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姓名 龔家騏(Chia-Chi Kung)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
(Peripheral ASIC3 activation involves in the late phase of CCI-induced mechanical allodynia by switching CGRP-positive population from small to large diameter neurons)
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摘要(中) ASIC酸敏性離子通道是電壓閘門低感度控制型的陽離子通道,當細胞外氫離子濃度上升時會開啟。ASIC3第三型酸敏性離子通道大量存在背根神經節中。神經受傷會導致背根神經節興奮增加。經由鈣通道流入的鈣離子對疼痛的產生有關。有研究提出,隨著H+濃度的上升會催化ASIC3 通道對鈣離子的開啟。在我們實驗室先前的數據中顯示,ASIC3基因剃除小鼠在神經慢性壓迫性損傷(Chronic constriction injury , CCI)術後4至8周有機械痛覺過敏緩解的情形。因此,我試圖瞭解在神經慢性壓迫性損傷(CCI)小鼠背根神經節中,ASIC3的表現量、背根神經節神經元表現型的轉換、鈣離子分佈和神經痛之間的關係。
摘要(英) ASICs, acid-sensing ion channels, are distributed between the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system specifically, where ASIC3 displays the highest expression than other subunits in DRG neurons. ASICs are voltage-insensitive cationic channels that are activated by the reduction of extracellular pH. ASIC3 channels has been proposed to be opened by catalyzing the relief of Ca2+ blockade as the H+ concentration rises. Calcium is an intracellular messenger and calcium signaling play a key role in neuronal gene expression. Ca2+ currents within the DRG participate in the development of neuropathic pain. Our previous data showed that mechanical hyperalgesia in ASIC3 knockout mice was attenuated gradually during postoperative 4 to 8 weeks. Accordingly, I tried to know the relationship among ASIC3 expression, neuron phenotype switching and calcium distribution in DRGs of Chronic constriction injury (CCI) mice.
Results revealed that unilateral mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, upregulation of ASIC3, more small neuron loss, higher intracellular calcium concentration and switching CGRP positive neuron develop in mice of CCI model. After injection of APETx2, a specific ASIC3 blocker, significant reduction of intracellular calcium concentration, decrease in ASIC3 expression and CGRP expression in neurons are noted which is associated with attenuated behavioral hyperalgesia.
Therefore, based on these findings, I infer that ASIC3 involves in neurons CGRP phenotype switching and neuron calcium modulation and neuropathic pain development.
關鍵字(中) ★ 酸敏性離子通道
★ 神經慢性壓迫性損傷
關鍵字(英) ★ ASIC3
★ neuropathic pain
論文目次 Table of Contents

中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Abbreviation iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures and Tables viii

Chapter 1 General Introduction 1
1-1 Neuropathic pain 2
1-2 Wallerian degeneration and regeneration in neuropathic pain 3
1-3 ASIC3 and neuropathic pain 4
1-4 Calcium and pain 8
1-5 Neuron loss 11
1-6 ATF3 13

Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 15
2-1 Materials 16
2-1-1. Animals 16
2-1-2. Agents and constructs 16
2-2 Methods 17
2-2-1. Chronic constriction injury model 17
2-2-2. Mechanical test 17
2-2-3. Thermal test 18
2-2-4. Animal tissue preparation 18
2-2-5. RNA preparation, cDNA synthesis and quantitative PCR 18
2-2-6. Immunohistochemistry 19
2-2-7. Primary culture cell and calcium imaging assay 20
2-2-8. Electrophysiology (action potential recording) 22
2-2-9. Statistical analysis 23

Chapter 3 Increased number of CGRP-positive neurons involves in CCI-induced neuropathic pain 24
3-1 Introduction 25
3-2 Results 26
3-2-1. Chronic constriction injury induces mechanical allodynia, thermal hyperalgesia and upregulation of ASIC3 mRNA expression 26
3-2-2. Increase calcium concentration in larger neurons without isolectin B4 selection after CCI injury 26
3-2-3. CCI induced more neuron degeneration in PERI + small neurons and upregulation ATF3 expression in large neurons 28
3-2-4. Increased CGRP expression shifts to large neurons with time discrepancy ……..29

Chapter 4 Injection of ASIC3 antagonist, APETx2 relieves CCI-induced neuropathic pain via reducing CGRP-positive population in large diameter neurons 37
4-1 Introduction 38
4-2 Results 38
4-2-1. APETx2 reduces CCI-induced mechanical allodynia, thermal hyperalgesia and late ASIC3 expression 38
4-2-2. APETx2 inhibit large neurons calcium concentration in late phase mostly… 39
4-2-3. APETx2 reduce neuron degeneration, ATF3 expression and CGRP expression after CCI injury 40
4-2-4. Blocked signaling transmission induced by CCI is recovered by inhibition of ASIC3 in DRG 41

Chapter 5 Discussions and Conclusion 51
Chapter 6 References 54
Appendix 68

List of Figures and Tables
Fig. 3-1 Chronic constriction injury induces mechanical allodynia, thermal hyperalgesia and upregulation of ASIC3 mRNA expression 30
Fig. 3-2 CCI induces increase of calcium in both isolectin B4 positive and negative neurons 31
Fig. 3-3 Increase of calcium distributes in different size of neurons following times after nerve injury 33
Fig. 3-4 DRG neurons degeneration happened following times after nerve injury 34
Fig. 3-5 CCI induces ATF3 increase in the large DRG neurons over times ……...35
Fig. 3-6 Increase of CGRP shifts to the large DRG neurons following times after nerve injury 36
Fig. 4-1 Intrathecal injection of ASIC3 blocker reduces CCI-induced mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia 43
Fig. 4-2 Intrathecal inhibition of ASIC3 expression inhibits calcium increasing in DRG after nerve injury 44
Fig. 4-3 Inhibition of ASIC3 reduces calcium levels in small and large neurons after nerve injury 45
Fig. 4-4 Inhibition of ASIC3 in DRG recovers neurons after nerve injury…...….. 46
Fig. 4-5 Increase of ATF3 in DRG neurons was reduced by inhibition of ASIC3 …..47
Fig. 4-6 Increase of CGRP in large cells was reduced by inhibition of ASIC3 in DRG 48
Fig. 4-7 Inhibition of ASIC3 in DRG recovers signaling transmission blocked by CCI 49

Table 2.1 Oligonucleotide primers used in RT-PCR experiments 77
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指導教授 孫維欣 金秀連 審核日期 2021-1-11
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