摘要(英) |
The demand growth of memory chips is driven by the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the diversity of products and the introduction of new technology or new products. Enterprises strive to keep their competitive advantage and R&D achievements by integrating technical data into valuable information. In so doing, they hope they can gain economic benefits through major technological breakthroughs and innovations in manufacturing processes. Effective technical communication through different communication channels can increase productivity. Implemented by effective information systems, knowledge management can produce competition advantage for firms.
The case company implemented a PDM system that applied knowledge management to engineering change and new products and technology. It is convenient and time-saving with: (1) share Function; (2) synchronization function; (3) comparison function; (4) extended function. Based on knowledge management, the case company uses IT and automated processes to allow users to quickly obtain the information they need. As such, the company can shorten the production time and the time to market, and continue improve by effective management of engineering changes. Knowledge management based on a unified platform can not only achieve high performance and simplified processes, but also provide a flexible operation interface and timely message transmission. Through the powerful retrieval system and monitoring mechanism, product quality can be improved, enhancing the production yields and customer satisfaction
To construct a complete, well-managed knowledge management system can enhance R&D and production performance, in which information systems play a critical innovative role. The introduction and innovation of new technology, the interaction and communication among organizational members, and their awareness and familiarity of the technology can be productive for information sharing. |
參考文獻 |
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