博碩士論文 108450001 詳細資訊

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姓名 徐世杰(Shih-Chieh Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 中小企業數位化挑戰之研究─以J公司為例
★ 行動應用程式產業生態系之研究★ 設計思維應用於醫療器材組裝之研究
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★ MES導入成功關鍵因素之研究★ 運用GA 分析改善數位廣告之研究
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摘要(中) 全球已開始進入到5G時代,因為5G技術的特性,所有的商業模式將有所改變即便是生產模式也會因為科技的進步而相對的提升與加速,故企業進行數位化轉型已是刻不容緩,對於大型企業相對來說比較簡單畢竟有已有資源可以運用,但對於絕大部分的中小企業仍是非常大的挑戰,因為即便是在4G的時代,中小企業真正的做到數位化轉型也是少數,不管從國際的調查中或是國內經濟部的調查,中小企業數位化程度普遍邊低,國內調查超過七成的中小企業仍然是處於第二級電腦基本軟體應用階段,故進入到5G新時代對於中小企業要如何因應高速資訊時代,將會是更大的挑戰。
摘要(英) The world has begun to enter the 5G era. Because of the characteristics of 5G technology, all business models will change. Even the production model will be relatively improved and accelerated due to technological progress. Therefore, it is urgent for companies to carry out digital transformation. Large enterprises are relatively simple. After all, they have existing resources to use, but it is still a very big challenge for most small and medium-sized enterprises, because even in the 4G era, there are only a few small and medium-sized enterprises that have truly achieved digital transformation. Regardless of the international survey or the domestic Ministry of Economic Affairs, the level of digitization of small and medium-sized enterprises is generally low. More than 70% of small and medium-sized enterprises in the domestic survey are still in the second-level computer basic software application stage, so entering a new era of 5G for SMEs respond to the era of high-speed information will be a greater challenge.
Through in-depth interviews with the case company, the responses of the interviewees were collected, and after analysis was discovered that there were several phenomena in the company′s digitalization process. The business owner did not understand information technology and did not make any plans. The company just directly implemented digitalization. During the process, the target senior executives and department heads or even grass-roots personnel did not communicate effectively, and there were no project personnel or several technical personnel as the bridge to communicate between internal and external; Moreover, they also did not seek assistance from external resources, which led to the failure of the company′s MIS system. For management issues, although ERP was also introduced, it too very long time and the efficiency was low. We can say this case which is not the successful case of digitization.
I hope that through the problems faced by the above cases, suggestions can be used for future small and medium-sized enterprises in the digitalization process to reduce the risk of failure。
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位轉型
★ 數位化
★ 中小企業
★ 4G
★ 5G
關鍵字(英) ★ small and medium enterprise
★ digital transformation
★ digital
★ 4G
★ 5G
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 5
1.3 研究目的 5
1.4 研究流程方法 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 國內中小企業數位發展與變化 7
2.2 中小企業E化 11
第三章 研究方法 14
3.1 研究設計 14
3.2 研究方法 15
3.3 研究架構 15
第四章 個案研究與分析 17
4-1 個案J公司簡介 17
4-2 個案J公司數位化流程歷程 18
4-3個案J公司訪談彙整 20
4-4個案分析 20
4-4-1 數位化策略未明確宣達 20
4-4-2 缺乏MIS技術人才 21
4-4-3 員工數位觀念缺乏 21
4-4-4 不合適的數位軟體系統 21
4-4-5 溝通協調問題 22
4-4-6 數位化導入成功的定義問題 22
第五章 結論與建議 24
第六章 研究範圍及限制 26
參考文獻 27
附錄: J公司訪談逐字稿 28
參考文獻 英文文獻:
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1. Yan, J. from https://www.jyan.com.tw/zh/news-tw/56-%E4%B9%9D%E5%BD%A5%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E7%AD%96%E7%95%A5.html
指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2021-6-1
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