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姓名 王暐翔(Wei-Hsiang Wang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班 論文名稱 Analyzing Early Termination and Transfer of BOT Infrastructure Projects in Taiwan
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摘要(中) 建造-運營-移轉(BOT)是一種政府把要新蓋的公共建設,交給民間出資興建及經營一段時間後,再將所有權移轉政府的模式,民間機構從主辦機關獲得特許權,得以參與透過投資公共基礎設施提供各種社會所需之服務。關於BOT案件的進程,有幾個重要的里程碑,包括:1.主辦機關向民間機構提供土地特許權; 2.建設階段,通常是以統包工程或設計建造的形式; 3.測試並運營已建成的設施,並4.將已建成的設施和土地特許權移轉回主辦機關。
可以肯定的是,大多數在期前終止的BOT項目中的參與者不僅處於敵對狀態,而且他們也沒有足夠的時間來處理此事件。但是,基於互惠互利的原則,本研究將移轉失敗定義為無法成功解決紛爭之結果。本研究旨在詳細研究失敗的期前終止BOT案件的轉移。而且,本研究將試圖制定出更好的指南,而本研究所參照指南最初是由財政部促參司委託臺灣世曦工程顧問公司提出的。本研究亦推出具有良好監督系統的BOT契約範本,以供未來主辦機關以及民間機構有一更和諧且能預防移轉失敗之契約條款。摘要(英) Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) is a project delivery model that a private institution receives a concession from the authority in charge to participate in providing various social functions by public infrastructure investment. There are several key milestones concerning the progress of a BOT project, including: 1. the authority in charge’s offer of land concession to the private institution; 2.the construction stage, often in the form of turnkey or design-build; 3. the commissioning of operation of the built facility, and 4. the transfer of built facility and land concession to the authority in charge.
Among these milestones, the transfer milestone perhaps involves most aspects of risks to the parties. Parties are aware that this is the milestone in which the parties depart from each other legally, thus all matters concerned will have to be dealt with and finalized before legal severance. This creates a vast “game” series between the party when approaching the final stage of operation.
Granted the fact that, parties in most early-terminated BOT projects are not only in a hostile situation but also they will not have sufficient time to encounter the incident. Yet, based on the principle of mutual benefit, transfer failure is defined as when the disputes could not be solved by the parties in this study. This work aims to investigate failed early-termination BOT project transfer in detail. What’s more, this work also attempts to develop a better guideline, which is originally proposed by CECI, and the template of BOT project contract with a good supervising system, to allow the authority in charge and the private institution in BOT projects to have harmonic proposals for transfer contract terms.關鍵字(中) ★ BOT
★ 移轉階段
★ 契約範本
★ 促參法關鍵字(英) ★ BOT
★ Transfer
★ Contract Template
★ Rule of Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Project論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aim and Objectives 1
1.3 Research Methodology 2
1.3.1 Research Methods 2
1.3.2 Research Procedure 2
1.4 Structure of the Thesis 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 BOT Literature Review 5
2.1.1 Conception of PPP 5
2.1.2 Introduction of PPP Genres in Taiwan 6
2.1.3 Background 7
2.1.4 Pros and Cons of BOT 8
2.1.5 Applicability of BOT in Taiwan 9
2.2 Risks of BOT 9
2.2.1 Current Researches of BOT Risk Management 9
2.3 Risk Management of Transfer Phase 10
2.4 Current BOT Contract 11
Chapter 3 Problem Statement 11
3.1 Introduction of Early-Terminated BOT Cases in Taiwan 11
3.1.1 Statistics of Early-Terminated BOT Cases 11
3.1.2 Factors Leading to Early-Termination of BOT Cases 14
3.1.3 Life-Cycle Analysis of Terminated BOT Cases 17
3.2 Early-Terminated BOT Project Transferring Guideline (Including Appraisal Procedure) 18
3.2.1 Main Content of Early-Terminated BOT Project Transferring Guideline 18
3.2.2 Applicability of Guideline 20
3.2.3 Appraisal and Latent Disputes 22
3.3 Definition of Transfer Failure 24
3.4 Targets of Research 26
Chapter 4 Methodology 27
4.1 Case Studies 27
4.1.1 Chung Cheng University Third Phase Student Dormitory BOT Project 27
4.1.2 XiuLang Elementary School Swimming Pool BOT Project 31
4.1.3 Private Investment in the Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT) Plan for Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area 34
4.1.4 National Museum of Marine Science and Technology BOT Project 41
4.1.5 Taitung Holiday Resort BOT Project 44
4.2 Effects of Early Termination 47
4.3 Analysis of Cases 49
4.3.1 Failure Factors of Transfer Failure 50
4.3.2 Drivers of the Failure Factors 51
4.4 Expert Interviews/Opinions 54
4.5 Findings 55
4.6 Suggestions (BOT License) 56
4.6.1 Suggestion to Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects 57
4.6.2 Suggestion to BOT Contract Template 60
4.6.3 Suggestion to Early-Terminated BOT Project Transferring Guideline (Including Appraisal Procedure) 62
4.7 Verification of Thoughts 63
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Discussion 63
5.1 Conclusion 63
5.2 Contribution of BOT 64
5.3 Limitations 65
5.4 Recommendation for Future Research 65
Appendix 67
Interview Record 1 67
Interview Record 2 81
Interview Record 3 83
Interview Record 4 85
Interview Record 5 86
Interview Record 6 88
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