緣起 1
1-2 研究目的 3
第二章、 文獻回顧 4
2-1 能見度 4
2-1-1 能見度的觀測方法 4
2-1-2 能見度與消光係數之關係 5
2-2 光學消光性質 6
2-2-1 光學係數 6
2-2-2 質量光學效率 10
2-3 IMPROVE algorithm 17
2-3-1 Original與Revised IMPROVE 17
2-3-2 再次修正IMPROVE之目的 19
第三章、 研究地點與方法 21
3-1 研究地點與時期 21
3-1-1 研究地點 21
3-1-2 觀測時間 23
3-2 觀測內容與儀器原理 25
3-2-1 觀測內容 25
3-2-2 儀器原理與校正 28
3-3 分析參數與方法 29
3-3-1 光學係數 29
3-3-2 IMPROVE algorithm 30
3-3-3 事件期定義 32
3-3-4 事件演變階段 33
3-3-5 數據的品質保證管理 (QAQC) 34
第四章、 結果與討論 37
4-1 總觀測期間之光學係數趨勢 37
4-1-1 能見度與消光係數之關係 37
4-1-2 光學係數之主導性 39
4-2 光學係數的時間變化與特徵 42
4-2-1 光學係數的季節特性 42
4-2-2 光學係數的風場分析 45
4-2-3 季節與日夜的事件期占比 52
4-3 化學散光模式 (IMPROVE) 54
4-3-1 假設條件驗證 54
4-3-2 化學組成的季節變化 57
4-3-3 兩年冬季Clean與Event的化學組成變化 58
4-3-4 劣化過程的氣膠物化性質 62
4-4 事件演變的階段分析 65
4-4-1 各階段發生頻率與劣化機制 65
4-4-2 白天階段分析 68
4-4-3 晚間階段分析 69
4-4-4 能見度劣化機制的氣象條件 70
第五章、 結論與建議 71
第六章、 附錄 73
6-1 新舊判定季節方法對消光係數的造成差異 73
6-2 2017年冬季白天與晚間發生能見度劣化下的氣膠性質 76
6-3 觀測期間下MSE的趨勢變化 78
6-4 驗證IMPROVE假設係數與更改參數的影響 79
6-4-1 有機物 79
6-4-2 土壤 84
6-4-3 海鹽 86
6-5 事件階段趨勢的實際數據與對應時間 88
口試意見回覆 90
參考文獻 96
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指導教授 蕭大智 江康鈺(Ta-Chih Hsiao Kung-Yuh Chiang) 審核日期 2020-6-23
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