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姓名 鄭翰陽(Han-Yang Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 PVT生長氮化鋁單晶過程中坩堝及晶種對長晶條件之影響
(Influence of crucible and seed on crystal growth conditions in the process of PVT growth of AlN single crystal)
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摘要(中) 物理氣相傳輸法(Physical Vapor Transport , PVT)是一種利用昇華的方式生長氮化鋁單晶晶體的方法,由於生長過程中的質傳會受到溫場造成的飽和氣壓差影響,因此長晶溫場控制相當重要。本研究將透過數值模擬針對不同坩堝、塗層以及晶種材料分析其對長晶條件之影響。結果顯示石墨內坩堝因為導電率較低,最大熱源分布於外坩堝,而石墨內坩堝的熱源呈現從坩堝底部遞減至上蓋的分布,由於石墨坩堝之導電率較低的關係,使晶種溫度較高於其他材料,可達到較高的長晶速率( 0.05 mm⁄hr),然而石墨內坩堝易被鋁蒸氣侵蝕,需要在坩堝表面鍍上保護層防止汙染,模擬結果顯示,坩堝表面塗層材料對晶種表面溫場影響甚微,因此保護層材料使用不會造成晶體扭曲之碳化鉭較佳。最後碳化矽晶種因為不透光的特性,晶種內部的溫度梯度(0.1-0.19 K/cm)比透光的氮化鋁晶種(0.29-24.7 K/cm)來得小,產生熱應力會比較小,不易產生差排,造成在相同功率下,使用碳化矽晶種長晶會較好。
摘要(英) Physical Vapor Transport (PVT) is a method of growing aluminum nitride single crystal crystals by sublimation. Since the mass transfer during the growth process will be affected by the saturation pressure difference caused by the temperature field, the control of the crystal growth temperature field is very important. This study will analyze the influence of different crucibles, coatings, and seed materials on the growth conditions through numerical simulation. The results show that since the graphite inner crucible has low electrical conductivity. The largest heat source is distributed in the outer crucible, while the heat source of the graphite inner crucible decreases from the bottom of the crucible to the lid. Due to the lower conductivity of the graphite crucible, the temperature of the seed crystal is higher than other materials, and a higher crystal growth rate( 0.05 mm⁄hr) can be achieved. However, the graphite inner crucible is easily corroded by aluminum vapor, and a protective layer needs to be plated on the surface of the crucible to prevent contamination. The simulation results show that the surface of the crucible is coated the layer material has little effect on the surface temperature field of the seed crystal, so it is better to use tantalum carbide that does not cause crystal distortion as the protective layer material. Finally, because of the opaque nature of the silicon carbide seed crystal, the temperature gradient inside the seed crystal (0.1-0.19 K/cm) is smaller than that of the transparent aluminum nitride seed crystal (0.29-24.7 K/cm). The thermal stress generated is relatively small, and it is not easy to produce defects. As a result, it is better to use silicon carbide seed crystals to grow crystals under the same power.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物理氣相傳輸法
★ 氮化鋁
★ 內坩堝材料
★ 晶種
關鍵字(英) ★ physical vapor transport method
★ aluminum nitride
★ inner crucible material
★ seed crystal
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIII
符號說明 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 坩堝材料與耐用關係 2
1.3 碳化鉭塗層 3
1.4 文獻回顧 3
1.4.1物理氣相傳輸法生長氮化鋁的條件 3
1.4.2 物理氣相傳輸法-質傳 4
1.4.3 溫度梯度對長晶速率的影響 4
1-5 研究動機與目的 4
第二章 研究方法 8
2.1模型幾何 8
2.2物理系統 8
2.3基本假設 10
2.4統御方程式 10
2.5邊界條件 13
2.6腔體材料性質參數 14
第三章 數值方法 21
3.1 數值分析求解 21
3.2 網格配置 22
3.3 輻射解析度測試 25
3.4 收斂誤差測試 30
3.5 離散座標法測試 32
第四章 結果與討論 34
4.1 自然對流驗證以及模擬 34
4.2 不同坩堝材料對坩堝溫場影響 38
4.3 塗層材料對輻射熱傳之影響 44
4.4 塗層熱傳導對坩堝溫度之影響 47
4.5 塗層對晶種徑向溫度梯度和軸向溫度梯度影響 49
4.6 不同坩堝材質對晶種溫場與長晶速率之影響 51
4.7 三維線圈幾何與驗證 54
4.8 三維腔體自然對流驗證 61
4.9 參與介質驗證 64
4.10 參與介質與不透光介質溫場比較 72
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 76
5.1 結論 76
5.2 未來研究方向 77
參考文獻 78
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指導教授 陳志臣(Jyh-Chen Chen) 審核日期 2021-7-23
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