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姓名 亞菲(M. Afif Ismail)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 漸近德西特時空中的延遲時間尾部和非線性記憶
(Late Time Tails and Nonlinear Memories in Asymptotically de Sitter spacetime)
★ TensoriaCalc - 處理偽黎曼張量分析問題的使用者導向Mathematica套件★ The Divergent Energy-Momentum Flux in Nonlocal Gravity
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摘要(中) 我們研究無質量純量波在任意中心質量擾動下的德西特(de Sitter)時空中的傳播。藉由關注於晚期的極限,該方法將探測純量訊號在光錐內傳輸的部分。然而,與漸近平坦時空不同的是,純量場的振幅不會衰减為零,而是同時在中心質量的零階和一階處發展出與時空獨立的常數偏移。這表示無質量純量場在漸近德西特時空中的傳播同時表現出線性及非線性波尾誘發的記憶。
摘要(英) We study the propagation of a massless scalar wave in de Sitter spacetime perturbed by an arbitrary central mass. By focusing on the late time limit, this probes the portion of the scalar signal traveling inside the null cone. Unlike in asymptotically flat spacetimes, the scalar field amplitude does not decay back to zero but develops a spacetime constant shift – both at zeroth and first order in the central mass. This indicates that massless scalar field propagation in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes exhibits both linear and nonlinear tail induced memories.
關鍵字(中) ★ 德嗚時空
★ 遲到的尾巴
★ 非線性記憶
關鍵字(英) ★ de Sitter spacetime
★ late time tails
★ nonlinear memories
論文目次 1. Introduction and Theory Overview 1
2. Setup 3
3. Perturbed Minkowski Background 9
3.1 Frequency Space method 10
4. Perturbed de Sitter Background 19
4.1. Pseudo-Frequency Space Method 19
4.2. Position Spacetime Method 29
5. Summary and Future Work 33
A. The Multipoles 35
A.1. Evaluation of Double Sum 35
A.2. Constraints on Multipole Indices from Parity 36
B. Contributions to δ1G in de Sitter Background 39
B.1. Spherical Harmonic Decomposition of exp{i omega R}=R^2 39
B.2. A_{a} 40
B.2.1 A_{0} 40
B.2.2 A_{1} 41
B.2.3 A_{−1} 43
B.3 B_{b,x_{0} } 44
B.3.1 B_{0,x_{0}} 45
B.3.2 B_{−1,x_{0}} 46
B.4 C_{−1} 47
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指導教授 瞿怡仁(Yi-Zen Chu) 審核日期 2021-3-5
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