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姓名 胡貝尼(BENI HUTAJULU)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 亞際文化研究國際學位學程
論文名稱 《家》的冷戰記憶政治:印尼1965-66大屠殺與政治流亡的歷史形構
(The Cold War Politics of Memory: The Indonesian Killings of 1965-66 and the Historical Formations of Political Exiles in Home)
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摘要(中) 摘 要

本研究探討印尼流亡者的流亡之路,以及探討小說 ⟪家⟫ (Home) 之中的印尼流亡者,其對於理解全球政治形態和跨世代記憶當中的重要性。由萊拉·薩利哈·楚多里 (Leila Salikha Chudori) 撰寫小說 ⟪家⟫ (Home),描述印尼1965年進行反共屠殺,以及其對冷戰期間全球政治活動可能的影響。藉涉入關於前政治犯於 ⸢記憶政策⸥ (politics of memory) 之中的觀點,以及跨代間過去的互動,本研究調查印尼流亡者的經歷,以了解冷戰敘事框架之外的全球政治活動其複雜性。

經由閱讀小說中對印尼流亡者經歷的描述,本研究提議將印尼流亡者的流亡之路,定位為研究政治結構的另類途徑,同時作為印尼流亡者以及其世代的身分建構。萊拉·薩利哈·楚多里建構複雜的敘述,針對反共屠殺所造成的政治矛盾,提供了另類的歷史調查,而非老調重彈人們已過度孰悉的冷戰意識形態分歧。藉由印尼流亡者以及其流亡海外經歷,從全球和跨國的角度看待印尼的國內政治。此外,本研究亦認為,對歷史中的暴力 (historical violence) 重新審視,能作為第三世界自由化 (liberation) 一個新的起點。此外,在新秩序時代 (Orde Baru;為蘇哈托統治時期1966-1998年的代名詞)時代的政治運作下,印尼擴大了潛在國家認同者與國家認同之間的隔閡。正如小說中所描繪的,印尼流亡者的記憶於世代間傳播,促進我們對冷戰期間反共意識形態下的種族、國族主義、身份認同的批判性思考。

摘要(英) Abstract

This thesis will discuss the Indonesian exile’s trajectories and their significance in understanding the global political formation and the intergenerational memory in the novel Home. Written by Leila Salikha Chudori, Home discussing the communist killing in Indonesia in 1965 and its implications to the global political movement during the Cold War era. By engaging the politics of memory concerning the ex- prisoners’ perspectives and the historical interactions among different generations, my analysis ultimately investigates the Indonesian exile’s experiences to understand the complexities of the global political movement outside of the Cold War narrative.
By reading the representation of Indonesian exile’s experience in the novel, this research propose to situate the Indonesian exiles trajectories as another way to investigate the political formation and the identity construction for the Indonesian exiles and their generation. Chudori develops complex narratives and offers an alternative historical investigation of the political contradictions entailed by the 1960’s massacre rather than rehearsing the familiar Cold War ideological divides. Through the Indonesian exiles and their diasporic experiences, we are led to see national politics from a global and transnational perspective. This research also consider the literary revisit of historical violence as a renewed starting point for imagining third world liberation. Moreover, through the political mechanism during the New Order era in Indonesia (Orde Baru by Soeharto in 1966-1998), the nation reinforces the border that separates those who can be included in to the national community. The memory transmission across generations of Indonesian exiles, as it is represented in the novel, advances our critical understanding of nationalism, identity, and race concerning to Cold War anti-communist ideology.

Keywords: cold war, Indonesian exiles, coup, mass killing, memory, identity
關鍵字(中) ★ 冷戰
★ 印尼流亡者
★ 政變
★ 大屠殺
★ 記憶
★ 身份認同
關鍵字(英) ★ Cold War
★ indonesian exiles
★ coup
★ mass killing
★ memory
★ identity
論文目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
Table of Contents iv
Chapter I : Introduction 1
1.1 History of the 1965 Incident and Its Development 2
1.2 Beyond the Official History: 1965 Incident in the Contemporary Indonesian Literature) 7
1.3 Remembering the Past Incident 16
1.4 Organization of Study 18
Chapter II : The Political Formations and the Historical Trajectories of Indonesian Exiles in Home 20
2.1 Indonesian Exiles Trajectories in the Global Politics of the 1960s 21
2.2 Towards the Remembering: The Leftist Political Image in Home 28
Chapter III : Intergenerational Memory and Reconstruction of Identity in Home 34
3.1 Pancasila Sanctity Day: The Border of Nationalism and Political Identity Construction in Post-1965 35
3.2 Intergenerational Memory: Lintang Utara in Searching for the Identity and Belonging 42
Chapter IV : Conclusion 50
Work Cited 54
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指導教授 林建廷(Chien-Ting Lin) 審核日期 2021-7-23
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