摘要(英) |
Since the Enlightenment, the so-called values of equality, freedom, and reason have spread in Europe. Scholars at the time believed that these values should have a universal status that transcends the barriers of nations, nations, and religions; and they believe that the overall development of human history is one The process of continuous progress gave birth to the historical view of progress. German intellectuals from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries attached great importance to the development and continuity of things, and believed that to understand a thing in depth, it was necessary to start with history. Even believing that our era is the result of inheriting the previous era, the problem of historicism has been formed.
The most iconic meaning of German historicism is Hegel’s philosophy of history. Hegel believes that the overall process of world history is completely rational, and there is an absolute spirit behind it that drives mankind to the end of history. However, the historian Burckhardt does not agree with Hegel′s point of view. He opposes the establishment of a development system for history or the assumption of the existence of any historical principle. Burckhardt even advocated that philosophy and history should not be combined, and further criticized "historical philosophy" as a half-man and half-horse monster.
Burckhardt denies the view of progressive history and advocates that modern values should not be used to judge ancient times, backward or conservative; instead, he should return to the historical context to intuitively grasp the universal human nature, and adopt a fair and objective attitude towards ancient times. To investigate the concepts and customs of the country. Nietzsche undoubtedly agrees with Burckhardt′s anti-Hegelian philosophy of history and his emphasis on human nature. However, in Nietzsche′s view, Burckhardt′s method of managing history is still problematic.
If history must be understood in a fair and objective manner, then a weak personality will inevitably be born. Nietzsche advocated that the meaning of learning history should be to allow people to draw strength from history, and even to burst out the initiative of life in subjective creativity. In Nietzsche′s view, Europeans in the 19th century had already suffered from a "historical fever" because they paid too much attention to the accumulation of historical knowledge. Therefore, Nietzsche maintains that we need to cultivate a non-historical knowledge in addition to historical knowledge. Only in this way can we transcend history and have a happy life; and our country, nation, and society will become stronger and full of vitality. |
參考文獻 |
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