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姓名 賴奕蓉(Yi-Jung Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 系統化的室內空氣品質管理制度之發展
(The Development of Systematic Indoor Air Quality Management System)
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摘要(中) 我國目前室內空氣品質管理仍著重於管末的控制,然而根據檢測與量測的數據無法整體性的解決室內空氣品質的問題,且改善的目標也較不明確。面對這樣的狀況,我國主要管理與管制的中央主管機關為行政院環保署,政府為了維持環境的品質及保護國民的健康,訂定了許多環境保護相關的法規及各部會的權責分工,但目前仍面臨許多問題,而造成室內空氣品質不良的主要原因是通風量不足、空調系統設置不良及建材與家具所產生的甲醛與揮發性有機物含量過高等,且這些問題都會涉及到「建築物」建造前的規劃設計、室內裝修及建材管制等行為,與內政部營建署較為關連,其根原因為在權責分工下環保單位與建管單位並無配合共同制定管理的運作機制,造成許多管理策略或配套措施恐有涉及權責上的模糊地帶,造成無法具體執行的困難。因此,本研究以系統化的環境品質保護概念與原則探討危害室內空氣品質的作用機制,分析危害事件的管理方法與其相對應負責的主管機關,利用系統化的自我與組織管理架構與機制建立合理的室內空氣品質管理制度與措施,由內政部營建署以整體性的考量土地使用用途,勞動部與衛生福利部協同評估受體容受程度及訂定排放標準,目的事業主管機關核發許可以配合許可危害物的排放量與定期申報以掌握狀況,行政院環保署則為監督事業單位是否超出許可量,並不斷回饋控制校正、修正與修訂,以有效改善與維持良好的室內空氣品質。
摘要(英) In Taiwan, the current indoor air quality management still focuses on the control of the End-of-Pipe, but the problem of indoor air quality cannot be solved integrally based on the data of detection and measurement, and the goal of improvement is relatively unclear. In the face of such a situation, the main central competent authority for management and control in Taiwan is the Environmental Protection Agency, Executive Yuan. In order to maintain the quality of the environment and protect the health of the people, the government has formulated many environmental protection-related laws and regulations and the division of powers and responsibilities of various ministries and committees. However, there are still many problems. The main causes of poor indoor air quality are insufficient ventilation, incorrect air-conditioning systems setting, and high concentration of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds generated by building materials and furniture. These problems will all involve "buildings" Pre-construction planning and design, interior decoration, and building materials control are more related to the Ministry of the Interior′s Construction Agency. The root cause is that the environmental protection unit and the construction management unit did not cooperate in the joint development of management operating mechanisms under the division of powers and responsibilities, resulting in many Management strategies or supporting measures may involve ambiguous areas of power and responsibilities, resulting in difficulties that cannot be specifically implemented. Therefore, this study uses systematic environmental quality protection concepts and principles to explore the mechanism that harms indoor air quality, analyzes the management methods of hazardous events and their corresponding competent authorities, and uses systematic self and organizational management structures and mechanisms to establish reasonable The indoor air quality management system and measures of the Ministry of the Interior are designed to consider land use as a whole. The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Health Services jointly evaluate the acceptability of recipients and set emission standards. Cooperating with the discharge amount of permitted hazardous substances and regular reporting to grasp the status, the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan supervises whether the business unit exceeds the permitted amount, and continuously feedbacks control corrections, amendments and revisions to effectively improve and maintain good indoor air quality.
關鍵字(中) ★ 室內空氣品質
★ 系統思維
★ 危害分析
★ 組織管理
★ 管理制度
關鍵字(英) ★ Indoor Air Quality
★ Systems Thinking
★ Hazard Analysis
★ Organization Management
★ Management System
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究目標 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 室內空氣品質管理現況與問題探討 4
2.1.1 相關法令頒布時程 4
2.1.2 我國管理制度現況與問題 8
2.1.3 危害物管制的觀念與作法 23
2.2 系統思維與系統方法 24
2.3 自我管理與組織管理 27
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究流程與步驟 29
3.2 名詞界定 30
3.2.1 室內空氣品質之界定 32
3.2.2 管理之界定 36
3.2.3 室內空氣品質管理之界定 37
3.3 系統化的環境品質保護概念與原則之建立 37
3.3.1 系統化的環境品質保護概念 38
3.3.2 系統化的環境品質保護原則 41
3.4 關連系統的環境品質管理之建立 43
3.4.1 危害與危害的作用機制之界定 44
3.4.2 室內空氣品質危害影響分析 45
3.4.3 室內空氣品質危害事件分析 45
3.4.4 室內空氣品質管理方法之建立 45
3.5 系統化的自我與組織管理架構與機制之發展 47
3.6.1 系統化的自我與組織管理架構 47
3.6.2 系統化的自我與組織管理機制 48
3.6 系統化的室內空氣品質管理制度與措施之發展 50
第四章 結果與討論 54
4.1 系統化的室內空氣品質保護概念與原則 54
4.2 系統化的室內空氣品質危害分析方法 56
4.2.1 危害與危害的作用機制 56
4.2.2 室內空氣品質危害影響 57
4.2.3 室內空氣品質危害事件 65
4.3 系統化的室內空氣品質危害管理方法 67
4.4 系統化的室內空氣品質組織管理架構與機制 77
4.4.1 系統化的室內空氣品質組織管理架構 77
4.4.2 系統化的室內空氣品質組織管理機制 78
4.5 既有室內空氣品質管理制度與措施之問題分析與對策研擬 82
第五章 結論與建議 88
5.1 結論 88
5.2 建議 90
參考文獻 92
參考文獻 國外文獻

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[1] 行政院環保署,室內空氣品質管理法。
[2] 內政部營建署,建築技術規則。
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[6] 衛生福利部,菸害防制法。
指導教授 廖述良 審核日期 2021-10-4
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