摘要(英) |
Most of the enterprises in Taiwan are small and medium-sized enterprises, among which the family-based business model accounts for the majority and belongs to the long-term cross-generation business model. Through the research, it is found that this mode of operation has certain importance and influence on the social economy. However, it takes about 10 to 20 years for the enterprise culture and growth to reach the mature stage. When the founder of the enterprise is facing the stage of retirement, the new generation takes over, which has become an important stage and issue for the enterprise culture inheritance and development.
In the face of global competition, traditional enterprises in Taiwan are facing the challenge of transformation crisis and succession from generation to generation. In addition to the thinking of different generations, the founders tend to ignore the threat of external environment to the future of their successors. In view of this, taking E Construction Company as an example, this study summarized and organized the qualitative research method of in-depth interview and literature analysis to discuss the timing and promotion methods of succession planning and the cultivation of successors, so as to achieve the following purposes:
1. Analyze successor cultivation methods and its influence on succession willingness.
2. Study the exit mechanism of entrepreneurs and the difficulties and challenges faced by succession.
3. To avoid the impact of the succession stage on the operation of the company, and to provide the preparation and suggestions for succession.
Research results show that corporate inheritance is a branch of learning, because enterprise′s succession is not only a management category, but also involves the personality, abilities and values of the successor. It is an important factor for the continuation of the company and will directly affect the adaptability of the succession process. The founder’s way of cultivating successors will also affect the successor’s performance and of his learning various professional skills, as well as his sense of belonging to the corporate culture.
Corporate inheritance can educate and select successors according to all aspects of the project such as traits, abilities, and values. It can find out the missing parts and areas that need improvement, and have clearer goals for future prospects and direction for the company’s development, thereby reducing the risk of injecting new vitality into the corporate culture, and achieving the concept of sustainable management. |
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