摘要(英) |
Nowadays, The concept of Access Control exists everywhere in our daily life and can protect our asset from unauthorized use, for example us- ing badge to enter the company entrance gate or card key when you back to home. In the area of Information Security, Access Control, a part of Risk Management, is used to keep confidentiality, integrity and availabil- ity of information, which are usually called CIA triad, from unauthorized disclosure, disruption and access. Access to protected information must be restricted to people who are authorized to access the information. The computer programs, and in many cases the computers that process the information, must also be authorized. This requires that mechanisms are in place to control the access to protected information according to Access Control procedures or policies specified by Administrator. Essentially, the core of Access Control, procedures or policies are implemented to make the mechanism know how to ensure which subject is authorized to access what object within the organizations. The hardest part of Access Control is to create a suitable policy which can not restrict too strict or loose. SELinux is prevalently applied to cloud server and embedded system, but seldom people really know how to configure SELinux or correctly enable SELinux on their system. With the regulation and law progressing, vendors is asked to protect their devices with Access Control. However, there are less pa- pers describing how to apply SELinux on the system in technical detail. Hence, this paper is managed to help people enable and configure SELinux on their system step by step. |
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