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姓名 陳玉秀(Tran Ngoc Tu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
(The relationship of kaolinite friction characteristics and temperature changing in submerged conditions)
★ 利用GIS進行廣域山區順向坡至逆向坡 之判別與潛勢評估–以北橫地區為例★ 北橫公路復興至巴陵段岩石單壓強度之 初步預估模式
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摘要(中) 摘要
強度的影響,本研究以在正向應力為 1 MPa 及較大滑移速度範圍(從 10-7
到 1 m/s)的實驗條件對純高嶺土上進行了一系列旋剪試驗。在徑向排水條件
果表明,穩態摩擦係數在滑移速度從 10-7
m/s 到 10-5
m/s 時到達 0.2,然後在
m/s 時略微上升到 0.26、在 10-3
m/s 時上升到 0.3、並在 10-2
m/s 時到達 0.4、
接下來在 10-1
m/s 下降至 0.3。而在 1 m/s 的實驗條件下摩擦係數為滑移弱化
且穩態摩擦係數等於 0.14,這顯示了在浸水條件下之結果不同於先前研究的
度(從 10-7
m/s 到 10-3
m/s)下保持在攝氏 25 – 26 度左右,然後在 10-2
m/s 時
逐漸增加到攝氏 32 度,接下來在 10-1
m/s 的速度顯著地升至攝氏 60 度,最後
以 1 m/s 的速度升至攝氏 75 度。然而,這項研究表明了高嶺土的線性熱膨脹
Researches have suggested that slip rates can significantly influence the
strength of the slip zones of landslides, and the effect of water on the slip zones is
also proposed as a crucial factor. Nevertheless, efficient reports on this process
are still limited and are continue being debated. In order to dig deeper into the
roles of slip rate and drainage condition on the strength of the slip zones of the
landslides, a series of rotary shear tests were conducted on a wide range of shear
velocity (from 10-7
to 1 m/s) with normal stress of 1 MPa on kaolinite clay. For
the control of radial drainage condition, samples were sandwiched by two
impermeable-holders and covered by a Teflon ring. The system then being
submerged into water tank. This research also assesses the correlation between
the friction characteristics and the temperature changes in the submerged
condition. The results illustrated that the steady-state friction coefficient reached
0.2 at a slip rate from 10-7 m/s to 10-5 m/s and followed by a slightly raised to 0.26
at 10-4 m/s, 0.3 at 10-3 m/s, and reached 0.4 at 10-2 m/s before dropping to 0.3 at
. The friction coefficient at 1 m/s shown the slip-weakening behavior with
steady-state friction equal 0.14, indicated that the submerged condition is different
to the dry and saturated conditions from previous studies. Temperature
measurement results during the tests were maintained at around 25 – 26 degrees
Celsius at a low slip rate (from 10-7 m/s to 10-3 m/s), then gradually increased to
32 degrees Celsius at 10-2 m/s, and significantly raised to 60 degrees Celsius at
10-1 m/s and 75 degrees Celsius at 1 m/s. However, this study proved that the
linear thermal expansion of kaolinite clay had been created by the shearing
process, not related to the changing of axial displacement.
Keywords: Rotary shear test, kaolinite, velocity dependency, drainage
condition, temperature measurement.
關鍵字(中) ★ 旋轉剪切試驗
★ 高嶺土
★ 速度相依性
關鍵字(英) ★ Rotary shear test
★ kaolinite
★ velocity dependency
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................................ii
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................. v
LIST OF NOTATIONS...........................................................................................ix
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION............................................................................ 1
1.1. Motivation and purpose .............................................................................. 1
1.2. Flow chart of this study ............................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 6
2.1. The friction coefficient in rotary shear tests ............................................. 6
2.2. Velocity – displacement dependent friction law ....................................... 7
2.3. Teflon ring affects the friction coefficient ................................................. 9
2.4. Temperature changing in shear tests......................................................... 9
CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY ........................................................................ 10
3.1. Low- to high-velocity rotary-shear friction apparatus .......................... 10
3.2. Samples preparation.................................................................................. 14
3.2.1. Testing material ......................................................................................... 14
3.2.2. Holders........................................................................................................ 14
3.2.3. The Teflon rings friction coefficient......................................................... 14
3.2.4. Thermocouple............................................................................................. 15
3.3. Testing program......................................................................................... 16
3.3.1. Consolidation stage .................................................................................... 16
3.3.2. Shearing stage............................................................................................. 16
3.3.3. Calculating temperature ........................................................................... 16
3.3.4. How to evaluate thermo-expansion.......................................................... 17
3.3.5. The steady-state friction coefficient ......................................................... 18
CHAPTER 4: RESULTS ....................................................................................... 21
4.1. Consolidation stage .................................................................................... 21
4.2. Shearing stage............................................................................................. 23
4.2.1. Teflon correction........................................................................................ 23
4.2.2. Friction coefficient, axial displacement, and temperature versus slip
displacement............................................................................................................ 25
4.2.3. Velocity-dependent steady-state friction coefficient............................... 39
4.2.4. Temperature changing during the shear tests........................................ 40
CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION................................................................................. 42
5.1. Classification of friction coefficient versus shear displacement curves 42
5.2. Dilation during shear................................................................................. 43
5.3. Repeatability of testing results.................................................................. 45
5.4. Temperature calculation and measurement ........................................... 48
5.5. Steady-state friction coefficient compare with previous studies........... 49
CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 52
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 54
APPENDIX.............................................................................................................. 61
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指導教授 董家鈞(Jia-Jyun Dong) 審核日期 2021-3-5
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