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姓名 洪儒魁(HONG,RU-KUI)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 會計研究所
論文名稱 研發活動敘述性揭露對供應鏈夥伴投資效率之影響-以台灣半導體業為例
(The impact of R&D activities narrative disclosure on the investment efficiency of supply chain partners -Take the Taiwan′s semiconductor industry as an example)
★ 以房養老貸款政策-由台灣金融業之觀點論析★ 企業導入電子商務對經營績效之影響-以N公司為例
★ 台灣網通業應收帳款管理-論析信用保險之功能★ 蘋果概念股金屬機殼產業之投資分析
★ 由鑑識會計角度偵測公司之舞弊-以某個案公司為例★ 企業流程再造-以某食品原料加工公司之報價作業流程為例
★ 企業資源規劃系統導入之關鍵成功因素與效益評估-以某個案公司為例★ 企業組織再造之分析-以某醫材業公司為例
★ 金融機構執行共同申報及盡職審查作業辦法之影響★ 中美貿易戰對台灣企業之影響 -以某公司為例
★ 管理報表編制對企業經營績效之影響—以A公司為例★ 現金減資宣告之股價異常報酬-以台灣上市公司為例
★ 公司價值評估-以半導體產業某公司為例★ 公司併購價格之決定-以電子業大聯大收購文曄為例
★ 製造業轉型之研究-以某個案公司為例★ 鑑識會計於政府採購招標階段之應用
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摘要(中) 本研究主要探討有關企業研發活動敘述性揭露之可讀性對企業自身投資效率及其 供應商投資效率的影響,以台灣半導體業 2010 至 2019 年共 116 間上市櫃公司做為研究 樣本。由於目前台灣半導體業的總產值在全世界半導體業當中排行第二,顯示台灣半導 體業在世界具有舉足輕重的地位,且半導體是研發密度最高的產業,因此其研發活動揭 露的資訊將受到不同利害關係人做決策時所仰賴,故挑選半導體業做為本篇研究的對象。
經實證結果發現,當企業提高研發活動敘述性揭露之可讀性時,能夠減緩與外部出資人 間的資訊不對稱,進而提升出資人對公司的監督能力或是降低資金成本,最終將會提升 企業投資效率。本研究亦發現,當客戶研發活動敘述性揭露之可讀性越高時,將提供給 供應商更高品質的決策資訊,而能減緩供應商因資訊不對稱而對客戶未來需求發展產生 的誤解,幫助其配合未來客戶需求而執行更適當的投資決策,因此最終能提升供應商的 投資效率。 本研究不但發現當企業提升研發活動敘述性揭露之可讀性將能改善企業投資效率 外,亦能夠協助供應商提升其投資效率,證實了研發活動揭露會在供應鏈當中影響除了 投資人以外的不同層面利害關係人之決策,且經過調整揭露年度及替換投資效率模型的 敏感性分析後,仍能證實本篇研究之因果關係。
摘要(英) This study examines the impact of the readability of the narrative disclosure of corporate R&D activities on the investment efficiency of the companies themselves and their suppliers, a total of 116 listed companies in the semiconductor industry in Taiwan from 2010 to 2019 were used as the sample for the study. Since Taiwan′s semiconductor industry ranks second in the world in terms of total production value, which indicates that Taiwan′s semiconductor industry has a significant position in the world, and semiconductor is the industry with the highest R&D intensity, the information disclosed by its R&D activities will be relied on by different stakeholders in making decisions, therefore, the semiconductor industry is selected as the target of this study. The empirical results show that when companies improve the readability of the narrative disclosure of R&D activities, the information asymmetry with external investors can be mitigated, which in turn improves the ability of investors to monitor the company or reduces the cost of capital, which will ultimately improve the efficiency of corporate investment. This study also found that the higher the readability of the narrative disclosure of customers′ R&D activities, the higher the quality of decision information provided to suppliers, which can alleviate suppliers′ misunderstanding of customers′ future needs due to asymmetric information, and help them make more appropriate investment decisions to meet future customers′ needs, thus ultimately enhancing suppliers′ investment efficiency.
This study not only found that improving the readability of the narrative disclosure of R&D activities will improve the investment efficiency of the company, but also help the suppliers to improve their investment efficiency, which confirmed that the disclosure of R&D activities would affect the decision making of stakeholders at different levels in the supply chain besides the investors, and after adjusting the disclosure year and sensitivity analysis of the replacement investment efficiency model, the causality of this study is still confirmed.
關鍵字(中) ★ 研發活動
★ 可讀性
★ 資訊不對稱
★ 投資效率
★ 供應鏈
關鍵字(英) ★ R&D activities
★ Readability
★ Information asymmetry
★ Investment efficiency
★ Supply chain
論文目次 摘要 ........... i
Abstract .... ii
誌謝 ......... iii
第一章 緒論 ..................... 1
第二章 文獻探討與假說發展 ................... 3
第一節 投資效率 .......... 3
第二節 研發活動敘述性揭露品質與投資效率 .............. 4
第三節 供應鏈間的資訊不對稱 ............ 7
第四節 客戶研發活動敘述性揭露與供應商投資效率 .. 9
第三章 研究設計 ........... 11
第一節 樣本選取過程與資料來源 ...... 11
第二節 實證模型與變數衡量 .............. 14
第四章 實證結果 ........... 25
第一節 敘述性統計與相關係數 .......... 25
第二節 迴歸結果 ........ 33
第五章 敏感性分析 ........ 37
第一節 同時考量前兩年度之可讀性做測試 ................ 37
第二節 替換投資效率模型.................. 40
第六章 結論與建議 ........ 43
參考文獻 ...............45
參考文獻 會計準則
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指導教授 王曉雯(WANG,XIAO-WEN) 審核日期 2021-6-30
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