摘要(英) |
In recent years, due to the huge financial risks and economic losses caused by environmental pollution and climate change, the United Nations and international organizations have put forward various climate finance initiatives. Central banks and financial supervision units in major countries around the world have also realized that "extreme climate change has Become a source of financial risk". In particular, the 2020 epidemic has triggered environmental and social risks, caused major changes in the global economy, changed many industrial supply chain models and work patterns, and made attention to ESG risks (environmental, social and corporate governance) a mainstream social consciousness. Therefore, the financial industry is also heading towards the development of ESG to achieve the goal of sustainable development. It is urgent to promote green finance.
The signing of the Equator Principles by financial institutions will be regarded as a positive display of ESG. Companies selected for the sustainability index have better performance in financial performance indicators than their peers. Bank loans to green companies have relatively low risk of ESG occurrence. , Contribute to its credit risk management. Publicly-owned banks should take the lead in signing the Equator Principles and TCFD. However, domestic banks are actually private banks first, mainly because they are still autonomous in joining relevant initiatives. If they do not join, there will be no penalties; secondly, the scope of green finance and the wide range of products. The financial industry has not yet become the mainstream commodity or climate in the market. The financial industry needs to invest considerable manpower and costs to cultivate relevant talents and know-how. Therefore, for public stock banks, this is an obligation and responsibility, and they have not yet been able to fully invest in green promotion. financial.
The biggest driving force for financial institutions to promote sustainable finance is regulations and risks. However, only a few domestic financial industries in the country are prepared and capable of implementing sustainable finance. Therefore, this study explores the adoption of ESG and the Equator Principles by Chinese financial institutions to promote green The current financial situation serves as a reference for banks to promote green finance business. |
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