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姓名 蔡宜蓁(Yi-Chen Tsai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 學習與教學研究所
論文名稱 家庭環境、個人因素及教科書詞彙的屬性與國小二年級學童詞彙學習成效的關係
(The Relationship between Family Environment, Personal Factors, Word Properties of The Chinese Language Textbook and The Learning Effect of Words of The Second Graders)
★ 以眼動型態探討背景知識對詞彙辨識的影響★ 合作寫作對於國小學童科學概念學習之影響
★ 影響國小學童家長送子女參加課後補習之相關因素研究---以桃園縣中壢市為例★ 國小學童圖文閱讀的理解策略
★ 幼童敘說書面故事之後設認知表現★ 新移民家庭子女口語敘說能力之發展
★ 圖文提示對學童閱讀科學說明文記憶與理解之影響★ 識字教學法與口語詞彙能力對新移民女性中文識字學習之影響
★ 先備知識對於不同閱讀能力的學童在閱讀歷程中自我提問的影響★ Exploring Computer-based Nature Science Instruction Based on the Cognitive Load Theory: Spatial Contiguity Effect, and Effects of Prior Knowledge on Performance Assessments
★ 教師示範與文本提示對國小學童自我解釋與閱讀理解表現之影響★ 國小學童之工作記憶能力對於閱讀理解監控表現的影響
★ 成人與幼童的言談行為分析:比較電子書與紙本書親子共讀的情境★ 探討幼兒的早期書寫表現及其影響因素
★ 探究教師閱讀教學自我效能與閱讀自我調整教學信念及實踐之關係★ 探討閱讀能力與文本架構對於國小學童使用理解策略的影響
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摘要(中) 本研究將探討學生家庭環境、個人因素、教科書詞彙屬性與國小二年級學童詞彙學習成效的關係。研究材料來自國小一年級與二年級上學期國語教科書,詞彙屬性包含詞頻、詞類與出現次數,發現低年級教科書中的詞彙多數只出現1次且多為名詞和動詞。

摘要(英) This study explored the relationship between family environment, personal factors, word properties of the Chinese language textbook and the learning effect of words of the second graders. These words were taken from the first and second year’s Chinese language textbooks where word properties including word frequency, times of appearance and word categories were considered. Almost all these words are nouns and verbs, and the word that appears once is the most.
We recruited 173 grade 2 students from eastern part and western part of Taiwan and measured their character size, word recognition and semantic knowledge of words in the textbook. We also used questionnaire to collect students’ family environment (location, parents’ education, shared-reading frequency ) and personal factors (character size, extracurricular reading frequency, borrowing book’s frequency ).In general, the average of passing rate was around 90% for both word recognition and sematic knowledge. In word recognition, all of the word properties did not explain the variance of difference, but word category was significant in explaining sematic knowledge variance. The lowest passing rate occurred when the word was low frequency, one time appearance, and verb. Character size is the most important factor predicting word learning in textbooks, followed by frequency of extracurricular reading and borrowing books.
On the whole, the vocabulary learning effect of the second grade students in the textbooks of elementary school is very good. It may be that these vocabularies are too simple for the lower grade students. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a follow-up study on the elementary school middle grades to check the current textbooks. Whether the difficulty of the vocabulary is too simple, causing the amount of extracurricular reading to continue to affect future reading performance.

words in textbooks, word category, words’ frequency, word’s appearance, family environment, personal factors, the learning effect of words.
關鍵字(中) ★ 教科書詞彙
★ 詞頻
★ 詞類
★ 詞彙出現次數
★ 家庭環境
★ 個人因素
★ 詞彙學習成效
關鍵字(英) ★ words in textbooks
★ word category
★ words’ frequency
★ word’s appearance
★ family environment
★ personal factors
★ the learning effect of words
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 ii
目錄 ii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 名詞解釋 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 詞彙出現次數對於詞彙學習的影響 9
第二節 詞頻效果對於詞彙學習的影響 13
第三節 詞類對於詞彙學習的影響 15
第四節 家庭環境對詞彙學習的影響 17
第五節 個人因素對詞彙學習的影響 20
第六節 文獻總結 23
第三章 研究方法 24
第一節 研究對象 24
第二節 研究工具 24
第三節 教科書詞彙測驗材料 26
第四章 結果 34
第一節 基本資料報告 35
第二節 詞彙測驗中詞彙屬性的變異數分析 38
第三節 家庭環境、個人因素與詞彙測驗結果分析 40
第四節 詞彙屬性與錯誤類型 46
第五章 討論與建議 50
第一節 結論 50
第二節 建議 54
參考文獻 56
附錄 63
附錄1 注音測驗試題總表與通過率_A卷 63
附錄2 注音測驗試題總表與通過率_B卷 64
附錄3 詞義測驗試題總表與通過率_A卷 65
附錄4 詞義測驗試題總表與通過率_B卷 67
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指導教授 辜玉旻(Yu-Min Ku) 審核日期 2021-1-25
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