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姓名 黎通安(Le Tuan Anh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以離心模型試驗模擬橡膠土壤混合粒料作為地工隔震系統對結構物之動態反應
(Effect of Rubber-Soil Mixture as Geotechnical Seismic Isolator on Structure Dynamic Performance by Centrifuge Modeling)
★ 以離心振動臺試驗模擬緩衝材料中廢棄物罐之振動反應★ 緩衝材料在不同圍壓下之工程性質
★ 具裂縫的緩衝材料自癒行為模擬★ 具不同上部結構之樁基礎受振行為
★ 基盤土壤液化對上方土堤位移的影響★ 回填與緩衝材料之動態強度
★ 砂質土壤中柔性擋土牆在動態載重下的行為★ Effect of Vertical Drain Methods on The Soil Liquefaction
★ Centrifuge Modelling on Failure Behaviours of Sandy Slope Caused by Gravity, Rainfall and Earthquake★ 微生物膠結作用對砂質土壤性質的影響
★ 基盤土壤液化引致的側潰對上方土堤之影響及其改善對策★ 土壤液化引致側向滑移對樁基礎之影響及其對策
★ 挖掘機鏟斗上土壤黏附問題的基礎研究★ 低放射性廢棄物最終處置回填材料於不同配比下之工程力學特性
★ 以離心振動台試驗探討 基盤振動方向與坡向夾角對側向滑移之反應★ 應用時域反射法於地層下陷監測之改善研發
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摘要(中) 以離心模型試驗模擬橡膠土壤混合粒料作為地工隔震系統對結構物之動態反應


本研究使用中央大學地工離心機進行五組離心模型振動台試驗,模擬低樓層建築物置於一般砂土地盤或設有橡膠土壤混合粒料之地盤上受震的動態行為。本研究使用廢棄輪胎破碎處理的橡膠粒與石英砂混合作為地工隔震系統材料,其平均粒徑分別為3.32 mm及0.19 mm,橡膠粒佔橡膠土壤混合粒料質量之30%。輸入振動事件為正弦波及真實地震歷時(1999年集集大地震),正弦波頻率分別為1 Hz、2 Hz及3 Hz,其基盤加速度震幅變化從0.08 g至0.30 g (g = 9.81 m/s2)。


關鍵字: 地工離心模型試驗、地工隔震技術、回收材料、橡膠土壤混合粒料
摘要(英) Effect of Rubber-Soil Mixture as Geotechnical Seismic Isolator on Structure Dynamic Performance by Centrifuge Modeling

Beside an effective earthquake early warning system, mitigating earthquake disaster by protecting buildings from earthquakes is a momentous idea that has widely used around the world as the second line of defense. A new geotechnical seismic isolation technique has been developed called rubber-soil mixture (RSM). In this technique, rubber and soil are formed to create a mixture that is used as base isolator to decouple a building from earthquake motions.A resilient layer of RSM locates underneath the foundation of a structure to prevent seismic waves propagate to that structure. Because rubber is a highly compressible material, RSM can absorb seismic energy from ground motions that leads to reduce earthquake damages to the upper structure and its components.

To simulate and investigate structure dynamic performance of low-rise building, some structure models were prepared and five tests were established (in Centrifuge laboratory, National Central University, Taiwan) as a preliminary study. Rubber used in this research was tire granulate made from shredding and grinding up waste tires. Mean size (D50) of tire rubber granulate and silica sand was 3.32 and 0.19 mm, respectively. Rubber content in RSM was 30% by mass. Two types of employed input motions were sine wave and Chichi earthquake. Sine wave input frequencies were 1 Hz, 2 Hz, and 3 Hz while input amplitudes varied from 0.08 to 0.30 g (g = 9.81 m/s2).

Results of these tests showed that roof acceleration of the structure model could be reduced up to 30-45% in case of sine wave input motions, and up to 40% in case of earthquake input motions. Significant reduction in Arias intensity was achieved, 30-70% when the input motion was sine wave and 40-60% when the input motion was earthquake. Effectiveness of RSM was indicated by presenting the reduction of horizontal motions at the roof of structure model. Measurements of ground motion strength such as Arias intensity and cumulative absolute velocity revealed huge reduction in the destructiveness of seismic ground motions. Besides that, there is high potential for RSM to become a low cost technique because of the consumption of recycled material, waste tires. For these reasons, RSM is a promising solution especially for many lands where poor infrastructures and resources are not sufficient for earthquake mitigation.

