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姓名 王佳倫(Jia-Lun Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 商業智慧管理能力在提高決策績效中的作用
(Role of Business Intelligence Management Capability in Enhancing Decision-Making Performance)
★ 影響ERP導入過程及成效因素之研究 - 單一公司兩次導入SAP系統之比較分析★ 運用資料倉儲技術建置物力動員資訊系統之開發
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★ 尋求卓越:中小企業資訊部門的管理之個案研究★ 「證券商共同網路交易平台」之可行性分析
★ 產業競合模式策略探討-以自行車產業為例★ RFID導入航空貨運站出口作業流程應用之研究
★ 綠色供應鏈活動建構之個案研究-以筆記型電腦製造業為例★ 導入資訊科技服務管理之評估-以遠東銀行為例
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★ 服務導向架構為基礎的企業流程管理之探討 - 以瀚宇博德股份有限公司為例★ 沙賓法案實施與企業遵循個案研究--以K公司為例
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摘要(中) 隨著科學技術的進步,全球化已成為世界趨勢,這意味著資訊傳播速度更快,企業每天所需要接收的資訊量也在增加。為了更快地理解數據,企業開始使用商業智慧(BI)系統來探索這些數據,以便管理和使用所有可用的資訊。企業之所以要導入BI系統最主要的目的便是協助企業制定決策,並藉此提高決策績效。良好的決策績效能幫助企業更快地回應客戶的需求且更早地制定計劃,從而提高業務流程績效。因此,對於資訊主管來說,如何更好地使用BI系統以及在使用BI系統時該注意哪些層面便成了重要的議題。
摘要(英) With the advancement of technology and science, globalization has become a world trend, which means that information spreads faster, and the amount of information that firms need daily is also increasing. In order to utilize the data more effectively, firms began to use business intelligence (BI) systems to explore data in order to manage and use all available information. The main reason why firms want to introduce BI systems is to help firms make better decisions, thus improving decision-making performance. Good decision-making performance can assist firms respond to customer needs faster and develop plans faster, thereby improving business process performance. Therefore, for IT managers, how and when to use BI system properly has become an important issue.
This study holds that in order for a BI system to succeed, in addition to good management capabilities, resources such as human resource and infrastructure are also required. Therefore, we propose a model to examine the relationships among BI management capabilities, BI technical infrastructure, BI personnel expertise, decision-making performance, and business process performance. We collected data from the top 1,237 manufacturing firms in Taiwan with a survey to examine the measures of the constructs and test the hypotheses. This research thus provides a more systematic perspective to understand how to improve business process performance through BI systems. Implications of the results are provided.
關鍵字(中) ★ 商業智慧管理能力
★ 商業智慧科技基礎建設質量
★ 商業智慧人員專業技術
★ 決策績效
★ 業務流程績效
關鍵字(英) ★ BI Management Capability
★ BI Technical Infrastructure Quality
★ BI Personnel Expertise
★ Decision-Making Performance
★ Business Process Performance
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Objectives and Questions 5
2. Literature Review 6
2.1 BI Management Capability 6
2.2 BI Personnel Expertise 8
2.3 BI Technical Infrastructure Quality 10
2.4 Decision-Making Performance 12
2.5 Business Process Performance 13
3. Research Model and Hypotheses 15
3.1 Research Framework 15
3.2 BI Management Capability and BI Personnel Expertise 16
3.3 BI Management Capability and BI Technical Infrastructure Quality 17
3.4 BI Management Capability and Decision-Making Performance 18
3.5 BI Personnel Expertise and Decision-Making Performance 19
3.6 BI Technical Infrastructure Quality and Decision-Making Performance 20
3.7 Decision-Making Performance and Business Process Performance 21
4. Research Methodology 22
4.1 Sample Selection and Data Collection 22
4.2 Operationalization of Constructs 23
4.2.1 BI Management Capability 25
4.2.2 BI Personnel Expertise 26
4.2.3 BI Technical Infrastructure Quality 28
4.2.4 Decision-Making Performance 30
4.2.5 Business Process Performance 30
4.3 Control Variables 32
4.4 Research Procedures 32
5. Data Analysis and Results 33
5.1 Respondent Characteristics 33
5.2 Measurement Model 38
5.2.1 Examination of Second-Order Constructs 38
5.2.2 Reliability and Validity 43
5.2.3 Common Method Bias 47
5.3 Structural Model 48
5.3.1 PLS Results of Hypotheses Testing 48
5.3.2 Robustness Analysis 49
6. Conclusions 52
6.1 Findings and Discussions 52
6.2 Research Implications 54
6.3 Limitations 55
References 56
Appendix Questionnaire 62
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指導教授 王存國(Tswen-Gwo Wang) 審核日期 2021-7-5
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