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姓名 王廷瑜(Ting-Yu Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 利用地電阻影像法與室內電阻率試驗探討地下構造特性 —以臺灣中部初鄉斷層為例
(Investigation of the Subsurface Structure by Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Laboratory Resistivity Test – A Case Study on the Chusiang Fault, Central Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 臺灣中部的初鄉斷層為車籠埔斷層的分支斷層,呈東北-西南走向的活動動層,位於車籠埔斷層至雙冬斷層之間,東北側往雙冬斷層延伸;西南側則併入車籠埔斷層。此斷層於濁水溪以及東埔蚋溪河岸出露良好且連續的露頭,兩溪之間多受植被覆蓋難以確定斷層跡位置,導致前人繪製的斷層跡存在差異。因此,本研究在針對濁水溪與東埔蚋溪之間的初鄉底地區進行地電阻探測,為了納入所有可能為斷層跡的區域,將調查寬度設為812公尺,由於地形的限制而將部分線型西側的測線範圍修正為往東側延伸。本研究進行電阻率影像剖面法(Electrical Resistivity Tomography, ERT)施測時採用電極間距為8公尺,並配合非傳統的CPP陣列電極配置以增加放電電極的數量使施測過程更加快速。
摘要(英) The Chusiang fault in central Taiwan is located between the Chelongpu fault and the Shuangdong fault. It extends northeastwards to the Shuangdong fault and merges into the Chelongpu fault to the southwest. The Chushiang fault is difficult to trace because it’s mostly covered by vegetation, except the Zhuoshui riverbank and Dongpuri riverbank. Several versions of fault traces proposed by previous studies are noticeably different. In this study, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) was used with an electrode spacing of 8 meters, and the non-traditional CPP array electrode configuration was used to increase the number of discharge electrodes to make the measuring process faster. The survey line trending NW to SE was up as 812 meters long in order to cover all the probable extent that the fault trace may pass through.
The data will be adapted to perform the inversion of the electrical resistivity profile with the EarthImager 2D software in order to decipher the distribution of the underground resistivity.
According to the inversion results, the resistivity ranges from 10 to 100 Ω-m over the whole section, and it exhibits relatively high values (about 90-100 Ω-m) in the sector near the ground surface. Beneath this sector, there is an abnormally high resistivity of about 60-100 Ω-m appearing in an extent of about 60 meters wide in the distance of one-third of the section from the northwest end. Two sectors with low resistivity of about 10-25 Ω-m, are adjacent to this high-resistivity extent, 30 meters wide to the NW and 130 meters to the SE, respectively. The resistivity of the remaining sectors is relatively uniform without much variation. Therefore, besides the resistivity discontinuity beneath the high-resistivity sector sub-parallel to the ground, four resistivity discontinuities can also be laterally distinguished.
Two boreholes on the survey line and laboratory resistivity tests were conducted to decipher the variations in the resistivity profile. Integrating the logging of two boreholes and the ERT, it is shown that the resistivity change in the profile is roughly close to the lithological boundary, and the sector with high resistivity near the ground surface is correlated to the unsaturated colluvium or weathered soil which could be confirmed by the outcrops on the ground surface. The laboratory resistivity test results show that the main significant factor affecting resistivity variation is water content, followed by rock properties. Comparing the result from the ERT with the one from the laboratory resistivity test, we believe that there are a lot of fractures existing within the strata in those regions, including the sector of abnormally high resistivity and its two adjacent low-resistivity sectors. However, the high-resistivity area likely means that the fractures contain no water and vice versa. The strata in the remaining areas without much variation in resistivity should be relatively intact and have no significant difference in water content.
The region with high resistivity variation bounded by electrical discontinuities may be the Chusiang fault zone inferred from the dense fracture distribution and highly localized deformation in the rock cores. The northwestern edge of the fault zone is about 130 meters away from the northwest endpoint of the survey line, the horizontal width is about 370 meters, and the fault zone dips to the southeast at the angle of 55°. Comparing with the outcrops data, it is found that the dip angles of strata on the west side of borehole CS-1A are 70° to 76°, higher than the dip angle at the shallow part which is about 50°. This indicates the electrical discontinuity showed on the westernmost side of the profile may be the position where the Chusiang main fault passes. The remaining electrical discontinuities may be the branch faults based on the evidence that the electrical discontinuities which the borehole penetrated correlate with shear zones appearing in the rock cores.
關鍵字(中) ★ 初鄉斷層
★ 電阻率影像剖面
★ 室內電阻率
關鍵字(英) ★ Chusiang fault
★ Electrical Resistivity Tomography
★ Laboratory resistivity test
論文目次 摘要................... I
Abstract............... III
致謝................... V
目錄................... VI
圖目錄................. IX
表目錄................. XII
第1章 緒論........... 1
1.1 前言........... 1
1.2 研究動機與目的.. 1
第2章 區域地質........ 3
2.1 地體構造........ 3
2.2 區域地質概況.... 4
2.2.1 地形........... 4
2.2.2 地層........... 6
2.2.3 地質構造........ 9
2.2.4 現地露頭概況.... 11
第3章 文獻回顧........ 13
3.1 初鄉斷層相關研究................ 13
3.1.1 初鄉斷層前人野外調查與活動性...... 13
3.1.2 地球物理方法相關研究............. 15
3.2 地電阻法................ 17
3.2.1 地電阻法的演進.......... 17
3.2.2 地電阻法的應用範圍....... 18
3.2.3 應用地電阻探測活動斷層... 18
第4章 研究方法與原理.......... 20
4.1 地電阻影像法............ 20
4.1.1 直流電阻簡介............ 20
4.1.2 地電阻的施測與反演....... 22
4.2 室內岩樣電阻率試驗....... 34
4.3 岩心分析................ 39
第5章 研究結果................ 40
5.1 地電阻測線剖面.......... 40
5.2 室內電阻率實驗.......... 45
5.3 鑽井成果判釋............ 55
第6章 討論........................... 57
6.1 現地電阻率與鑽井結果與對比....... 57
6.1.1 鑽井深度內電阻率變化............. 59
6.2 室內電阻率試驗.................. 63
6.2.1 岩石飽和度對電阻率影響........... 63
6.2.2 其他因素影響.................... 68
6.2.3 影響程度比較.................... 73
6.3 地電阻剖面解釋.................. 77
6.3.1 近地表高電阻率區域............... 77
6.3.2 中線以西電阻率異常變化區......... 78
6.3.3 剖面兩側區域.................... 81
6.4 地質模型與綜合討論............... 82
第7章 結論........................... 87
參考文獻................................ 88
附錄A.................................. 92
附錄B.................................. 95
附錄C.................................. 117
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指導教授 黃文正 陳建志(Wen-Jeng Huang Chien-Chih Chen) 審核日期 2021-1-14
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