研究期間11008 ~ 11107
年 度110年
中文關鍵字多併環噻吩; 有機光電材料; p-型與n-型有機薄膜電晶體材料; 溶液製程; 載子移動率; 有機染敏; 光伏電池; 雙光子吸收; 電洞傳輸層材料; 鈣鈦礦; 光電轉換效率
英文關鍵字Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs); [X+1+Y] one-pot; fused-thiophene; DTT (dithienothiophene); TTA (tetrathienoacene); organic dye; DSSC; OPV; 2PA; hole transporting layer (HTL); PSC (perovskite solar cell) ;PCE.
中文計畫概述本實驗室所開發之p型與n型OTFT材料電性已列全台前茅,有機染敏具11.2%PCE效能,為全台最高電性記錄,電洞傳輸層材料應用於Sn-鈣鈦礦太陽能電池已達~7.6%PCE, 新開發之電洞傳輸層材料應用於Pb-鈣鈦礦太陽能電池已達~19.89%PCE,這些成果皆已提升台灣有機光電材料開發之知名度。本計畫將繼續開發新的可溶性高效能之有機光電材料,期與全球研發團隊一較高下,為台灣爭光。
計畫英文名稱Development of Solution Processable Fused-Thiophene Based Molecules for Optoelectronics
研究期間11008 ~ 11107
研究人員陳銘洲 Chen Ming-Chou
中文關鍵字多併環噻吩; 有機光電材料; p-型與n-型有機薄膜電晶體材料; 溶液製程; 載子移動率; 有機染敏; 光伏電池; 雙光子吸收; 電洞傳輸層材料; 鈣鈦礦; 光電轉換效能
英文關鍵字Organic thin film transistors (OTFTs); organic dye; DSSC; OPV; hole transporting Materials (HTM); PSC (perovskite solar cell); NFA (non-fullerene acceptor)
中文摘要本實驗室近期致力於有機光電材料之開發,可用於OTFT、OPV、DSSC、PSC等多個有機光電領域。於本計畫的執行下,自2020年至目前,本實驗共發表~20篇文章的發表,成果更較之前幾年豐碩,包含 ACS Energy Letter、Adv.Funct.Mater.、Adv Scicnce、ACS Nano、Small、JMCA、Adv. Opt.Mater.、Chem. Mater.(x2)、ACS App.Mater.Inter.(x4)、ACS App.Energy Mater.、Adv.Elect.Mater.、Adv. Mater.Technol.、JMCC(x3)、Nanoscale、JPCC。在此特別感謝科技部鼎力支持,本實驗室將更努力於更高效能之新材料的開發與其元件之性能優化-期將本實驗室所開發材料之最高電性記錄再提升!
本實驗室這幾年以開發電性良好之p-型和n-型有機半導體層材料為主要目標,近期,開發出可溶性p-型材料具>2.6與3.5 cm2V-1s-1(分別於Chem. Mater.與ACS Nano)。今年我們已發表一可溶性噻吩材料具>4.0 cm2V-1s-1之高電性效能 (Adv.Funct.Mater.),這幾個可溶性材料皆為當年度臺灣所開發之p-型小分子材料之最高溶液製程電性記錄。我們已開發兩可溶性n-型材料利用溶液製程具0.77與2.54 cm2V-1s-1之高電性,分別於ACS AMI &Adv. Science 發表,於台灣本土開發之可溶性小分子n-型OTFT材料中首屈一指。已將這一些小分子應用於鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池,元件效能具~23% PCE,有機會為全台最高Pb-PSC之電性紀錄(整稿中)。
近期,已開發有機染敏聯噻吩材料具9.5%光電轉換效能(PCE),另已開發新染敏具10.3%PCE。此類染敏亦可作為有機電洞傳輸層材料應用於錫鈣鈦礦太陽能電池(Sn-PSC),元件效能具~8.3% PCE。我們已開發高分子有機電洞傳輸層材料於Sn-PSC具~7%之效能,並開發兩HTM於Pb-PSC具~19.34%與19.23%PCE。今年已開發兩新HTM材料具~20.2% PCE分別於ACS Energy Letters 與ACSAMI發表。目前,本實驗所開發之一新有機電洞傳輸層材料已具~21.7% PCE已投稿(答辯中)。
本實驗室所開發之兩系列新非富勒烯(NFA)材料應用於OPV元件之電性可高達~15.7%-16.6% PCE。所開發之NFA材料應用於Pb-PSC具~21.4%PCE於今年JMCA 發表。近期一新NFA材料應用於Pb-PSC已具~22.2%PCE(即將投稿)。目前這一些新開發材料之元件優化皆大部分已完成,正進行這些系列文章的完稿與發表。
英文摘要During the past recent years, my group has developed a simple [X+1+Y] one-pot synthetic route for DTT (dithenothiopehene), TTA (tetrathienoacene), and PTA (pentathieno- thiophene) preparation. A couple new derivatives based on these fused-thiophenes have been developed. For example, we have developed soluble small molesules which exhibited p-type mobilities up to 1.7 cm2V-1s-1 via solution process (published in Adv. Mater.). In 2020, a new solution processable small molesule with mobilities up to 2.5 cm2V-1s-1 was developed and published in Chem. Mater. In 2021, we modified this molecule to achieve mobility of 3.5 cm2V-1s-1, published in ACS Nano. In 2022, we developed a new molecule with mobility up to 4.1 cm2V-1s-1, published in Adv. Funct. Mater. All of these molecules were the Taiwan highest mobility p-type small molecules via a solution process at that time.
