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姓名 高秀婷(Hsiu-Ting Kao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 客家語文暨社會科學系客家社會文化碩士班
論文名稱 客家田園城市的魅力:以社會投資報酬分析「臺北客家農場」個案
(The Charming City Garden of Hakka: The Social Return on Investment (SROI) Analysis of the Case Study “Taipei Hakka Farm”)
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摘要(中) 都市農耕全球發展蓬勃,在臺灣,臺北市以重點政策推行都市農耕,臺北市田園城市推廣計畫自2015年起實施後備受外界關注,市府亦鼓勵學術進行研究。社會影響力評估能更全面衡量經濟、環境及社會多面向,有形與無形的成果改變、影響力與價值,社會投資報酬分析(Social Return on Investment, SROI)方法學係當今最為社會影響力評估的主流工具之一,近年應用於公部門政策評估的討論也愈趨熱烈。現有田園城市政策成果與文化相關的探討研究並不多,相較傳統政策評估工具,以社會影響力評估能更好地看見如文化和社群等社會成果的價值效益。鑑此,本研究擇取政策中示範觀摩園圃—財團法人台北市客家文化基金會的臺北客家農場作為個案,嘗試以社會投資報酬分析(SROI)挖掘其社會影響力與文化力樣貌。
摘要(英) Urban farming is developing vigorously all over the world. In Taiwan, the Taipei City implements urban farming with key policies. Since the implementation of Taipei Garden City Promotion Plan in 2015, it has attracted much attention from the public opinion, and the local authority also encourages academic research. The social impact assessment can more compre-hensively measure economic, environmental, and social aspects, including tangible and intan-gible changes in results, influence and value. Nowadays, Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology is one of the most mainstream tools for social impact assessment, and its appli-cation in public sector policy evaluation has become more and more heated in recent years. There are few researches on the policy achievements of Taipei Garden City with culture. Compared with traditional policy evaluation tools, social impact assessment can better see the value and benefits of social achievements such as culture and community. Thus, this research selects the Taipei Hakka farm of Taipei Hakka Culture Foundation as a case study, which is a demonstration garden in the Taipei Garden City policy and attempt to explore its social influ-ence and cultural power by using SROI.
The calculated rate of SROI for case study is 2.74, which means every investment in NT$1 can create NT$ 2.74 social value, in other words, urban farming brings positive social influence to society. The results show that three top values outcomes of the case study are the self-worth promotion, knowledge, and skills acquisition, and building social connections with others. It corresponds to the expectation of plan purpose, urban farming participants can communicate and share, learn and grow, and create a sense of accomplishment, and the policy value on social connectedness level. The mission of cultural promotion and inheritance shoul-dered by the organization is reflected from tourists enhanec understanding and appreciating Hakka culture and Hakka spirit. In conclusion, this research shows that the charming of Hakka garden city with two points: one is the social impact of urban farming through Hakka, and the other is the cultural power of “New Hakka” urban farming community.
關鍵字(中) ★ 都市農耕
★ 田園城市
★ 客家文化
★ 社會投資報酬率
★ 財團法人台北市客家文化基金會
關鍵字(英) ★ Urban farming
★ City Garden
★ Hakka Culture
★ Social return on investment (SROI)
★ Taipei Hakka Culture Foundation (THCP)
論文目次 摘要i
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的與問題5
第三節 研究流程6
第二章 文獻回顧與探討9
第一節 都市農耕9
第二節 田園城市與客家28
第三節 社會影響力31
第四節 社會投資報酬分析38
第三章 個案介紹與研究方法說明51
第一節 臺北客家農場個案介紹51
第二節 研究方法與操作57
第三節 研究倫理63
第四章 實務操作社會投資報酬分析65
第一節 確認分析範圍並找出利害關係人65
第二節 描繪成果74
第三節 證明成果並賦予價值92
第四節 確認影響力97
第五節 計算社會投資報酬率100
第五章 研究結論與建議105
第一節 研究發現與結論105
第二節 研究建議112
第三節 研究限制116
附錄一 通過英國社會影響價值官方認證之臺灣 SROI 報告129
附錄二 訪談題綱130
附錄三 農場義工調查問卷131
附錄四 農場義工成果事件鏈圖136
附錄五 活動參與遊客與農場管理人成果事件鏈圖137
附錄六 財團法人台北市客家文化基金會與環境成果事件鏈圖138
附錄七 臺北客家農場義工經營應用計畫之社會投資報酬分析價值力地圖139
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指導教授 陳定銘 姜貞吟(Ting-Ming Chen Chen-Yin Chiang) 審核日期 2021-10-28
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