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姓名 陳秉杰(Bing-Jie Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 關鍵人才辨識模式之建立─以某個案公司為例
★ 溝通與領導課程訓練成效之分析★ 母國企業直線主管領導風格與國際 人力資源管理措施對外派人員績效之影響
★ 豐田管理模式之人才培育對品質與成本之影響-以某汽車公司為例★ 360 度回饋系統對企業主管行為改變意圖的影響-以跨國飲料 SC 公司為例
★ 兩岸研發人員職能發展應用研究-以M公司為例★ 企業併購過程中的人力資源角色
★ 組織變革成功個案分析 - John P. Kotter 領導變革八大步驟之觀點★ 社群網站經營模式分析-以『BB-BOX』網站為例
★ 觸控IC經營策略之個案研究-以A公司為例★ 科技研發單位實施接班人計畫之探討─以國內某科技研發單位為例
★ 面對數位匯流,傳統媒體代理商應對策略探討─以安吉斯集團偉視捷媒體公司為例★ 台灣光電產業選擇產品認證外包廠商的決定因素─以發光二極體照明產品為例
★ 團隊激勵獎金與團隊績效關連性之研究★ 晶圓代工業關鍵成功因素的探討—以台積公司為例
★ 員工潛能與績效對員工晉升的影響--以營造建築業為例★ 建構整合性智慧健康照護網絡─以中壢天晟醫院醫療小管家為例
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摘要(中) 個案公司屬於勞力密集的傳統製造業,人力來源主要為國內勞動力,雖然也引進外籍移工,但受限在台工作年資(最高十二年)、外籍移工意願與能力,因此對各階層的接班人培訓仍以本籍員工為主。除持續本業發展外,目前積極於未來集團化、國際化事業發展。因公司已成立六十年,對未來接班或繼任人才需求殷切。依國家發展委員會(2020)之統計,台灣人口的粗出生率與粗死亡率自民國一百零九年起出現交叉,這項統計說明,未來勞動人力的供給勢必更困難,因此企業更迫切需要系統化的人才管理制度,才能因應未來發展需要。
摘要(英) In this case, this company is belonging to the labor-intensive traditional manufacturing industry. The source of manpower is mainly domestic labor. Although it also introduces foreign migrant workers, it is highly limited by their job tenure in Taiwan (up to 12 years) and also their willingness and ability. Therefore, the training of successors at all levels is still dominated by local employees. It does not only continue focusing on the development of the primary business but is also active in developing the group management in the future and international business. The company has been established for 60 years, it is the reason that there is a strong demand for future successors or talents. According to the statistics of the National Development Council in 2020, the death rate has exceeded the birth rate of Taiwan’s population since the 109 years of the Republic of China. This statistic shows that the future supply trend of labor will be more and more difficult. Therefore, enterprises urgently need a systematic talent management system to meet the needs of the future state.
By the experience and insights of experts and scholars, this research attempts to establish a set of talent management models which is suitable for individual companies. It hopes to solve the problem of talent shortage through systematic talent identification and development. However, this case is still unfamiliar with the operation of a complete talent management model. In order to prevent the people who are involved in the establishment of the talent management model from being pressured and repelled, the process of establishing the talent management model will be divided into two stages. This research focuses on the first stage, including mastering organizational development strategies, determining key positions, designing core functions and management functions, organization and talent review, and establishing of key talent pools. By the experience of this research, it is hoped that this company will have a initial concept of the importance of the talent management model and the operation process, so that the second stage of the personal development plan and related operations can be further established in the future.
This research studies and understands the company’s development strategy in the next five years and confirms the key position in the organization through interviews with operators. Through interviews, we have clearly grasped the two cultural values of the company and proceeded from this to select the core functions and management functions required for the company′s development.
According to the company operator in the case, executives (up to assistant management) are chosen to be the key positions. Therefore, for the current employees of this management level, the same level, and the next-level(mid-level supervisors), we perform functional evaluation and then compare with the performance score to locate the talent in the nine-square grid.
Through this research process, the company has established a basic identification and process for the selection of key talents. In the future, this model can be used to extend the second phase of the personal development plan.
In this study, there is still something for improvement in the establishment of functional models and the use and methods of talent evaluation tools such as the revision of competency dictionary, the establishment of professional competency, multidimensionality assessment, and the use of external potential assessment tools, etc. If we can use more mature and objective tools, it will definitely make the identification and development process of key talents more objective and comprehensive.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人才管理
★ 關鍵人才
★ 職能
★ 人才評鑑
★ 接班人計劃
關鍵字(英) ★ talent management
★ key position
★ competency
★ talent evaluation
★ succession planning
論文目次 第一章緒論 1
一. 研究背景與動機 1
二. 研究目的 5
第二章文獻探討 8
一. 人才管理的定義與內涵 8
二. 人才管理制度的發展 9
三. 人才管理制度與模式 13
四. 人才評鑑工具 17
五. 人才盤點 18
六. 關鍵人才與接班人計劃 22
第三章研究方法 27
一、 個案公司介紹 27
二. 研究設計 29
三. 研究流程 30
四. 流程內容 31
五. 研究方法 35
第四章研究結果 37
一. 確立文化價值觀 37
二. 確立組織策略與關鍵職務 38
三. 建立職能模式 39
四. 人才盤點與定位 41
五. 人才管理模式 44
六. 關鍵人才庫 44
第五章結論與建議 46
一. 研究結論 46
二. 管理意涵 46
三. 研究限制 47
四. 建議 49
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指導教授 林文政 審核日期 2021-7-20
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