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姓名 賴彥廷(Yan-Ting Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 紅外線熱感系統多人臉偵測溫度補償校正之研究
(Multi-face Detection with Temperature Compensation and Correction Analysis on Infrared Thermal System)
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摘要(中) 罹患新冠肺炎產生的主要症狀之一為發燒,因應此特性去加以防止病毒傳播,公共場域均開始設置溫度管控機制,過往確認發燒病患,多採用額溫槍體溫量測,不僅耗時且耗力,也可能因近距離接觸而產生感染風險,少部分中大型場域及公司機關使用紅外線熱像儀大範圍測溫,然而常因其他非人臉熱源干擾,產生錯誤誤告警示,且人潮流量大時,監督人員可能無法即時兼顧。
摘要(英) One of the main symptom of COVID-19 is fever. In response to this feature, to prevent the spread of the virus, temperature control mechanisms have been set up in public places. In the past, patients with fever have been confirmed to use a forehead thermometer to measure their body temperature. This is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also there may be a risk of infection due to close contact. Some medium and large fields and corporate agencies use infrared thermal imaging cameras to measure temperature in a wide range. However, it is often caused false alarms by interference from other non-face heat sources, and when there are too many people, the supervisor may not be able to take care of it immediately.
This article introduces some concepts and principles of infrared thermal imaging, using a hardware thermal imaging lens to non-contact measurement of human face temperature, adding software research for the two functions of "Multi-face motion detection" and "Temperature compensation correction". Optimize the hardware through software to effectively improve the detection accuracy and integrate it into an advanced version of the intelligent thermal system.
Practical setup of the system for data analysis to verify three parameters. The first is that the face detection success rate is greater than 95%, the second is that the non-face temperature false detection rate is less than 5%, and the third is that the standard deviation of distance and temperature σ is less than 0.5°C. The experimental results can accurately capture the body temperature of more than ten dynamic personnel, and actively restrict the entry of people with abnormal body temperature through the alarm function, which could also quickly digest the flow of people in line, and achieve the effect of intelligent epidemic prevention.
關鍵字(中) ★ 紅外線
★ 熱像儀
★ 熱感系統
關鍵字(英) ★ Infrared
★ Thermal imager
★ Thermal system
論文目次 中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 論文貢獻 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 1
1-3 論文架構 2
第二章 體溫 3
2-1 人體體溫 3
2-2 發燒(Fever) 4
2-3 體溫量測方式 4
第三章 紅外線發展 6
3-1 紅外線歷史 6
3-2 紅外線熱影像原理 7
3-2-1 紅外線定義 7
3-2-2 紅外線輻射產生 8
3-2-3 紅外線系統分類 9
3-2-4 紅外線系統組成和工作原理 9
3-3 紅外線攝溫影像 10
3-3-1 紅外線攝溫影像原理 10
3-3-2 紅外線熱像儀原理 10
第四章 紅外線基本理論 12
4-1 黑體(Black body) 12
4-2 灰體(Gray body) 14
4-3 普朗克定律(Planck’s Distribution Law) 14
4-4 史蒂芬波茲曼定律(Stefan-Boltzmann Law) 15
4-5 偉恩位移定理(Wien’s Displacement Law) 15
4-6 克希荷夫定理定律(Kirchhoff’s Law) 16
4-7 吸收(Absorption)、反射(Reflection)、穿透(Transmission) 16
第五章 設計架構與步驟 17
5-1 系統架構 17
5-1-1 硬體規格 17
5-1-2 軟體規格 19
5-2 研究步驟 21
5-2-1 熱像儀溫度標準校正 22
5-2-2 溫度與測量距離關係 23
5-2-3 影像物體標記(Image Object Label) 24
5-2-4 影像分類(Image Classification Label)與訓練(Training) 25
5-2-5 軟體整合 26
第六章 設計結果 28
6-1 距離與溫度標準差比較 28
6-2 人臉偵測成功率 29
6-3 非人臉溫度誤偵測率 31
第七章 結論 32
7-1 研究成果 32
7-2 未來展望 32
參考文獻 33
附錄 34
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指導教授 張榮森 審核日期 2021-7-9
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