博碩士論文 108450008 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳佳琪(Chia-Chi Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 沖床加工業生產自動化導入之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來台灣經濟復甦步調緩慢,但對於人力的需求卻相對成長,起因為多數傳統產業人力皆面臨勞工短缺的困境。對於傳統產業來說,未來技術傳承是非常重要的;因此勞工穏定來源,無疑是支持傳統產業永續發展的基礎。但目前現今社會新鮮人從事傳統產業工作意願下降,多數社會新鮮人選擇投入服務業。
本研究探討個案公司在目前公司營運過程中,針對模具產業鏈中之模具代工業,如何在有限的內部資源進行改變,發揮競爭優勢,以優化自身公司的永續經營力。藉由Albert S Humphrey(1961)的SWOT分析來分析瞭解個案公司目前的競爭缺口,擬定改變策略,進而使個案公司永續經營發展。

摘要(英) Taiwan′s economic recovery has been slow in recent years, but the demand for manpower has grown relatively, as most traditional industries face labor shortages. For traditional industries, the future of technology heritage is very important, so the stable source of laborer is undoubtedly the basis for supporting the sustainable development of traditional industries. Presently, the willingness of new graduate to work in traditional industries has declined, most of them choose to enter the service industry.
In the industrial society, mold is known as the "mother of industry". Molds hold a key seat in the development of any product, so advanced countries evaluate the country′s industrial manufacturing indicators according to the level of mold industry. Mold is not an end product, is an important core technology and product success factors behind the work.
This study explores how case companies can change their limited internal resources and exert competitive advantage in order to optimize their company′s sustainable operation in the current course of the company′s operation. Using Albert S Humphrey′s (1961) SWOT analysis to analyze and understand the current competitive gaps of individual companies, develop a change of strategy, and thus make the case company sustainable business development.
Industry 4.0 generation is the integration of cross-cutting technology and rapid evolution of the development of the manufacturing model, need a variety of technology, hardware and software, in order to achieve new production thinking and operating mode. Case companies are facing a second generation of succession, with a greater focus on “customer needs” and “the integration of internal technology and resources.” Industrial robots to replace a large number of human resources is the future trend, today, the manufacturing industry of Taiwan needs to face the competitive model of the global industrial upgrading. After the structural changes resulting from environmental changes, in addition to the increasing cost problem, the manufacturing industry is facing the general shortage of labor force, the transfer of talent and other issues.
Therefore, in order to solve these problems and increase competitiveness, the manufacturing industry is reformed through Industry 4.0. The problem that the manufacturing industry faces rapid changes in the market and the inability of timely and flexible production conditions can only be fundamentally solved by industrial upgrading.
Market shortage problems, automation to accelerate production efficiency and quality of demand, the future development of robots will be the key to growth. Because at this stage the robot arm still can not be comparable with the human flexibility, so in the future collaborative process model, personnel will be responsible for the flexibility of the higher requirements of the production process, the robot arm to use its efficiency, precision characteristics to assist employees, through the semi-automated production process, drive the production of various process models.
Most of the process operations in the traditional punching industry are manual, but this manufacturing method is prone to many missing aspects.
In order to ensure the future-oriented efficiency and safety of operation, this study uses the generation of non-time-restricted automaton mode to verify the operational steps that can be performed:
1. Build an automaton model of all device components in the system
2. Ensure the required operational properties for each stage of operation (e.g. feed. Unloading. State change and stable operation)
3. Set the control specifications required for each stage in order to avoid physically impermissible system behavior, and construct the corresponding automaton
4. Make parallel combination of the aforementioned model
5. Combine the visual events of all stages into a complete sequential function Figure

6. Use commercial software to perform dynamic simulations to verify and evaluate the feasibility and economy of the test steps.
關鍵字(中) ★ 勞工短缺
★ 模具
★ 工業之母
★ 競爭缺口
★ 產業升級
★ 自動化加速生產
關鍵字(英) ★ labor shortages
★ Molds
★ mother of industry
★ the currentcompetitive gaps of individual companies
★ industrial upgrading
★ automation to accelerate production
論文目次 一、緒論………………………………………………………………… 1
1-1研究動機……………………………………………………… 1
1-2研究目的……………………………………………………… 4
1-3研究流程……………………………………………………… 5
二、文獻探討…………………………………………………………… 6
2-1傳統產業分析………………………………………………… 6
2-1-1產業經濟數據……………………………………………… 6
2-1-2勞動人口老化……………………………………………… 9
2-1-3製造業職業災害…………………………………………… 10
2-2薩柏的職業生涯發展論……………………………………… 12
2-3機械手臂介紹………………………………………………… 15
三、個案公司介紹 …………………………………………………… 19
3-1個案公司背景………………………………………………… 19
3-1-1個案公司簡介……………………………………………… 19
3-1-2個案公司沿革及組織架構………………………………… 20
3-1-3個案公司經營項目………………………………………… 22
四、個案公司分析與改變……………………………………………… 23
4-1個案公司SWOT分析 …………………………………………… 23
4-2個案公司作業現況分析………………………………………… 25
4-2-1數據化管理………………………………………………… 25
4-2-2勞動人口逐漸老化………………………………………… 26
4-3 個案公司轉折…………………………………………………… 27
4-4 個案公司改革三部曲…………………………………………… 29
4-4-1第一部曲:機台作業程序調整…………………………… 29
4-4-2第二部曲:研究新工法…………………………………… 32
4-4-3第三部曲:半自動化導入機械手臂……………………… 36
4-5機械手臂評估…………………………………………………… 37
4-5-1機械手臂驅動方式種類…………………………………… 37
4-5-2機械手臂自由度種類……………………………………… 37
4-5-3機械手臂品牌種類………………………………………… 38
4-5-4機械手臂型號種類………………………………………… 39
4-6機械手臂於個案公司操作定位效益…………………………… 40
4-7沖壓機械手臂特點……………………………………………… 40
4-8個案公司選用機械手臂廠商條件……………………………… 41
4-9機械手臂解決個案公司問題項目……………………………… 42
4-10個案公司導入機械手臂後續問題分析……………………… 43
4-11個案公司導入機械手臂¬¬-未來規劃…………………………… 45
五、結論與貢獻建議…………………………………………………… 46
5-1研究結論………………………………………………………… 46
5-2研究貢獻建議…………………………………………………… 49
參考文獻………………………………………………………………… 50
參考文獻 1.財政部財政資訊中心(106):中小企業家數-按行業別分。台北,台灣。
10.EZ 工程網(109):史上最完整的機械手臂應用、分類、價格範圍及品牌
介紹,六軸、四軸機器手臂差別為何? 高雄,台灣。
13.蕭佑和(107) 工業機器人之五大機械結構及關鍵零組件分析。台北,台
慧製造! 台北,台灣。
指導教授 陳炫碩 審核日期 2021-6-2
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