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姓名 楊承洋(Cheng-Yang Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 認知與神經科學研究所
論文名稱 外語效應在決策的應用機制
(The Strategic Application of Foreign Language effect on Decision Making)
★ 語境多樣性與語意多樣性對中文字詞辨識影響之事件相關電位研究★ 大腦在語言理解過程中如何進行同步振動和產生聲音
★ 用回歸方法分析文字與動詞文法辨認的腦電資料
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摘要(中) 在這十年中,使用不同語言進行決策的差異仍然是一個不清楚的領域。然而,有幾項研究顯示,使用第二語言理解和執行決策情節的結果與第一語言有所不同。研究者傾向於使用捷思法謬誤來測試雙語者使用不同語言的差異。在2012年,Keysar 等人創造了“外語效應”一詞來表示參與者使用非母語做出不同決定時的差異。在這項研究中,研究者試圖通過廣義線性混合模型中使用不同的預測變項來解釋經濟決策中外語效應的機制。研究一主旨為透過框架效應來複製外語效應。研究二在線性模型中增加了腦電圖,詞彙判斷作業和風險偏好作業的使用。研究結果不支持語言的操弄影響參與者的決策能力而是支持語言對於決策歷程中情緒的改變進而改變參與者在決策作業中接受風險選擇的程度。
摘要(英) The difference in making decisions in different languages remains an unknown mystery this decade; however, several studies show that comprehending and processing a decision-making scenario in their second language is different from the first. Therefore, researchers tend to use a robust heuristic effect to test the difference in using different languages among bilinguals. In 2012, Keysar et al. coined the term “Foreign Language Effect” to represent the differences when participants make a different decision using a non-native language. In this study, the researcher exploresthe mechanism of foreign language effect in economic decision-making by using different predictors in a generalized linear mixed model. Study one aims to replicate
the foreign language effect by using the framing effect to elicit a utilitarian decision despite the scenario’s framing. Study two adds the usage of electroencephalogram,
lexical-decision task, and risk-preference task in the linear model to assess each predictors’ impact and the changes among different languages. Results revealed that
language did not cause any difference in participants’ decision-making ability; instead, the emotional arousal during the experiment differed between groups, thus
influencing the risk-taking pattern.
Keywords: foreign language effect, decision making, framing effect, L2 proficiency, EEG, emotion.
關鍵字(中) ★ 外語效應
★ 決策
★ 框架效果
★ 第二語言熟悉度
★ 腦電圖
★ 情緒
關鍵字(英) ★ foreign language effect
★ decision making
★ framing effect
★ L2 proficiency
★ emotion
論文目次 Chapter 1: Introduction . 7
Foreign Language Effect(FLe) and the Theoretical Background ..... 7
Moral Judgment VS Risk-Taking in FLe 12
Overall of Present Work .. 15
Bilingualism and Emotions ..... 18
Chapter 2: Measurements of L2 Proficiency ....... 22
Definition and Past Measurements .. 22
Using Lexical Decision Task (LDT) as Measurement .... 24
Chapter 3: Decision-Making Paradigm ....... 25
Overview of the Present Work 25
Holt-Laury Risk Preference Task .... 27
Money Size ...... 28
Chapter 4: ERP Components ....... 29
Medial Frontal Negativity ....... 29
Late Positive Potential ..... 31
Chapter 5: Study 1 ....... 34
Aim .. 34
Method: Materials ... 35
Method: Participants ....... 35
Method: Procedure .. 40
Results ..... 41
Discussion ....... 47
Chapter 6: Study 2 ....... 49
Aim .. 49
Electrophysiology Recording .. 49
Method: Materials ... 50
Method: Participants ....... 51
Method: Procedure .. 51
Behavioral Results ... 55
ERP Results ..... 61
Discussion 76
Chapter 7: General Discussion and Conclusion... 79
References .... 81
Appendix I: Asian Disease Problem (Kahneman & Tversky, 1981) ... 86
Appendix II: Holt-Laury risk preference task ..... 87
Appendix III: Examples of every combination (Study 2) . 100
Appendix IV: Scatter Plot of Correct Percentage and LDT Score ..... 104
Appendix IV: Scatter Plot of Correct Percentage and TOEIC Score . 104
Appendix V: Scatter Plot of Bet Percentage and LDT Score ..... 105
Appendix VI: Scatter Plot of Bet Percentage and TOEIC Score ....... 105
Appendix VIII: Stimuli for LDT Task (Chinese) ...... 106
Appendix IX: Stimuli for LDT Task (English) . 107
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指導教授 徐峻賢(Chun-Hsien Hsu) 審核日期 2021-10-25
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