摘要(英) |
With the upgrading of the industry, and the continuous rise of service awareness, the concept of internal customer service has also begun to arouse extensive discussions. New human resources management concepts, such as the business partner model, and the problem-solving center model, have been proposed to solve bureaucratic behaviors of corporate administrative units, to improve service efficiency.
Taiwanese Company A, which established its operations in China, had been expanding rapidly, such that it now operates in many locations across mainland China. Based on traditional line of “replication” thinking, the company’s human resources department were setup in each of the geographically dispersed locations. The central HR function has to work collaboratively with all the business units, and to manage the dispersed HR functions at various sites. In the absence of effective communication and problem-solving mechanisms, it often becomes the target of complains from all directions.
This study attempts to reconstruct the internal and external communication modes, and problem-solving mechanism of the human resources units. The proposal includes centralization of function, and establishment of new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Specifically, these incorporate case registration/handling mechanisms, human resource customer service representative, functional experts, outsourcing management, etc.
The proposal would potentially result in unified information flow paths, improved problem-solving efficiency, and transformed from floating manpower to fixed manpower. Feasibility analysis reveals that, economically it can reduce three head counts, resulting in higher net profit margin. In addition, the transformation costs and legal risks are also within controllable range. |
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