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姓名 莊文豪(Wen-Hao Chuang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 二十一點遊戲之正確期望值模型:以遞迴之方式實行隨機訊號處理
(An Exact Expectation Model for Blackjack Game: A Recursive Stochastic Signal Processing Approach)
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摘要(中) 很多遊戲都可透過智慧運算計算出最佳的選擇以及結果。撲克牌的二十一點遊戲是其中一種簡單且最普遍的。二十一點遊戲在不同地區常會有不同規則。玩家如何執行最佳策略以及它對應的期望值在過去七十年有太多書籍與文章界研究它。若期望值大於零表示玩家玩的次數很大時,玩家會贏;反之亦然。玩家最在乎的是在執行最佳策略後之期望值是否會如書本與電影所說的會大於零呢?
摘要(英) The best choices and results of many games can obtain through intelligent computation. The blackjack game is a simple and most common one. Blackjack games often have different rules in different regions. How the player can execute the best strategy and obtain its corresponding expectation value have been discussed by many books and articles it in the past seventy years. As the expectation value is greater than zero, the player will win the game in a long term, and vice versa. What a player really concerns is whether the expectation value is positive if he already executes the best strategy?
There are two approaches to obtain the best strategy and expectation values. The first approach is to perform computer simulations, and the second approach is to build mathematical models. It is obvious that there are too many permutations in the game. However, under each game rule, the number of simulations must be very large, and the simulation time is too long to be accepted. Moreover, academically we wish the best strategy and the exact analytical expectation value can be obtained. Many articles built mathematical and statistical models to obtain approximate analytical value based on some estimations that will introduce some bias in the result.
This thesis uses the sequence of the poker cards as the input signal. Assume that the cards are shuffled cleanly before the game so that the input signal can be treated as a random signal. Generally speaking, the game uses many decks and the cards will be shuffled after just playing few games to prevent that player can guess the probability of subsequent cards based on the previous appeared cards. Consequently, it can be assumed that the number of poker decks is infinite. This thesis will propose a random signal processing algorithm to determine the best strategy and its corresponding expectation value for the player. First, I apply a tree-based structure algorithm to exhaustive list all the permutations of the dealer’s card, calculate the probability distribution of dealer’s final points and use the recursive algorithm, the best strategy and expectation values without error or deviation under various game rules can be obtained within a second. Next, I will answer whether the expectation value is positive under each game rule.
Finally, the accuracy of the proposed analytical result is confirmed through computer simulations. I found that the expectation values based on these two approaches are asymptotically identical as the number of simulations approaches several billion that shows the correctness of the analytical values.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧運算
★ 訊號處理
★ 遞迴
★ 樹狀結構
★ 解析解
關鍵字(英) ★ intelligent calculation
★ signal processing
★ recursion
★ analytic solution
論文目次 摘要 i
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 1
1-3 研究架構與流程 1
1-3-1 規則說明 1
1-3-2 模型假設 2
1-3-3 研究方法 2
1-3-4 研究流程 3
1-4 文獻回顧 3
二、 莊家之機率 4
2-1 莊家明牌與最終點數之出現機率 4
2-2 修正莊家為Blackjack的機率 6
三、 最佳策略與期望值 7
3-1 玩家停牌點數之期望值 7
3-2 補牌策略表與期望值 9
3-2-1 Hard hands點數大於10點之策略與期望值 10
3-2-2 Soft hands之策略與期望值 11
3-2-3 Hard hands點數小於11點之策略與期望值 13
3-2-4 Ace應該作為1點或11點? 14
3-3 特別規則之策略與期望值 15
3-3-1 投降(Surrender)策略與期望值 15
3-3-2 分牌(Splitting)策略與期望值 16
3-3-3 雙倍下注(Double Down)策略與期望值 18
3-4 最佳化策略下之遊戲期望值 22
四、 模擬結果與誤差 24
五、 結論與未來展望 26
5-1 討論 26
5-1-1 有限牌組數量的影響 26
5-1-2 近似期望值的影響 26
5-1-3 心理因素的影響 26
5-2 結論 27
5-3 未來展望 27
參考文獻 28
附錄一 29
附錄二 33
附錄三 35
附錄四 38
附錄五 39
附錄六 41
參考文獻 [1] R. R. Baldwin, W. E. Cantey, H. Maisel, and J. P. McDermott, "The optimum strategy in blackjack," Journal of the American Statistical Association, vol. 51, no. 275, pp. 429-439, 1956.
[2] E. Thorp, "A favorable strategy for twenty-one," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 110, 1961.
[3] A. Manson, A. Barr, and J. Goodnight, "Optimum zero-memory strategy and exact probabilities for 4-deck blackjack," The American Statistician, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 84-88, 1975.
[4] N. R. Werthamer, N. R. Werthamer, and Drougas, Risk and Reward. Springer, 2009.
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指導教授 王淵弘(Yung-Hung Wang) 審核日期 2021-9-28
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