For n-types, solution processable n-type DSTQ with mobility of 0.77 cm2V-1s-1 was developed and published in ACSAMI 2020. Latter, a new TIIQ with mobility up to 2.54 cm2V-1s-1 was synthesized and published in Advanced Science 2020, which was the Taiwan highest mobility n-type small molecule via a solution process.
Markedly, the newly developed fused-thiophenes offer good building blocks for new DSSCs. Our developed organic dyes had exhibited PCE up to 10.1% and 11.2% and both were the highest PCE record in Taiwan, published in JACS 2015 and JMCA, 2017, respectively. Later, a couple of new organic dyes based on our new developed SBT core with 9.5% PCE were achieved. Particularly, sensitizer SBT-6 exhibited an excellent η of 23.57% under the T5 fluorescent illumination of 6000 lux, which were published in ACSAMI and JMCC 2020. Currently, two new series of organic dyes with 8.7% and 10.3% PCE have achieved, which we will try to submit to ACSAMI and JMCA, respectively. Recently, our newly developed dyes could be applied as hole transporting material in Sn-PSC and ~8.3%PCE was achieved. This good results will be submitted to ACS EL soon.
Our new developed hole transporting materials (HTM) in Sn-based PSC (perovskite solar cell) exhibited 7.23% and 7.59% PCE, published in JACS and AFM, repectively. Both were one of the best HTLs for Sn-based PSC. Recently, my group developed two new series of polymeric HTMs and exhibit ~6.5-7.0% PCE in Sn-based PSC. These two results will be submitted to AFM and JMCA, respectively.
In 2021, we developed two series of small molecular HTLs exhibited 19.23% and 19.34%PCE in Pb-based PSC, published in Small and Chem. Mater., respectively. In 2022, two series of our new HTLs exhibited > 20% PCE, both were published in ACS Energy Letters and ACS AMI. Currently, a couple new HTLs have exhibited >21.5% PCE.
Lastly, our newly developed organic NFA molecules were applied in Pb-PSC and achieved 21.39% (published in JMCA 2022) and ~22.2% PCE (will try AFM). In addition, our newly developed NFAs exhibited ~15.8% and 16.6% PCE in ternary OPV, which we will try ACSAMI and JMCA, respectively. Device optimization of these new developed materials are almost done and manuscripts preparation are undergoing.