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姓名 廖御超(YU-CHAO LIAO)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 在不同電極火花間距之貧油汽油主要參考燃料的層、紊流最小引燃能量量測
(Measurements of Laminar and Turbulent Minimum Ignition Energies on A Lean Gasoline Primary Reference Fuel at Various Electrode-Spark Gaps)
★ 蚶線形滑轉板轉子引擎設計與實作★ 實驗分析預混紊焰表面密度傳輸方程式及Bray-Moss-Libby模式
★ 低紊流強度預混焰之傳播及高紊流強度預混焰之熄滅★ 預混火焰與尾流交相干涉之實驗研究
★ 自由傳播預混焰與紊流尾流交互作用﹔火焰拉伸率和燃燒速率之量測★ 重粒子於泰勒庫頁提流場之偏好濃度與下沈速度實驗研究
★ 潔淨能源:高效率天然氣加氫燃燒技術與污染排放物定量量測★ 預混焰與紊流尾流交互作用時非定常應變率、曲率和膨脹率之定量量測
★ 實驗方式產生之均勻等向性紊流場及其於兩相流之應用★ 液態紊流噴流動能消散率場與微尺度間歇性 之定量量測
★ 預混焰和紊流尾流交互作用:拉伸率與輻射熱損失效應量測★ 四維質點影像測速技術與微尺度紊流定量量測
★ 潔淨能源:超焓燃燒器研發★ 小型熱再循環觸媒燃燒器之實驗研究及應用
★ 預混紊流燃燒:碎形特性、當量比 和輻射熱損失效應★ 預混甲烷紊焰拉伸量測,應用高速PIV
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摘要(中) 本研究使用高溫高壓雙腔體三維十字型風扇擾動紊流預混燃燒設備,配合電極火花引燃及其能量量測系統,量測汽油主要替代燃料(Primary reference fuel, PRF;即異辛烷加正庚烷)之層流與紊流最小引燃能量(Laminar and turbulent minimum ignition energy, MIET and MIEL)。此外,本實驗利用燃油預蒸發系統與加熱系統以確保PRF能夠被完全汽化。實驗條件為初始溫度T = 373K、初始壓力P = 1atm、當量比(equivalence ratio)  = 0.8,其有效Lewis數為Le ≈ 2.95 > 1,方均根紊流擾動速度u′ = 0 ~ 3.68 m/s。實驗結果主要包含三個部分:(1)量測PRF於不同混合比例下即不同辛烷值(Research octane number, RON = 0 - 100)之MIEL。實驗結果發現MIEL首先會隨著RON的上升而緩慢上升,當經過一臨界值約RON = 90時,MIEL會劇烈上升,整體呈現一非線性曲線。 (2)選定PRF95於不同電極探針間距(Electrode gap distance, dgap = 0.8 ~ 2.0 mm)條件下,進行層流(u′ = 0 m/s)與紊流(u′ = 2.76 m/s)之MIE量測,探討MIET與MIEL隨dgap之變化,並嘗試找出發生紊流促進引燃現象(Turbulent facilitate ignition, TFI)即MIET < MIEL之臨界dgap。實驗結果發現TFI僅存在於dgap = 0.8 mm,此時MIET = 30.1 mJ < MIEL = 26.8 mJ。在dgap = 1.0 mm時MIET = 24.4 mJ ≈ MIEL = 24.9 mJ,而在dgap = 1.5 與2.0 mm情況下,MIET >> MIEL,由以上結果可推測發生TFI的臨界電極探針間距為dgap = 1.0 mm。此外,根據MIET與MIEL隨dgap變化之關係,我們發現MIEL約正比於dgap-3,而MIET則正比於dgap-0.3,可知MIEL對於dgap的變化較MIET敏感。(3)選定dgap = 0.8與2.0 mm條件下,分別量測其紊流效應。在固定dgap = 0.8 mm條件下,我們發現MIET值隨著u′值之增加呈現非單調曲線,即當u′ < 2.76 m/s有TFI (MIET < MIEL),最小MIET值發生於u′ = 1.84 m/s,而當u′ > 2.76 m/s時,MIE會大幅度地上升,此時MIET > MIEL,情節又回到傳統認知,即紊流會使引燃更加困難。而於2.0 mm情況下,我們發現一MIE轉變(MIE Transition)現象,MIET值會先隨著u′值增加而呈線型上升,於u′ = 2.3 m/s後,MIET值會隨u′值之增加而呈指數性急遽地增加。此外,計算發生MIE轉變臨界點之Karlovitz數(Karlovitz number),即臨界Karlovitz數(Kac),將之與先前文獻所量測之不同燃料:貧油氫氣( = 0.18, Le = 0.3)、富油氫氣( = 5.1, Le = 2.3)、甲烷( = 0.6-1.3, Le ≈ 1.0)與貧油異辛烷( = 0.8, Le = 2.98)進行比較,觀測Kac隨Le的變化。結果發現Kac會隨著Le的上升而下降,呈現一關係式:Kac ~ Le-2,顯示在預混紊流火燄區域圖(Regime diagram of premix turbulent flames)中發生MIE轉變之標準需考量Le之變化。
摘要(英) This thesis measures laminar and turbulent minimum ignition energies (MIET and MIEL) for binary blends of iso-octane and n-heptane, referred to as Primary Reference Fuel (PRF), at initial condition of T = 373K, P = 1 atm, equivalence ratio  = 0.8 with effective Lewis number Le = 2.95 >> 1 over wide ranges of r.m.s. turbulent fluctuation velocity u′ = 0 ~ 3.68 m/s. Spark ignition experiments are conducted in a high pressure/temperature, fan-stirred, large dual-chamber, premixed turbulent 3D cruciform combustion facility capable of generating isotropic turbulence with electrical spark ignitor and energy measurement system. A heating system and a pre-vaporized system are applied to make sure that PRF can be well evaporated. The results mainly consist of three parts: (1) MIEL is measured on the blends of iso-octane and n-heptane showing the effect of research octane number (RON). Result shows that the MIEL firstly increases gradually with RON. Then, after a critical value about RON = 90, the MIEL increases drastically showing a non-linear curve. (2) The MIE of PRF95/air mixture is measured under laminar (u′ = 0 m/s) and turbulent (u′ = 2.76 m/s) condition with different electrode gap distance (dgap) and trying to find the critical dgap that occurs turbulent facilitate ignition (TFI, namely MIET < MIEL). Results show that TFI is found only at dgap = 0.8 mm < 1 mm that MIET = 30.1 mJ < MIEL = 26.8 mJ, while MIET = 24.4 mJ ≈ MIEL = 24.9 mJ at dgap = 1 mm. The situation comes back to common notion that turbulence makes ignition more difficult that MIET > MIEL at dgap = 1.5 and 2 mm > 1 mm. The result suggests that the critical dgap might be dgap = 1 mm. Moreover, according to the correlation of MIE and dgap, MIEL is proportional to dgap-3, but MIET is proportional to dgap-0.3 showing that MIEL is relatively sensitive to dgap effect compare to MIET. (3) MIET is measured over a wide range of u′ with two different dgap which is 0.8 mm (TFI) and 2.0 mm (No TFI), respectively. At dgap = 0.8 mm, we discover the curve of MIET versus u′ is non-monotonic: TFI (MIET < MIEL) occurs when u′ < 2.76 m/s, where the lowest MIET takes place at u′ = 1.84 m/s. When u′ > 2.76 m/s, MIET increases drastically and the scenario returns back to the common notion that turbulence renders ignition more difficult. Furthermore, at dgap = 2 mm, a MIE transition is found, in which the value of MIET firstly increases linearly with the increase of u′ and then its increase becomes exponentially when u′ > 2.3 m/s. Moreover, the critical Karlovitz number (Kac) indicating the Ka at turning point of MIE transition is calculated. The result plotted with previous data: lean hydrogen ( = 0.18, Le = 0.3), rich hydrogen ( = 5.1, Le = 2.3), methane ( = 0.6 ~ 1.3, Le ≈ 1.0), and iso-octane ( = 0.8, Le = 2.98). It shows that Kac increases with the decrease of Le having a correlation of Kac ~ Le-2, which suggests that the criterion of Kac that occurs MIE transition in Borghi diagram should consider about the effect of Le.
關鍵字(中) ★ 層流和紊流最小引燃能量
★ 紊流促進引燃現象
★ 最小引燃能量轉變
★ 火花電極間距效應
★ 路易斯數效應
關鍵字(英) ★ Laminar and turbulent minimum ignition energies
★ turbulent facilitated ignition
★ minimum ignition energy transition
★ electrode gap distance effects
★ Lewis number effect
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
Content vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Nomenclature xii
第一章 導論 1
ChapterⅠ Introduction 3
1.1 Background and motivation 3
1.1.1 Premixed lean and turbulent combustion technology 3
1.1.2 Minimum Ignition Energy 5
1.1.3 MIE transition and turbulent facility ignition 5
1.1.4 Primary reference fuel 6
1.2 Objectives of this study 6
1.3 Thesis outline 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
Chapter II Literature Review 11
2.1 The formation and development of the flame 11
2.2 Concept and definition of minimum ignition energy 12
2.3 The parameter that affect minimum ignition energy 12
2.3.1 Fuel species and equivalence effect 12
2.3.2 Initial temperature and pressure effect 13
2.3.3 Quenching distance and electrode gap effect 14
2.3.4 Electrode geometry and material effect 14
2.4 Turbulence 15
2.4.1 MIE transition 16
2.4.2 Turbulent facilitated ignition 20
第三章 實驗設備與方法 37
Chapter Ⅲ Experimental facility and method 39
3.1 Premixed turbulent combustion facility 39
3.1.1 Heating system on the 3D cruciform burner 40
3.1.2 Fuel pre-vaporization system 40
3.2 Minimum ignition energy measurement 41
3.2.1 Logistical Regression 41
3.3 Experimental procedure 42
第四章 實驗結果與討論 48
Chapter IV Results and Discussions 50
4.1 RON effect on MIE 50
4.2 Electrode gap distance effect on MIE 51
4.3 The turbulence effect on MIE for different dgap 52
第五章 結論與未來工作 60
Chapter V Conclusion and Future Work 62
5.1 Conclusion 62
5.2 Future work 63
References 64
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指導教授 施聖洋(Shenq-Yang Shy) 審核日期 2020-10-5
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