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姓名 楊凱傑(Kai-Jie Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 懸浮微粒在自然通風建築物內外的傳輸模擬
(Numerical Simulation of Transport Process of Particulate Matters in Naturally Ventilated Buildings)
★ 定剪力流中二維平板尾流之風洞實驗★ 以大渦紊流模式模擬不同流況對二維方柱尾流之影響
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★ 低層建築物表面風壓之實驗研究★ 圓柱體形建築物表面風壓之實驗研究
★ 最大熵值理論在紊流剪力流上之應用★ 應用遺傳演算法探討海洋放流管之優化方案
★ 均勻流中圓柱體形建築物表面風壓之風洞實驗★ 大氣與森林之間紊流流場之風洞實驗
★ 以歐氏-拉氏法模擬煙流粒子在建築物尾流區中的擴散★ 以HHT分析法研究陣風風場中建築物之表面風壓
★ 以HHT時頻分析法研究陣風風場中物體所受之風力★ 風吹落物之軌跡預測模式與實驗研究
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摘要(中) 建築物內外的空氣交換可帶入室外的空氣,稀釋掉室內的空氣污染物,改善室內的空氣品質。然而 室外空氣也有可能帶著汙染物進入室內,其中懸浮微粒就是其中一項評估空氣品質的因子,為了瞭解粒狀汙染物是如何由室外進入室內,以及在室內的停留、離開等情況如何進行,必須對建築物通風與汙染物傳輸機制有更深入的瞭解。本研究採用流體動力學模式研究建築物自然通風與外部汙染物傳輸之間的關係。模擬流況以貫流通風為主研究成果顯示當室外顆粒汙染源愈靠近建築物 汙染物進入室內的比例由增加至。當建築物長度增加,通風量隨之減少,室外汙染物進入室內的比例下降;當汙染源位置距離建築物的長度減少,顆粒汙染物進入室內的比例隨之增加。當汙染源位於街谷中 隨著間距的增加,下風處的建築物的通風量也隨之增加。當建築物間距 S/H = 2時,建築物間的風速十分微弱,顆粒汙染物在街谷中停留時間變長,顆粒有較高的機率進入建築物。但當建築物間距 S/H ≥ 4時 隨著間距的增加顆粒汙染物進入下風處的建築物內部的比例增加。
摘要(英) The natural ventilation of buildings can bring in the fresh air, dilute indoor air pollutants, and improve indoor thermal comfort. However, outdoor air may also bring pollutants into the buildings. The particular matter is one of the pollutants that could significantly affect indoor air quality. Therefore, it is necessary to have a deeper understanding of the relationship between natural ventilation and pollutant transport mechanisms. This study uses a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to investigate how the outdoor particulate pollutants enter naturally ventilated buildings. The research results show that and the ventilation rate and the entrance rate of outdoor PM pollutants decrease when the length of the building increases. In addition, the deposition rate of indoor PM2.5 rises with the increasing building length due to the stagnant air inside the long buildings. Furthermore, when the pollution source is located in the street canyon, the ventilation rate of downwind buildings and the entrance rate of PM pollutants decrease as the building spacing S decreases. But when the building spacing S/H = 2, the wind speed between buildings is very weak, the PM pollutants stay in the street canyons longer, and the pollutants have a higher chance of entering the building.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自然通風
★ 室內空氣品質
★ 懸浮微粒
★ 街谷
★ 移除機制
關鍵字(英) ★ Natural ventilation
★ Indoor Air Quality
★ Particulate matter
★ Street Canyon
★ Removal rate
論文目次 Abstract·················································· I
Notation·················································· V
Figure Caption·········································· VII
Table Caption············································· X
1. Introduction··········································· 1
2. Numerical Model········································ 5
3. Model Validation······································· 9
3.1 Surface Pressure······································ 9
3.2 PM Concentration····································· 11
3.3 Time Scale Analysis·································· 13
3.4 Density Effect······································· 15
3.5 Grid size & Time step································ 16
3.6 Other Validation Case································ 16
4. Results and Discussion································ 18
4.1 Single room building································· 18
4.1.1 Ventilation Rate··································· 18
4.1.2 Building Length···································· 20
4.1.3 Pollutant Source Location·························· 22
4.2 Street Canyon········································ 22
4.3 Two-room building···································· 24
5.Conclusions············································ 25
References··············································· 26
Figures·················································· 28
Tables··················································· 83
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指導教授 朱佳仁(Chia-Ren Chu) 審核日期 2021-7-14
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