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曹宗琪(Tsung-Chi Tsao)
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機械工程學系在職專班 |
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有機溶劑的暴露與風險評估-某研究機構為例 (Exposure and Risk Assessment of Organic Solvents - A Case Study of A Research Institute)
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摘要(中) |
有機溶劑多具有揮發性、易燃性等特性,其揮發性經由空氣散佈於作業環境,長時間暴露接觸容易對人體有健康危害,甚至有致癌風險;而易燃性為容易起火燃燒物質,一旦發生火災,恐危害人員生命安全及損害周邊設施。本研究係以有機溶劑使用及儲放進行職業暴露評估及火災動態模擬(Fire Dynamics Simulator,FDS)軟體模擬,目的了解R研究機構人員暴露實態、作業環境潛在危害及火災風險。
利用FDS軟體對儲放有機溶劑進行模擬及火場分析,結果得知燃燒所產生熱輻射及高溫,可能點燃相鄰容器或周圍設施,引起連鎖效應,使火勢迅速蔓延難以控制。因此,避免火災事故發生或將損害程度降至最低,除了加強各區域之消防外,安全儲存、管理,以及提高人員危害認知、安全觀念等更為重要。 |
摘要(英) |
Most organic solvents have the characteristics of volatility and flammability. Their volatility is spread in the working environment through the air. Long-term exposure to easy to human health hazards, and even carcinogenic risks. Flammability is prone to fire burning substances, once a fire, fear of endangering the lives of personnel and damage to surrounding facilities. This study is based on the use and storage of organic solvents for occupational exposure assessment and Fire Dynamics Simulator software simulation. The purpose of is to understand the actual exposure of a R Research Institute, potential hazards of the working environment and fire risk.
Five similar exposure areas of 8 organic solvents (methanol, ether, ethyl acetate, acetone, dimethyl methylamine, dichloromethane, tricloromethane, orthopane) were selected for investigation and study. In terms of exposure assessment, the values of the 2017-2019 working environment monitoring data and using the data for additive effect assessment and statistical analysis. The values all meet the legal permissible limit, which is compared with the chemical control banding semi-quantitative and quantitative zero ventilation model. The results of the assessment are overestimated, so as to strengthen protective measures to reduce the risk of occupational disasters.
Using FDS software to simulate the storage of organic solvents and analyze the fire field. Results show that the combustion generated by thermal radiation and high temperature, likely ignite adjacent containers or surrounding facilities. Causing chain effects, making the rapid spread of the fire difficult to control. Therefore, to avoid fire accidents or minimize the damage, in addition to strengthening fire protection in each area, safe storage and management. Further, it’s more important to improve personnel awareness of hazards and safety concepts. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 有機溶劑 ★ 作業環境監測 ★ 暴露評估 ★ FDS模擬 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Organic Solvents ★ Working Environment Monitoring ★ Exposure Assessment ★ FDS Simulation |
論文目次 |
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第2章 文獻探討 3
2.1 有機溶劑之危害 3
2.1.1 有機溶劑之特性及對人體之影響 3
2.1.2 有機溶劑之毒性 4
2.1.3 有機溶劑之危害預防 6
2.2 國內與各國有機溶劑暴露評估規範 7
2.3 作業環境監測計畫及實施 9
2.4 職業暴露評估方法 12
2.4.1 半定量評估-化學品分級管理 14
2.4.2 定量暴露評估-無通風推估模式 21
2.4.3 評估結果分級與管理 22
2.5 呼吸防護具選用 25
2.6 火災動態模擬(FDS)軟體簡介 27
2.7 暴露評估工具及FDS模擬之論文回顧 28
第3章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究流程及步驟 29
3.2 研究對象 30
3.3 R研究機構資料收集 30
3.3.1 製程流程說明 30
3.3.2 作業內容調查 31
3.3.3 人員組織配置 32
3.3.4 有害物質相關資訊 32
3.3.5 相似暴露族群之建立 33
3.4 實施初步危害分析 34
3.5 作業環境監測 37
3.5.1 採樣點規劃 37
3.5.2 採樣方法選定與樣本分析 38
3.5.3 歷年作業環境監測數據及統計分析 39
3.6 暴露風險評估 40
3.6.1 暴露評估工具 40
3.6.2 化學品分級管理工具 41
3.6.3 作業場所無通風推估模式 43
3.6.4 統計分析方式 44
3.7 火災風險評估 51
3.7.1 火載量 51
3.7.2 FDS模擬 53
第4章 結果與討論 57
4.1 初步危害分析結果 57
4.2 職業暴露評估結果分析 58
4.2.1 半定量評估結果 58
4.2.2 定量推估結果 59
4.2.3 統計分析結果 60
4.3 濃度與時間之柱狀圖 64
4.4 有害物之濃度分布 66
4.5 相加效應評估 68
4.6 離群值檢定 69
4.7 火災風險評估 70
4.7.1 熱輻射分析 70
4.7.2 溫度分析 71
4.7.3 不同熱釋放率分析 72
4.7.4 不同儲放容量分析 73
第5章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 建議 75
參考文獻 76 |
參考文獻 |
[14]Guo. X., Fan. J. C., and Melby. J. A., "Simulation and Calculation of Thermal Radiation of Oil Tank Fire Based on FDS", Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments., vol. 39, no. 2,2016, pp. 357-363.
[18]劉欣松,以FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)分析建築物火害的初步評估,碩士論文,2012年。
[22]Morgan. H.P., "Smoke Control Methods in Enclosed Shopping Complexes of One or More Storeys:A Design Summary",Building Research Establishment Report,1979。 |
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審核日期 |
2021-6-25 |
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