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蔡雯凌(Wen-Ling Tsai)
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摘要(中) |
2020年5G 正式進入大規模商業應用階段,新的多元應用帶來新一波半導體市場的榮景。台灣為全球第2大半導體製造國,而矽晶圓是半導體的關鍵材料,佔半導體材料成本約38%。美中貿易戰和新冠肺炎造成全球斷鏈,去全球化、區域性、地緣經濟的趨勢發展等全球經貿議題,以及5G高頻高效能的需求,使得半導體成為全球焦點,也使得矽晶圓此一關鍵材料備受關注。在全球動盪多變的時局,本論文以產業經濟理論之「結構—行為—績效 (structure-conduct-performance, S-C-P)」分析架構來探討全球矽晶圓產業的發展現況與未來趨勢。
從經營績效來看,併購行為擴大經濟規模,為廠商帶來市場占有率及獲利,也證實矽晶圓產業是具規模經濟效益的產業。此外,本論文也發現矽晶圓產業的獲利與半導體產業的脈動變化具有高度相關。 |
摘要(英) |
The 5G connection has entered a large-scale market application in 2020, bringing semiconductors to wider versatile applications. Silicon wafer is a key material in semiconductors, taking up to 38% of the cost. With the US-China trade war and global pandemic causing turbulence in logistics, anti-globalization and especially the demand of high-frequency and high-performance 5G chips, semiconductor industries have stranded global attention among this turmoil. This work implements Structure-Conduct-Performance (S-C-P) model to analyze the current development and future trends of global silicon wafer industries.
This paper finds that silicon wafer industry is an aggregation of high capitals and technology-intensive companies. Economies of scale in Silicon Wafer industry are often referred to as its entry barriers. silicon wafer industry is therefore a non-cooperative oligopoly. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are also not unheard of in the silicon wafer industry in order to raise market concentration.
In terms of firms’ conduct, silicon wafer industry. Due to the restriction of Antitrust Laws, silicon wafer companies can no longer raise market share by merger and acquisition. Instead, they focus on investing and expanding factories to increase the production capacity. In terms of product strategy, 12-inch silicon wafer foundries are becoming the mainstream, replacing the 8-inch ones. As of pricing, increasing the price is not a viable approach due to intense competition among foundries. Instead, a milder strategy on price increase is taken.
In terms of firms’ performance, merger and acquisition help expand economy scale, bring more profits and market shares. This proves that silicon wafer industry is a scale economy industry. This work also finds the profit of silicon wafer industries varies in high accordance with semiconductor industries. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 矽晶圓 ★ 第三代半導體材料 ★ 結構—行為—績效 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ silicon wafer ★ third generation semiconductor materials ★ S-C-P |
論文目次 |
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究範圍與方法 2
1.3研究流程與架構 3
第 2 章 文獻回顧 6
2.1半導體產業研究相關文獻 6
2.2矽晶圓產業研究相關文獻 8
2.3半導體非矽基材料相關文獻 9
2.4小結 10
第 3 章 產業概況 12
3.1半導體產業發展歷程 12
3.2半導體產品與技術發展 14
3.3半導體產業概況 16
3.4矽晶圓產業概述 19
3.5矽晶圓材料製程 21
3.6矽晶圓產品分類 23
3.7晶圓材料分類 24
3.8新一代半導體材料的應用 26
第 4 章 結構行為績效分析 30
4.1基本條件 30
4.2市場結構 37
4.3政府政策 43
4.4廠商行為 49
4.5經營績效 58
4.6美中貿易的影響 65
第 5 章 結論與建議 68
5.1結論 68
5.2建議 69
參考文獻 74 |
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2021-6-23 |
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