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姓名 武忠孝(Trung Hieu Vo)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
論文名稱 具有水下超親脂性的兩棲和超兩親性聚苯乙烯孔洞材料
(Amphibious superamphiphilic polystyrene monolith with underwater superoleophilicity)
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摘要(中) 三維多孔聚苯乙烯整料是通過乳液模板製備的,它通過快速(在幾秒鐘內)吸收水和油滴在空氣中表現出超兩親性。當製備的聚苯乙烯整料浸入水中時,觀察到類似的行為並證明其兩棲超兩親性。在水下環境中,整料很容易充滿水,當與油滴接觸時,水可以完全被油取代,稱為水下超親油性。這些有趣的特性可歸因於乳液模板中提供的高孔隙率以及聚合後保留在互連孔界面處的親水和親油域。所製備的整料能夠吸收至少 20 種類型的溶劑,其最大吸收能力與其他聚苯乙烯吸收劑的性能相當。此外,水和癸烷吸收和解吸10次循環後吸收能力保持不變,表明其具有良好的可重複使用性。由於對油的高親和力,這種充滿水的整料能夠去除水中的溢油和有機污染物,並且可以用作水下捕油的高級吸收劑。
摘要(英) Three-dimensional porous polystyrene monolith was fabricated by emulsion templating and it showed superamphiphilicity in the air by absorption of both water and oil droplets rapidly (within seconds). When as-prepared polystyrene monolith was immersed in water, similar behaviors were observed and demonstrated its amphibious superamphiphilicity. In underwater environment, the monolith can be easily filled with water which can be completely displaced by oil as contact with oil droplets, referred to as underwater superoleophilicity. Those interesting properties can be attributed to high porosity provided in emulsion templating and the hydrophilic and oleophilic domains which remain at the interface of interconnected pores after polymerization. The as-prepared monolith was able to absorb at least twenty types of solvents and the maximum uptake capacity was comparable to the performances of other polystyrene absorbents. Moreover, the absorbing capacity remained unchanged after 10 cycles of water and decane absorption and desorption, indicating its good reusability. With the high affinity toward oil, the water-filled monolith is able to remove oil spillage and organic pollutants from water and it can be used as an advanced absorbent for underwater oil capture.
關鍵字(中) ★ 兩棲
★ 超兩親性
★ 多孔
★ 孔洞材料
關鍵字(英) ★ Amphibious
★ superamphiphilic
★ porous
★ monolith
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements III
Contents IV
List of Figures V
2-1 Materials 4
2-2 Preparation method 4
2-2-1 Preparation of emulsion glass 4
2-2-2 Polymerization of porous polystyrene monolith based on emulsion templating 4
2-3 Characterization 5
2-3-1 Observation of emulsion glass 5
2-3-2 Characterization of porous polystyrene monolith 5
2-4 Solvent absorption capacities and reusability test of the monolith 5
3-1 Synthesis and characterization of macroporous polystyrene monolith 6
3-2 Superamphiphilic property and amphibious superamphiphilicity 9
3-3 Solvent absorption capacity and application in oil removal 12
Chapter 4 CONCLUSION 15
Chapter 5 REFERENCES 16
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指導教授 曹恆光(Heng-Kwong Tsao) 審核日期 2021-6-28
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