博碩士論文 107322038 詳細資訊

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姓名 魏怡筠(Yi-Yun Wei)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 探討逆向坡受重力變形 及降雨影響之破壞型態
★ 以離心模型試驗及個別元素法評估正斷層和逆斷層錯動地表及地下變形★ 極端降雨下堤防破壞機制探討 -以舊寮堤防為例
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★ 以微觀角度探討顆粒狀材料在直剪試驗下之力學行為★ 以地理統計方法進行大範圍基地地盤改良評估
★ 以離散元素法進行具鍵結顆粒材料之直剪試驗模擬★ 地工織物加勁土壤之承載力影響因子探討 -以中大紅土為例
★ 以離散元素法探討加勁砂土層在淺基礎受載重下之力學★ 卵礫石層直接剪力試驗與垂直平鈑載重試驗之離散元素法數值模擬
★ 不同粗糙度係數下岩石節理面剖面之空間變異性探討★ 以分離元素法與離心模型模擬在不同尺度下順向坡滑動行為
★ 極端降雨下堤防邊坡穩定可靠度探討-以荖濃溪沿岸堤防為例★ The micromechanical behavior of granular samples in direct shear tests using 3D DEM
★ 以分離元素法與離心模型試驗探討順向坡滑動行為★ 探討不同型態及尺度順向坡的滑動與堆積行為
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摘要(中) 台灣位處環太平洋地震帶,頻繁的造山運動使得台灣地形山多平原少,大大小小的地震以及所處的緯度在夏秋之際常有颱風肆虐,造成邊坡不穩定,常因此發生邊坡破壞,對人身安全及建設造成威脅。
摘要(英) Taiwan locates in the Circum-Pacific Seismic Belt. Frequent seismic activities lead to Taiwan’s mountainous terrain and less plains. There are many typhoons that make landfall in Taiwan and these events result in heavy rainfall. Because of these reasons, the slope becomes unstable. The slope failure may be a threat to the residents near the hills and infrastructure.
In order to discuss the failure mechanism of anti-dip slopes due to the effect of gravity, Hu (2019) performed the centrifuge tests and applied PFC3D to simulate the physical models. The results indicate that with thinner rock layer thickness and longer unsupported rock layer lengths, the anti-dip slope could deform and topple more easily. Zheng (2019) did the centrifuge tests and numerical simulation using the same model as Hu (2019) but with a second orthogonal joint set to discuss the effect of second joint set in the anti-dip slopes. The results showed that when the slenderness ratio of the layer is large, the failure mode is flexural toppling. The block toppling could occur with a smaller slenderness ratio.
In this study, we designed the rainfall system in the centrifuge model to study the effect of rainfall to the anti-dip slopes. Meanwhile, PFC3D was also performed to investigate the equivalent effect of heavier rainfall to the anti-dip slopes. In order to simulate the deteriorating strength of rock layer subject to rainfall, we adopted two-step decreasing of the micro-parameters. The simulated results indicate that the rainfall could shorten the time to slope failure, however, the rainfall intensity doesn’t have much impact on the potential failure surface pattern.
Comparing with the results of the physical tests, the numerical simulation in high gravity cannot have good result. In high gravity field of the numerical model, the potential failure surface of the model is steeper than that of the physical test in high gravity field. The potential failure surface’s position in high gravity field is the same as the physical test in 1g gravity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 逆向坡
★ 傾覆破壞
★ 離心模型
★ 降雨
關鍵字(英) ★ Anti-dip slope
★ toppling failure
★ centrifuge test
★ rainfall
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xvi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 逆向坡之定義 5
2.2 岩體潛變特徵 5
2.3 傾覆破壞 7
2.4 傾覆破壞的種類 7
2.4.1 主要傾覆破壞 7
2.4.2 次要傾覆破壞 (Secondary Toppling) 8
2.5 傾覆破壞案例 10
2.6 地工離心機介紹 11
2.6.1 離心機設備 11
2.6.2 離心機原理 12
2.6.3 離心模型靜態相似律 13
2.7 PFC3D介紹 15
2.7.1 PFC3D運算原理 15
2.7.2 運動方程式 15
2.7.3 接觸模型 17
2.8 以分離元素法探討板岩邊坡變形機制 21
2.9 以離心模型試驗與數值模擬探討逆向坡破壞 24
2.9.1 離心模型試驗 26
2.9.2 數值模擬 31
第三章 研究方法 33
3.1 物理模型試驗 33
3.1.1 物理模型之基本假設 33
3.1.2 試體之物理性質 33
3.1.3試體製作 35
3.1.4 離心試驗設備 37
3.1.5 離心試驗配置 44
3.1.6 1g試驗配置 47
3.2 數值模擬分析 48
3.2.1 數值模擬設定 48
3.2.2 數值模擬之參數 49
3.2.3潛在破壞面判斷 50
第四章 試驗結果與分析 51
4.1 試驗規劃 51
4.2 降雨強度設計 52
4.3 試驗結果分析方法 54
4.4 物理試驗結果分析 56
4.4.1 試驗A-1:75度、解壓長度12公分、20g、降雨強度225 mm/hr(先重力變形再降雨) 56
4.4.2 試驗A-2:75度、解壓長度12公分、20g、降雨強度218 mm/hr (重力變形與降雨同時發生) 58
4.4.3 試驗B-1:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、20g、降雨強度235 mm/hr 60
4.4.4 試驗B-2:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、1g、降雨強度123 mm/hr 61
4.4.5 試驗B-3:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、1g、降雨強度248 mm/hr 64
4.5 試驗比較 66
4.5.1 試驗A-1與試驗A-2比較 (降雨時間不同) 66
4.5.2 試驗B-1與試驗B-3之比較 (重力場不同) 67
4.5.3 試驗B-2與試驗B-3之比較 (降雨強度不同) 68
4.6 降雨對逆向坡之影響 69
4.6.1 試驗A-1、試驗A-2與胡家豪(2019)試驗二之比較 69
4.6.2 試驗B-1與胡家豪(2019)試驗七之比較 71
4.7 各組試驗之比較 71
第五章 數值模擬與試驗比較 73
5.1 數值模擬參數設定 73
5.2 降雨模型弱化 73
5.4數值模擬與離心試驗之比較 76
5.4.1 試驗A-2:75度、解壓長度12公分、20g、降雨強度218 mm/hr 76
5.4.2 試驗B-1:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、20g、降雨強度235 mm/hr 80
5.4.3 試驗B-2:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、1g、降雨強度123 mm/hr 84
5.4.4 試驗B-3:75度、坡頂漸減、解壓長度7.5-12公分、1g、降雨強度248 mm/hr 88
5.4.5 參數分析 91
第六章 結論與建議 96
6.1 結論 96
6.2建議 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 Q&A 101
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指導教授 黃文昭(Wen-Chao Huang) 審核日期 2021-7-1
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