摘要(英) |
The air transport industry is a highly regulated business. However, following the European and American Open Skies Agreement, the global air transport market is gradually moving towards a wave of development of liberalization, regional marketization, and transnational alliances. Based on economic factors, the air transportation industry often strengthens or consolidates its market position in the increasingly competitive aviation competition market through strategic alliances or signing various joint venture agreements. Therefore, the cooperation between airlines has gradually shifted from the traditional shared resources of a single route to a strategic alliance. Only through mutual cooperation and strategic alliance can mutual benefit and win-win be achieved.
However, due to the cooperation form of the aviation strategic alliance, it involves the combination of fair trade law, joint behavior and the control of exception permission, and the three traditional aviation alliances in the world—Star Alliance, SkyTeam, and Oneworld ), and two low-cost airline alliances—Value Alliance and U-Fly Alliance, which not only integrate and provide global or regional aviation networks, but also strengthen international connections, share maintenance facilities, operating equipment, The staff support each other for ground handling and transport catering operations to reduce costs, so that passengers can enjoy many benefits such as buying tickets at lower prices and more flexible flight times. However, while the airline alliance brings economic benefits, it is also due to the increasingly extensive and integrated cooperation projects of the alliance. The increasing degree has gradually transformed the competition between the traditional individual air transport businesses into the competition between alliances. The members of the alliance lack incentives to compete because of common benefits, which makes the relevant operating behaviors of the aviation alliances easy to produce anti-competitive effects. And there are doubts about detracting from fair competition in the air transport service market and harming consumer rights. In addition, it is worth thinking about how the cooperative form of aviation strategic alliance should evaluate its influence on the degree of market competition in terms of behavior control, and whether the cooperative behavior can be categorized.
Therefore, this article mainly cuts in from the viewpoint of the integration of competition law and joint behavior control, through the observation of the European and American air transport industry policies and competition policies, as well as the observation of the form of cooperation between the international air transport industry and aviation strategic alliances, and through Europe and the United States. And my country’s past practical experience in handling aviation strategic alliances to systematically analyze and collate foreign law comparative studies and case studies to evaluate the control measures that competition law enforcement agencies should take with respect to aviation strategic alliances’ operating behaviors, and finally propose Suggestions on competition regulations for the strategic alliance of my country′s air transportation industry. |
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