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姓名 曾昭凱(Chao-Kai Tseng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Probing Ion-Flux of Bacterial Flagellar Motors by Correlative Microscopy)
★ 多細菌鞭毛馬達的同步轉動量測★ Investigating Stators Assembly of Flagellar Motors in Escherichia Coli by PALM
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★ Real-Time Measurement of Vibrio alginolyticus Polar Flagellar Growth★ Foraging behavior of Caenorhabditis elegans
★ Jamming State of Active Nematics★ Probing Escherichia coli Energetics under Starvation by Single-Cell Measurements
★ Probing Cell Wall Synthetic Dynamics by Bacterial Flagellar Motor in Escherichia coli★ Dynamics of sodium-driven stator units in bacterial flagellar motors
★ 高密度二維群游細菌系統之動力學★ Deformation Dynamics of Active 2D Tetragonal Pseudo-Crystal
★ Aliivibrio fischeri in Motion★ 主動粒子的擴張行為
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摘要(中) 細菌可以藉由旋轉鞭毛來游向營養物質或避免毒素,其中鞭毛由稱為細菌鞭毛馬達的蛋白質複合物所驅動。細菌鞭毛馬達是一種分子機器,它在黏性環境中為游泳運動提供推進力。如同許多旋轉馬達一樣,細菌鞭毛馬達的結構也可分為轉子和定子。細菌鞭毛馬達上的定子利用儲存橫跨在細胞膜上的電化學梯度中的能量與轉子交互作用藉以產生機械扭矩。然而,鞭毛運動能量轉換的機制仍然被了解甚少。我們對離子流入與鞭毛馬達旋轉之間的關係很感興趣。有許多實驗結果提出細菌鞭毛馬達的旋轉可能與通過鞭毛馬達的離子通量緊密耦合。然而,沒有任何證據已被直接觀測到。
細胞內鈉離子濃度是鈉離子流進與流出的平衡。大腸桿菌具有部份鈉離子調控的能力。我們測量了當磁力鑷子加快或減慢鞭毛馬達旋轉時細胞體內鈉離子濃度的變化。結果表明在加速操作中鈉離子濃度增加了大約 20%。但是,減速操作中並未顯示鈉離子濃度發生顯著變化。我們推測鈉離子的變化可能被固定子單元的組裝所抵消了。在我們的實驗中觀察到的證據揭示了鈉離子流入與鞭毛馬達旋轉之間的緊密耦合關係。未來還需要利用相關顯微鏡來研究,用以完成理解細菌鞭毛馬達的能量使用。
摘要(英) Bacteria can swim to the nutrient or avoid toxin by rotating their flagella, where the flagella are driven by a protein complexes called bacterial flagellar motor. Bacterial flagellar motor is a molecular machine that produces propulsive force for swimming motility in the viscous environments. Like many rotary motors, the structure of flagellar motor can also be divided into rotor and stator. The stator of flagellar motor utilizes the energy stored in the electrochemical gradient across the cytoplasmic membrane interacting with rotor to generate mechanical torque. However, the mechanism of flagellar motor energy conversion remains poorly understood. We are interested in the relationship between the ion influx to the motor rotation. There are experimental evidences supporting that the motor rotation tightly couples with the ion flux through the motor. However, there is no direct test has been made.
To verify the tight-coupling model of bacterial flagellar motors, we designed a new correlative microscope to investigate the mechanism of bacterial flagellar motor. The correlative microscope combines three important functions for single-cell measurements, which are the live single-cell sodium-ion concentration measurement, instant bacterial flagellar motor rotational speed measurement, and the motion control of motor. We used the magnetic tweezers to manipulate the motion of flagellar motor via a magnetic bead attached to its hook. The back-focal-plane detection can simultaneously measure the rotational speed of motor when an external torque is applied by the magnetic tweezers. At the same time, the intracellular sodium-ion concentration is monitored via ion fluorescence indicator using fluorescence microscope.
The intracellular sodium-ion concentration is the balance of sodium influx and efflux. Escherichia coli has partial homeostasis of internal sodium-ion concentration. We measured the change of sodium-ion concentration inside a cell when the magnetic tweezers speed up or slow down the rotation of flagellar motor. The results showed an increase of approximately 20% of the sodium concentration in the accelerated operations. However, there was no significant change in intracellular sodium-ion concentration during the deceleration operations. We speculated that the change might be offset by the assembly of extra stator-units. The evidences observed in our experiment reveal the tight-coupling relationship between influx of ion to the rotation of flagellar motor. Further experiments using the correlative microscope are required for the complete understanding of bacterial flagellar motor energy transduction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 細菌鞭毛馬達
★ 相關顯微鏡
★ 鈉離子通量
★ 大腸桿菌
關鍵字(英) ★ bacterial flagellar motor
★ correlative microscopy
★ sodium-ion flux
★ E. coli strain MTB24 mini cell
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement v
Content vi
1. Introduction 1
1-1 Bacterial flagellar motor 1
1-2 Stator – the torque-generating unit 3
1-2-1 Structure and function 3
1-2-2 Energy transduction 5
1-3 Mechanism of torque generation 7
1-3-1 Torque-speed relationships 7
1-3-2 Stator assembly 9
1-3-3 Stator remodeling 12
1-4 Models of rotary motor 14
1-4-1 Turnstile model 14
1-4-2 Proton turbine model 17
1-4-3 Inchworm model 18
1-5 External torque application 21
1-5-1 Electrorotation 21
1-5-2 Optical tweezer and wrench 22
1-5-3 Magnetic tweezer 23
2. Experimental Methods 26
2-1 Bacterial strain 26
2-2 Sample preparation 27
2-2-1 Bead assay 27
2-2-2 Protocol 29
2-3 Correlative microscopy 31
2-3-1 Applying external torque on BFM 31
2-3-2 Motion measurement of BFM 34
2-3-3 Sodium ion fluorescence indicator 36
3. Results 39
3-1 Motor numbers of mini cell 39
3-2 The loading efficiency of sodium indicator 40
3-3 Calibration of sodium indicator 42
3-4 Ion flux under external torque 44
4. Discussion 48
5. Reference 50
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指導教授 羅健榮(Chien-Jung Lo) 審核日期 2021-6-30
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