Keywords: geotechnical centrifuge test, geotechnical seismic isolation, recycled material, rubber-soil mixture
關鍵字(中) ★ 地工離心模型試驗
★ 地工隔震技術
★ 回收材料
★ 橡膠土壤混合粒料
關鍵字(英) ★ geotechnical centrifuge test
★ geotechnical seismic isolation
★ recycled material
★ rubber-soil mixture

摘要 i
1.1 What is the problem? 1
1.2 Is there any suitable solution? 2
1.3 How does the solution work? 3
1.4 What is the structure of this thesis? 3
2.1 Studies of RSM in the last decade 5
2.1.1 Impacts of RSM 5
2.1.2 Side effect of RSM 6
2.2 Important properties of rubber used in RSM 6
3.1 Introduction about geotechnical centrifuge modeling 10
3.2 Instruments and apparatus 10
3.2.1 Container and pluviation apparatus 10
3.2.2 Shaking table and the geotechnical centrifuge 12
3.3 Test design and materials 13
3.3.1 Test design 13
3.3.2 Materials 18
3.4 Experimental procedure 20
3.4.1 Preparation process 20
3.4.2 Input seismic motions in five tests 24
4.1 Determination of parameters and measurements 30
4.1.1 Acceleration time history 30
4.1.2 Peak base acceleration, PBA 30
4.1.3 Acceleration amplification factor 31
4.1.4 Damping ratio 32
4.1.5 Cumulative absolute velocity 34
4.1.6 Arias intensity 35
4.1.7 Frequency domain 36
4.1.8 Vertical displacement 37
4.1.9 Lateral displacement 38
4.1.10 Tilting angle 39
4.1.11 Force acting on the Top 40
4.2 Comparison of test results 42
4.2.1 Peak base acceleration, PBA – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 45
4.2.2 Acceleration time history in one main-shaking event – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 46
4.2.3 Amplification factor – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 64
4.2.4 Damping ratio – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 71
4.2.5 Cumulative absolute velocity, CAV – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 74
4.2.6 Arias intensity, AI – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 83
4.2.7 Frequency domain – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 92
4.2.8 Vertical displacement and differential settlement – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 110
4.2.9 Lateral displacement - Largest and permanent lateral displacement – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 112
4.2.10 Tilting angle – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 116
4.2.11 Force acting at the Top – (Test No.5: 30% rubber vs. No rubber) 117
4.3 Summary of the comparisons from group 1 to Group 11 119
4.4 Discussions 142
5.1 Conclusions 144
5.2 Recommendations and future works 145
7 APPENDIX 1 152
8 APPENDIX 2 154
8.1 Contents in the appendix 2 154
8.2 Group 2 – Mat model without rubber in Test No.5 and Mat model with 30% rubber in Test No.4 155
8.3 Group 3 – Mat model without rubber in Test No.3 and Mat model with 30% rubber in Test No.5 181
8.4 Group 4 – Mat model without rubber in Test No.3 and Mat model with 30% rubber in Test No.4 201
8.5 Group 5 – Pile model without rubber in Test No.3 and Pile model with 30% rubber in Test No.4 221
8.6 Group 6 – Mat model without rubber and Pile model without rubber, both models were in Test No.3 241
8.7 Group 7 – Mat model with 30% rubber and Pile model with 30% rubber, both models were in Test No.4 291
8.8 Group 8 – Five-floor Mat model without rubber in Test No.1 and Five-floor Mat model with 30% rubber in Test No.2 347
8.9 Group 9 – Five-floor Pile model without rubber in Test No.1 and Five-floor Pile model with 30% rubber in Test No.2 358
8.10 Group 10 – Five-floor Mat model without rubber and Five-floor Pile model without rubber, both models were in Test No.2 369
8.11 Group 11 – Five-floor Mat model with 30% rubber and Five-floor Pile model with 30% rubber, both models were in Test No.1 391

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指導教授 洪汶宜(Wen-Yi Hung) 審核日期 2021-10-26
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