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姓名 盧淑惠(Shu-Hui Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 測試驅動開發用於高職生程式教學
(Teaching Test-Driven Development in High School)
★ 以極致編程為基礎的嵌入式系統雙層測試工具★ 極致編程的兩個延伸:繪製草圖及英詞中句虛擬碼
★ 應用DAML建立代理人社群以整合網路服務★ 以DAML為基礎的目標導向個人代理人
★ 攜帶可延伸的ontology以增進agent間的溝通★ 使用代理人支援eXtreme Programming(XP)環境的建構系統
★ 使用代理人輔助XP環境之驗收測試★ 使用代理人輔助eXtreme Programming環境之單元測試
★ 使用代理人輔助eXtreme Programming環境之版本控制★ 行動代理人使用DAML Ontology於 進階用路人資訊系統
★ 網路服務描述的整合驗證環境★ 適用OWL-S服務模型之新的正規技術
★ 用於代理人互動的知識本體增強的多代理人閘道系統★ 文件製作活動:極致編程在嵌入式系統上之延伸
★ 使用極致編程在嵌入式系統中移植開放原始碼★ 透過白板面對面溝通的快捷方法經驗
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摘要(中) eXtreme Programming (XP)是近年來最為人所熟知的快捷方法,適合十人以下,強調反覆的流程、快速回應及有效控制開發流程的輕量級軟體開發方法。
本論文用XP 的核心Test-Driven Development (TDD),提出一套適合高職程式設計課程的method,訓練學生測試驅動開發與確保程式品質(quality)的良好態度。
藉由雙人搭檔(Pair programming)、Test-Driven Development (TDD)、重整(Refactoring )、簡單設計(Simple design)等四個核心XP practices,讓學生體驗 XP 的四種價值觀:溝通(Communication)、簡單(Simplest)、回饋(feedback)、勇氣(Courage),應用在程式寫作上。
摘要(英) Extreme Programming (XP) is the best known agile method in recent years. It is suitable for less than ten people development team. It is a light-weight method that focuses on iterative development, quick feedback, and effective control of development process.
This thesis uses a core of XP, namely, test-driven development, to design a method for high school programming teaching. The method aims to ensure good programming altitude that brings about high quality software.
The method uses the XP practices of pair programming, test-driven development, refactoring, and simple design, respectively, to let the students experience the XP values of communication, simplest, feedback, and courage in their programming.
關鍵字(中) ★ 測試驅動開發 關鍵字(英) ★ Teaching Test-Driven Development in High School
論文目次 Chapter 1 簡介(Introduction)..................................1
Chapter 2 相關文獻(Related Work)..............................2
Chapter 3 測試驅動開發用於高職生程式教學
(Teaching Test-Driven Development in High School).............3
Chapter 4 實驗(Experimentation)...............................5
Chapter 5 評估(Evaluation)...................................10
Chapter 6 結論(Conclusions)..................................14
A.Master Of Computer Certificate(MOCC) Visual Basic (VB)
B.Visual Basic常用物件表.....................................39
參考文獻 [1] A .Cockburn, Agile Software Development, Addision-Wesly, 2001.
[2] Ron Jeffries , ”What is extreme Programming?”, Available at:
[3] K .Beck , Test-Driven Development: By Example, Addison-Wesley, 2002.
[4] K .Beck, Extreme Programming Explained, Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[5] M. Fowler, Refactoring, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
[6] Jonathan Rasmusson ,”Introducing XP into Greenfield Projects: Lessons Learned”, Software, IEEE Volume 20, Issue 3, pp.21 – 28, May-Jun 2003.
[7] Kent Beck, eXtreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change , Addison-Wesley, 1999.
[8]李忠謀、吳佳娟,程式設計初學者除錯練習系統, Available at :
[9] Charles Lowell and Jeremy Stell-Smith,” Successful Automation of GUI Driven Acceptance Testing”, Available at: http://marathonman.sourceforge.net/docs/Successful%20Automation%20of%20GUI%20Driven%20Acceptance%20Testing.pdf
[10] Anders Nilsson, “JaTack-Java Acceptance testing Tool ACKronym*”, Available at:http://www.lucas.lth.se/publications/pub2002/nilsson_jatack.pdf
[11] Roy W. Miller, “Acceptance Testing”, Available at:
[12] M. Marchesi and G. Succi (Eds.),”Challenges in Teaching Test -Driven Development”, XP 2003, pp. 410-413, 2003.Avaliable at:
[13] William C. Wake, “Test-Driven Development and Teaching to Test”, Available at:http://weblogs.java.net/blog/wwake/archive/2004/04/testdriven_deve.html
[14] Malte Finsterwalder, “Automating Acceptance Tests for GUI Application an Extreme Programming Environment”, Available at: http://home.tiscalinet.de/finsterwalder/Malte_Finsterwalder_-_XP2001-Paper_GUI-Testing.pdf
[15] J.Y. Chen, A New Agile Method for High Quality Software, Available at:
[16]B.S. Bloom,G.F.Madaus, Evaluation to improve learning, McGraw Hill,1981.
指導教授 陳振炎(Jen-Yen Chen) 審核日期 2006-1-13
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