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姓名 黃冠儒(Guan-Ru Huang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系 論文名稱 高效率有機/無機複合式垂直發光電晶體
(High-Efficiency Organic/Inorganic Integrated Vertical Light- Emitting Transistor)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] 至系統瀏覽論文 (2025-12-17以後開放) 摘要(中) 本論文研究整合無機氧化鋅電晶體和有機發光二極體(OLED),製作高效
介電係數之雙介電層以及 N 型氧化鋅半導體層,接著以光學微影的方式,
利用 LOR 及光阻的雙層結構,鍍製絕緣層氧化矽包覆銀源極來抑制關狀態
電流,最後在氧化鋅電晶體上方堆疊OLED,OLED 陽極即為垂直電晶體之
上汲極。本論文研究兩種 OLED 以驗證可堆疊在垂直電晶體之有機材料廣
泛性,分別為旋轉塗佈高分子 Super Yellow 製作黃光 OLED 和蒸鍍磷光分
子 Ir(ppy)3 之綠光 OLED。本論文也以Super Yellow 發光電晶體為架構探討
直發光電晶體與標準 OLED 進行比較,發現在驅動電壓、電流密度、發光
強度與效率上非常接近,證明將 OLED 整合在氧化鋅電晶體上不會降低元
(>90%)、高電流密度(50-100 mA/cm2)、和高電流開/關比(104)。此外,電晶
的氧化鋅電晶體中可橫向傳導數百微米的距離再向上注入至 OLED,因此
發光面積可透過光學微影氧化鋅圖樣來準確定義。摘要(英) This thesis studies the integration of inorganic zinc oxide transistors and
organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) to produce high-efficiency vertical light-
emitting transistors. The zinc oxide transistor is a top-contact/bottom-gate
structure, and transparent conductive film (ITO) is used as gate in sequence, and
then aluminum oxide and hafnium oxide are deposited by atomic layer
deposition(ALD) as a double dielectric layer with high dielectric constant and N-
type zinc oxide semiconductor layer, and then using the double-layer structure of
LOR and photoresist by photolithography, the insulating layer is coated with
silicon oxide to cover the silver source to suppress the off-state current, and finally
on the zinc oxide transistor stacked OLED, the anode of OLED is the drain above
the vertical transistor. This thesis studies two OLEDs to verify the versatility of
organic materials that can be stacked on vertical transistors which are spin-coated
polymer Super Yellow to produce yellow light OLED and vapor-deposit
phosphorescent molecules Ir(ppy)3 green light OLED. This thesis also uses the
Super Yellow light-emitting transistor as the framework to explore the influence
of designed comb-shaped source on the performance of the transistor to find the
optimal parameters of the source. Comparing the optimized vertical light-emitting
transistor with the standard OLED, it is found that the driving voltage, current
density, luminous intensity and efficiency are very close, which proves that the
integration of OLED on the zinc oxide transistor will not reduce the component
performance. Overal, both light-emitting transistors have low driving voltage
(<3V), high aperture ratio (>90%), high current density (50-100 mA/cm2), and
high current on/off ratio (104) . In addition, the light-emitting area of the transistor
and the zinc oxide pattern are highly corresponding to each other, and the light is
uniform, showing that a large number of electrons can be conducted laterally in
the high-conductivity zinc oxide transistor for a distance of hundreds of microns
and then injected upwards into the OLED. Therefore, the luminous area can be
accurately defined through the zinc oxide pattern of optical lithography.關鍵字(中) ★ 有機
★ 外部量子效應
★ 垂直電晶體
★ 氧化鋅
★ 有機發光二極體關鍵字(英) ★ Organic
★ External Quantum Efficiency
★ Vertical Transistor
★ Zno
★ Organic Light-Emitting Diode論文目次 摘要 ....................................................................................................................... v
Abstract ................................................................................................................ vi
致謝 .................................................................................................................... viii
目錄 ...................................................................................................................... ix
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................. xii
表目錄 ................................................................................................................ xvi
第一章 緒論 ......................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言 ...................................................................................................... 1
1-2 有機薄膜電晶體 .................................................................................. 2
1-3 垂直式電晶體...................................................................................... 4
1-4 有機發光二極體 ................................................................................. 8
1-5 研究動機與目的 ................................................................................. 9
第二章 基本原理 ............................................................................................... 10
2-1 垂直電晶體工作原理 ....................................................................... 10
2-1-1 垂直電晶體-轉換特性曲線與開/關電流比 ............................ 15
2-2 有機發光二極體工作原理 ............................................................... 16
2-2-1 有機發光二極體結構與理論 ................................................... 16
2-2-2 量子效率(Quantum Efficiency) .............................................. 19
第三章 實驗方法與架構 ................................................................................... 20
3-1 實驗材料及結構 ................................................................................. 20
3-1-1 介電體層材料 ........................................................................ 21
3-1-2 半導體層材料 ........................................................................ 22
3-1-3 有機發光層材料 .................................................................... 23
3-1-4 金屬源極材料 ........................................................................ 25
3-2 實驗儀器 ............................................................................................ 26
3-2-1 熱蒸鍍機(Thermal Evaporation Coater) ............................... 26
3-2-2 原子層沉積(Atomic Layer Deposition, ALD) ...................... 27
3-2-3 手動式光罩接合對準器(Mask and Bond Aligner) ............... 28
3-2-4 紫外光臭氧清潔機(UV-Ozone) ............................................ 29
3-2-5 旋轉塗佈機(Spin Coator) ...................................................... 30
3-2-6 阻抗分析儀(LF Impedance Analyzer) ................................... 30
3-2-7 手套箱(Glove Box) ................................................................ 31
3-2-8 半導體參數分析儀(Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer, SPA)
............................................................................................................. 32
3-3 垂直發光電晶體實驗方法及製程 ................................................... 33
第四章 結果與討論 ........................................................................................... 39
4-1 低電壓驅動下注入式垂直有機發光電晶體 ..................................... 39
4-1-1 下注入式氧化鋅垂直電晶體 .................................................................. 39
4-1-2 阻擋層SiOx ............................................................................................ 40
4-1-3 低電壓驅動下注入式高分子有機發光電晶體 ...................................... 41
4-2 圖案化梳狀源極 ................................................................................. 45
4-2-1 不同數量梳狀源極 .................................................................................. 45
4-2-2 不同 間距梳狀源極 ................................................................................ 49
4-3 低電壓驅動下注入式小分子有機發光電晶體 ................................. 52
第五章 結論與未來展望 ................................................................................... 59
參考文獻 ............................................................................................................. 60
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