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姓名 阮氏青(Nguyen Thi Chinh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 NAN
(Intercomparison between Supertyphoons Mangkhut and Yutu (2018): Rapid Intensification and Track Evolution as Explored by the Ocean-Coupled HWRF)
★ 雲微物理參數化法應用於颱風模式中之研究★ 1998年臺灣梅雨個案模擬及其應用 -蘭陽平原之擴散研究
★ 地形對颱風路徑的影響之數值探討★ 中尺度MM5數值模式與大氣擴散模式之整合應用研究
★ 侵台颱風之GPS折射率3DVAR資料同化及數值模擬★ 地形及渦旋初始化對類似納莉颱風路徑及環流變化之影響
★ 類似桃芝颱風路徑之模擬★ WRF模式在颱風路徑預報應用與EOF分析誤差因素
★ 利用WRF3DVAR同化GPS折射率資料探討 對於颱風預報的影響★ 衛星資料結合變分分析對數值預報之影響
★ 利用MM5 4DVAR模式同化掩星折射率資料及虛擬渦旋探討颱風數值模擬之影響★ 利用MM5 4DVAR同化虛擬渦旋探討其對WRF模式預報颱風之影響
★ GPS掩星觀測資料同化及對區域天氣預報模擬之影響★ 西北向侵台颱風登陸前中心路徑打轉之模擬研究
★ 衛星資料與虛擬渦旋四維變分同化對颱風數值模擬的影響★ 資料同化對台灣地區颱風和梅雨模擬之影響
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摘要(中) 2018年超級颱風玉兔(Yutu)及山竹(Mangkhut) 生成於西北太平洋且經歷快速增強,並接連登陸於菲律賓北部。本研究使用HWRF模式進行海洋耦合(CTL)及非耦合(UN)之兩實驗,探討海洋對颱風之影響,進一步了解兩個颱風個別的快速增強過程及路徑變化。
摘要(英) Consecutive Supertyphoons Mangkhut and Yutu in 2018 underwent rapid intensifications (RI) over the western North Pacific (WNP) and made landfall at the northern Philippines. Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting System (HWRF) was used to investigate the different processes in RI over the WNP and track evolution near the northern Philippines between both typhoons.
Both ocean-coupled (CTL) and uncoupled (UN) experiments were conducted for comparison. The model results show that CTL improves the over-predicted typhoon intensity of UN as a result of typhoon-ocean interactions, particularly for Yutu. Stronger angular momentum (AM) is transported inward by the intensifying radial inflow flow at lower levels and outflow at upper levels for Yutu, which then leads to a stronger RI than Mangkhut, mainly contributed by the larger positive vertical mean AM advection in the troposphere and vertical eddy AM advection at low levels near the eyewall. The simulated RI will not occur if the initial ocean temperature along the Mangkhut track is decreased by 1oC, while Yutu’s RI is much less affected by the same temperature decrease or increase. Environmental weaker deep-layer vertical wind shear associated with the slower-moving Yutu is favorable for the faster development of RI as compared to the faster-moving Mangkhut. The later development after RI onset for both typhoons is more dominated by physics schemes applied in the simulations than the initial ocean temperature change; however, their induced RI onsets and rates are only slightly changed.
For the typhoon approaching the northern Philippines, all coupled and uncoupled, no-terrain, and ocean temperature change experiments obtain good simulated tracks in the first two days (for Mangkhut) or first three days (for Yutu) and then followed by a northward deflection for both typhoons. UN gives a better-simulated track than CTL, particularly for Mangkhut. The Philippines and Luzon terrains do not affect significantly the northward deflection for Mangkhut, but they ease the northward track deflection for Yutu. The northward track deflection for both typhoons decreases when their initial ocean temperature is reduced by 1oC, while it increases when their initial ocean temperature is increased by 1oC. The track deflection near the northern Philippines of both typhoons is much more sensitive to physics schemes and initial time. However, the physics schemes have a more effective control on the track of Yutu, but with a less influence in determining Mangkhut intensity. Diagnostics of potential vorticity (PV) tendency budget shows that the northward deflection for Mangkhut near the northern Philippines can be explained by the northwestward tendency induced by horizontal PV advection and the westward but with slightly northward tendency induced by diabatic heating, while the northward deflection for Yutu near landfall is mainly dominated by the northwestward tendency induced by horizontal PV advection.
關鍵字(中) ★ NAN 關鍵字(英) ★ Ocean-Coupled HWRF
★ Supertyphoon
★ Rapid intensification
★ Track evolution
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Notation Illustration xvii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Model Aspects and Overview of Two Supertyphoons 5
2.1. The Coupled Model 5
2.2. Data for Simulations 6
2.3. Overview of Two Supertyphoons 6
2.4. AAM Budget 8
2.5. PV Tendency Budget 8
Chapter 3. Rapid Intensification over the Western North Pacific 10
3.1. Numerical Experiments 10
3.2. Simulation Results 10
3.2.1. Typhoon Track 10
3.2.2. Typhoon Intensity 11
3.2.3. Influences of Ocean Conditions to Typhoon Intensity 12
3.2.4. Typhoon Circulation 14
3.2.5. AAM Budget Analysis 16
3.3. Discussions on Factors Affecting RI 19
3.3.1. Sensitivity Experiments for Ocean Temperature 19
3.3.2. Vertical Wind Shear 21
3.3.3. Typhoon Translation 22
3.3.4. Sensitivity to Physics Schemes 22
Chapter 4. Track Evolution of Both Typhoons Approaching the Northern Philippines 24
4.1. Numerical Experiments 24
4.2. Sensitivity to Air-sea Coupling 25
4.2.1. Typhoon Track and Intensity 25
4.2.2. Ocean Conditions and Horizontal Wind Speed 26
4.3. Track Forecast with and without Terrain 27
4.3.1. Simulated Track 27
4.3.2. Typhoon Circulation 28
4.4. Simulated Precipitation 30
4.5. Sensitivity to Initial Ocean Temperature 31
4.6. PV Tendency Budget 32
4.7. Sensitivity to Physics Schemes 35
4.8. Sensitivity to Initial Time 38
Chapter 5. Conclusions 40
References 43
Tables 51
Figures 54
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指導教授 黃清勇(Ching-Yuang Huang) 審核日期 2021-1-26
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