博碩士論文 107222037 詳細資訊

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姓名 張用威(Yung-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 粒子探測器快速自動檢測系統之研發
(The Research and Development of Particle Detector Rapid Automatic Inspection System)
★ 大面積矽偵測器寄生電容量測及分析★ Transverse momentum and rapidity dependence of HBT correlations in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV with PHOBOS
★ Study of the process: pp→Z0Z0→μ+μ-μ+μ- at CMS★ 利用CMS探測器測量Wγ的偶合
★ 應用於質子治療之射束監測系統的特性研究★ LEPS2實驗用高阻抗平板偵測器的研發
★ Photoproduction of Λ and Σ0 hyperons off protons with linearly polarized photons at Eγ=1.5–3.0 GeV★ 在 CERN COMPASS 實驗組量測190-GeVπ 介子束流所產生Drell-Yan 過程反應截面
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摘要(中) 本論文針對CMS(緊湊秒子線圈實驗)第二階段升級HGCal(高粒度量能器)之高能矽晶元件進行客製化自動量測整合,此系統用於六至八吋晶圓的半自動化測量,為高能實驗組自行設計、研發、組裝之漏電流/電容電壓量測機,旨在解決特規元件開發與量測上無對應機台可使用的窘境。


摘要(英) Exploration of high energy physics hasn′t come to an end yet. The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiments will undergo an upgrade during Long-Shutdown three. In comparison to the original CMS design, the next generation detector will cover more detailed information and a wide variety of technologies for energy reconstruction. The CMS
endcap will be replaced by the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCal). Hundreds of silicon sensors will have to undergo quality control in dedicated IV and CV scans. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a brief overview to the basic principles of silicon sensors. Then, for time-consuming reason, especially in cases where we need
to plan for 128 channels of each sensor, a study of semi-automatic and multi-channel test solution was undertaken by a group of people in NCU HEP.

This thesis introduces the method of a rapid automatic inspection system for wafer-level testing of silicon sensors. The system includes a semi-automatic probe station, a probe card assembly which can be setup in both one and several-needle configuration, and a multi-readout current meter for pico/nano range measurement. Such devices may not use for commercial purposes but can meet all aspects of sensor testing during R&D phase. The design is capable of being constructed with other instruments, optical mounts and holders for different applications. A plan that integrates a vision-based alignment system into the probe station has been evaluated.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高粒度量能器
★ 晶圓載台
★ 矽偵測器
★ 多通道檢流計
★ 漏電流量測
關鍵字(英) ★ HGCal
★ wafer stage
★ silicon sensors
★ multi-readout current meter
★ leakage current measurement
論文目次 1 Introduction (Page.1)
2 Large-area silicon pads for HEP experiments (Page.3)
3 Semi-automatic probe system (Page.15)
4 Multi-readout current meter (Page.43)
5 Conclusion (Page.73)
參考文獻 [1] Asia Pacific Microsystems, Inc.(manufacturer), Taiwan.
[2] Cern ROOT.
[3] Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK), originated in Tokai Electronics Lab, Japan.
[4] JTT Test Solutions Partner, co, ltd., Taiwan.
[5] Miracle Tech.(design house), founded in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
[6] NI LabVIEW.
[7] Synopsys TCAD.
[8] Xilinx Vitis Unified Software Platform.
[9] Xilinx Vivado Design Suite.
[10] The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter project: Technical Design Report . Technical Design Report CMS. CERN, Geneva, 1997.
[11] G Apollinari, I Béjar Alonso, O Brüning, M Lamont, and L Rossi. High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC): Preliminary Design Report. CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs. CERN, Geneva, 2015.
[12] Yung-Wei Chang. Construction and beam-tests of silicon and scintillator-sipm modules for the cms high granularity calorimeter for hl-lhc. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 924:301 – 304, 2019. 11th International Hiroshima Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking
[13] CMS Collaboration. The Phase-2 Upgrade of the CMS Endcap Calorimeter. Technical Report CERN-LHCC-2017-023. CMS-TDR-019, CERN, Geneva, Nov 2017. Technical Design Report of the endcap calorimeter for the Phase-2 upgrade
of the CMS experiment, in view of the HL-LHC run.
[14] The CALICE Collaboration et al. Construction and commissioning of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter prototype. Journal of Instrumentation, 5(05):P05004–P05004, may 2010.
指導教授 林宗泰(Willis T. Lin) 審核日期 2021-6-21
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