摘要(英) |
The changes in the general environment have created more and more people to
focus on the quality of life. From the perspective of employees, if the salary and benefits
of employees are lower than those in the external market, employees will consider
leaving and affecting their retention. Therefore, the implementation of employee salary
and employee welfare systems is not only a weapon for companies to maintain their
sustainable competitive advantages, but also conducive to enhancing employees’
motivation to work for the organization and reducing employees’ sense of burnout at
work, making the organization committed to retaining talents.
Based on this, employee turnover rate is very important and will affect the
financial performance of the organization. Therefore, this study sets the employee
turnover rate as an intermediary variable; in addition, both salary and benefits drive
employees to work hard in the organization, therefore, it is also a key decision for an
organization to make a decision when both factors are important.Based on the above, this research uses the data sample sources from 2018 to 2019 provided by the Taiwan Economic News (TEJ) and the Open Information Observatory
database to explore the relationship between employee salaries, employee benefits, employee turnover, and organizational performance. And use the regression analysis of the statistical software STATA to verify the intermediary effect of its employee turnover rate. At the same time, through the regression analysis of the salary and benefits compared to the organizational performance and employee turnover rate, the importance of employee salary and employee benefits is discussed, and conclusions and related suggestions are put forward. |
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