博碩士論文 108450013 詳細資訊

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姓名 周容綾(Jung-Ling Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 再生能源商業模式之研究
★ 行動應用程式產業生態系之研究★ 設計思維應用於醫療器材組裝之研究
★ 台灣中小型家族企業傳承─交班困難因素之探討★ 電動機車共享經濟營運模式之研究
★ 區塊鏈運作原理與應用之研究★ P2P網路信用借貸營運模式之研究
★ 線上交友平台商業模式之研究─以亞洲領導品牌為例★ 台灣航空貨運業冷鏈業務發展策略-以中華航空公司為例
★ 設計思考在半導體製程改善之應用-以X公司為例★ 成果驅動創新方法應用之研究-以門機產品為例
★ 藝文特展之商業模式研究-以MSC公司為例★ 智慧家庭產業發展之研究
★ MES導入成功關鍵因素之研究★ 運用GA 分析改善數位廣告之研究
★ 專利到期影響醫師處方因素之研究─以美商在台分公司之藥品為例★ 攝影教學新創事業商業模式之研究
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摘要(中) 近幾年來,高污染的生產模式,漸漸破壞人類賴以生存的自然環境。氣候及環境的變遷,使原本與人類和諧共存的自然環境已經逐漸凋零。取而代之的是氣溫上升北極融冰、強降雨造成洪災或是久旱不雨;夏季過熱而冬季氣溫遽降。這些警訊都是地球在對我們吶喊了。讓各國政府紛紛思考如何為我們共同生存的地球盡一份心力。




摘要(英) In recent years, high-pollution production models have gradually destroyed our living environment. Changes in climate and environment have caused the natural environment that originally existed in harmony with humans to gradually wither. Instead, the temperature rises, the Arctic melts ice, heavy rainfall causes floods, or prolonged droughts without rain; the summer is overheated, and the winter temperature drops sharply. These warning signs are the earth shouting to us. Let governments of all countries think about how to contribute to the planet we live together.

Reducing carbon emissions and waste of natural resources has become an urgent issue now. Inexhaustible and inexhaustible renewable energy has become a key strategy for energy development in countries around the world. And explore the use of renewable energy development to reduce traditional power generation and even achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.

This thesis first selects two main types of renewable energy from a variety of renewable energy sources, starting from the introduction and power generation principles, and then outlines the current global renewable energy advanced countries: Germany′s energy policy, power market changes and Japan′s experience after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Discussion on the new energy policy and how to fill the power shortage after nuclear power generation.

The three renewable energy business models that have been implemented by other renewable energy pioneers in Europe and the United States for many years have been applied to Taiwan’s new energy policy several years later. Observe the development status of Taiwan from a research point of view, and discuss the shortcomings and difficulties faced by Taiwan after the implementation of the new energy policy. Are foreign energy policy reform regulations acceptable to the people of Taiwan?

To analyze which business model is suitable for Taiwan′s renewable energy operation and development and how to extend the economic benefits that are beneficial to Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 再生能源
★ 碳中和
★ 再生能源商業模式
關鍵字(英) ★ renewable energy
★ carbon neutrality
★ renewable energy business models
論文目次 第一章 序論............................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 研究動機....................................................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的........................................................................................................................1
第二章 再生能源簡介與國際趨勢.........................................................................................3
2-2 世界各國再生能源趨勢與應用..................................................................................11
第四章 再生能源商業模式與經濟效益........................ .......................................................19
4-1再生能源商業模式.................................................................................... ..............19
4-1-1躉購政策 FIT...................................................................................................19
4-1-3躉購 VS 再生能源憑證................................................................................. .24
4-1-4 自發自用的公民電廠.................................................................................... .25
4-2再生能源衍生的經濟效應............................................................... .......................26
4-2-3再生能源儲能系統的經濟效應..................................................................... .31
第五章 結論與建議................................................................................................................32
參考文獻 1. Wiki 維基百科
2. 台達電子文教基金會-發展水域型態太陽能 (delta-foundation.org.tw)
3. https://www.iea.org/reports/clean-energy-innovation/global-status-of-clean-energy-innovation-in-2020#highlights
4. 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所, 周桂蘭
5. https://www.moeaboe.gov.tw經濟部能源局
6. IEA:全球新增綠電容量創高 | 全球財經 | 全球 | 聯合新聞網 (udn.com)
7. https://kknews.cc/home/6l9nklm.html 每日頭條; 解密風力發電
8. https://kknews.cc/science/zkjlx53.html每日頭條
9. https://www.taiwangenerations.com/faq 離岸風電Q&A
10. The news lens 關鍵評論
11. https://www.energytrend.com.tw Energy Trend
12. 台灣電力公司官網
13. 能源資訊平台;2017,羅紹儒、高銘志
14. https://www.cet-taiwan.org 地球公民
15. https://e-info.org.tw 環境資訊中心
16. (newsmarket.com.tw),上下游,2020-07
17. 再生能源資訊網 (re.org.tw)
18. https://www.trec.org.tw/websites 國家再生能源憑證中心
19. 台灣伏特家官網
指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2021-6-1
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