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姓名 塔莉塔(Siti Talitha Rachma)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 探討都市熱島效應對臺北地區午後雷雨及地下水之影響
(Interaction of Urban Heat Island with Afternoon Thunderstorm and Groundwater Variations in Taipei, Taiwan)
★ 結合資料探勘方法建立屏東平原含水層水文地質參數推估模式★ 探討颱風特性於農損及坡地災害遙測影像辨識之研究
★ 不同時空降雨型態對於地下水補注量之探討—以屏東平原為例★ 以訊號分析資料探勘方法探討PM2.5污染傳播時空特徵及相應之天氣條件
★ 運用訊號分析方法於地下水資源旱災韌性與風險評估★ 水文地質條件不確定性下的地下水時空變化模擬
★ 建立台灣北部交通與氣象因子對於空氣污染影響之機器學習模型★ 以深度學習方法建立地下水位預警之風險評估模型
★ 以機器學習預測海溫及熱帶氣旋特徵對於珊瑚白化之影響 – 以澎湖南方四島為例★ 以系統動態與貝氏網路探討地表水與地下水的聯合管理策略
★ 探討臺灣地震活動特徵與環境變數相關性分析★ 以機器學習方法建立巨觀尺度降雨氣候水資源推估模式
★ 探討強風是否為崩塌致災因子與建立崩塌機器學習模型★ 以小波分析技術建立創新乾旱時空分佈指標與氣候變遷乾旱風險分析
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摘要(中) 研究顯示地球的平均溫度正逐年上升,而都市化城市變暖的速度快於其周圍農村地區之現象稱為都市熱島效應 (UHI),UHI導因於都市地區之人為活動,其可能在區域或全球範圍內影響天氣和氣候。因此本研究目的在探討 UHI 對臺北地區水文變化、雷雨和地下水位的影響,以作為都市發展規劃的參考依據。為了從時域和頻率探討不同因子間非線性關係的具體細節和趨勢,本研究採用了希爾伯特-黃變換(HHT),在數個測站之間比較 HHT分析結果;亦透由經驗正交函數(EOF)萃取臺北市午後雷雨的主要空間分布特徵。結果顯示,臺北市都市化過程使過去 57 年來 UHI 的強度增加了 1.5°C,臺北地區各測站20年來以10年14.7%的速率從0.2°C增加到1.1°C;根據EOF分析結果,自1998年以來,42.36%的雷雨發生在市區而非其他地區,而市區地下水位總體呈上升趨勢,隨著雷雨事件的增加,都市內發生淹水事件的機率將增加,因此需要適當的應對政策及措施。
摘要(英) Each year, average of Earth’s temperature rises and the urbanized cities are warming at a significant rate than its surrounding rural area. This phenomenon is called Urban Heat Island (UHI). UHI is a consequence of human activities in urban area and it has possibilities to impact weather and climate on regional or global scale. The objective of this study is to understand UHI impact to hydrological variations, thunderstorms and groundwater level, in Taipei area in order to be an input of consideration for urban development. In order to reveal specific details and trend of non-linear relation from both time domain and frequency, Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) is adopted in this study. The HHT trend results are later compared between each station. Later, empirical orthogonal function (EOF) also being used to extract main spatial pattern of afternoon thunderstorm in Taipei city. The results show that the urbanization in Taipei city contribute to increase of UHI intensity for the past 57 years with 1.5 oC. While the increase of various stations in Taipei area for 20 years starts from 0.2 to 1.1 oC and also the increasement of 14,7%/decades. According to EOF analysis, there is 42.36% of thunderstorm that initiated and happened in the urban areas rather than in other area since 1998. While overall of groundwater level in urban areas has increasing trend. Proper mitigation is needed as the possibilities of sudden flooding in the urban will rises along with increasing of thunderstorms events.
關鍵字(中) ★ 城市熱島
★ 雷雨
★ 地下水位
★ 希爾伯特-黃變換
★ 經驗正交函數
關鍵字(英) ★ urban heat island
★ thunderstorm
★ groundwater level
★ Hilbert-Huang Transform
★ empirical orthogonal function
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter I - Introduction 1
1-1 Background 1
1-2 Problem Statement and Research Questions 5
1-3 Research Objectives 6
1-4 Research Framework 6
1-5 Research Outline 7
Chapter II - Literature Review 9
2-1 Environmental changes due to urban development 9
2-2 Definition of UHI and understanding the phenomenon 10
2-3 UHI effect on local climate 12
2-4 UHI effect on thunderstorm rainfall 14
2-4-1 Thunderstorm characteristic 14
2-4-2 UHI effect on thunderstorm rainfall in other regions 15
2-4-3 UHI effect on thunderstorm rainfall in Taipei 17
2-5 Groundwater response on climate variability 21
Chapter III - Methodology 24
3-1 Overview of the study area 24
3-1-1 Topography of the region 24
3-1-2 Climate of the study area 25
3-2 Data collection and pre-processing 26
3-3 Analysis methods 29
3-3-1 Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) 29
3-3-2 Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) 33
3-3-3 Selection events for afternoon/evening thunderstorm 35
3-4 Research analysis framework 36
Chapter IV - Results and Discussion 37
4-1 UHI trend in Taipei area 37
4-2 Yearly distribution, trend, and spatial variations of thunderstorms 44
4-2-1 Thunderstorm spatial variations 47
4-2-2 Thunderstorm cumulative concentration trend 49
4-3 Groundwater trend 53
Chapter V - Conclusions 59
5-1 Findings and conclusions 59
5-2 Limitations and recommendations 60
References 62
Appendix 71
6-1 Appendix 1 71
6-2 Appendix 2 72
6-3 Appendix 3 78
6-4 Appendix 4 81
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指導教授 林遠見(Yuan-Chien Lin) 審核日期 2021-7-26
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