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姓名 陳振予(Cheng-Yu Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 早型星系的形狀與暗物質
(The shapes and dark matter of early-type galaxies)
★ 亮紅外線星系ARP 55的CO(J=2-1)和CO(J=1-0)之譜線研究★ 合併中之明亮紅外線星系的次毫米波段觀測
★ 后髮座星系團內相對論性電子能譜的數值計算★ 萊曼α吸收雲的運動學SZ效應所引起之宇宙背景輻射非均向性
★ 類星體-星系對 0248+430 中的原子與分子氣體★ 亮紅外星系 NGC 6090 中分子氣體之研究
★ X射線背景輻射對星系團質量-溫度關係之限制★ AM CVn系統之可見光觀測
★ 利用電波與近紅外線觀測資料研究活躍星系核的性質★ 具有偏極化寬譜線與不具有偏極化寬譜線的西佛二型星系之塵埃型態
★ On the Origin of the Radio Emission of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies★ 使用近紅外波段搜尋高質量X射線雙星的光學對應體
★ 窄線西佛I型星系之電波及紅外線性質★ 合併星系的快速搜尋法
★ 活躍星系中分子雲之物理特性★ 伽瑪射線爆周圍環境探討
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摘要(中) 大型早型星系,包含橢圓與透鏡星系,主要來源於星系的合併。因此大型早型星系的許多性質都與合併星系的過程有關,例如星系的外形與暗物質分佈。本論文研究不同環境下的早型星系的形狀,發現相對而言在高密度區的早型星系要比低密度區的早型星系接近球對稱。一個可能的原因是兩者在星系合併前的空間分佈不同,或是高密度區的早型星系受到周圍星系的潮汐力的影響而變圓。另外,透過比較早型星系與螺旋星系的動力學質量分佈得知,早型星系的暗物質比例至少與螺旋星系相當,且早型星系的衛星星系有較橢的繞行軌道。我們推測是因為在星系合併過程中合併星系的角動量會傳遞給其衛星星系而讓其有較橢的軌道。
摘要(英) Large early-type galaxies (ETGs), including elliptical and lenticular galaxies, are mainly formed from major mergers of galaxies. Therefore, some of the properties of large ETGs would be related to the process of merging galaxies, such as the shapes of galaxies and the distribution of dark matter. This thesis studies the shapes of ETGs in different environments. The results show that the ETGs in higher density environments are relatively closed to spherically symmetric than those in lower density environments. One possible reason is that the spatial distributions of the progenitor galaxies of the mergers are different, or the ETGs in the high-density environments become rounder due to the tidal force of the surrounding galaxies. Furthermore, the results of comparing the dynamical mass distributions of ETGs with those of spiral galaxies show that the dark matter fraction of ETGs should be at least equivalent to that of spiral galaxies and that the orbital shapes of satellite galaxies of ETGs should be relatively elliptical than those of spiral galaxies. One possible reason is that the angular momentum of the merging galaxies will be transferred to their satellite galaxies during the merging process, causing the orbital shapes relatively elliptical.
關鍵字(中) ★ 星系形成
★ 星系演化
★ 早型星系
★ 星系暗物質暈
關鍵字(英) ★ Galaxy formation
★ Galaxy evolution
★ Early-type galaxies
★ Galaxy dark matter halos
論文目次 摘要vii
Abstract ix
Contents xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Shapes of ETGs in different environments 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Data Selection 6
2.3 Real Shapes of ETGs 10
2.4 Discussion 12
2.5 Alignments of ETGs in Filaments 18
3 Dark Matter of ETGs 21
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 Data Selections and Mass Estimations 22
3.3 Dynamical Masses of ETGs and Spiral Galaxies 24
3.3.1 Dynamical Masses and Morphologies 24
3.3.2 Dynamical Masses and Luminosities 26
3.3.3 Dynamical Masses and Separate Distances 27
3.4 Inspections of The Methods 32
3.4.1 Inspection of Stellar Mass Estimation 32
3.4.2 Inspection of Dynamical Mass Estimator 34
3.4.3 Inspection of Simulations 37
4 Summary 43
Bibliography 45
A Projection Functions 53
B Projected Probability 59
C Simulation of Satellite Orbits 61
D Published Results 63
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指導教授 黃崇源(Chorng-Yuan Hwang) 審核日期 2021-1-15
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