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姓名 林熙中(Hsi-Chung Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 具隱私權強化之數位簽章
(Digital Signatures with Privacy Enhancement)
★ 多種數位代理簽章之設計★ 小額電子支付系統之研究
★ 實體密碼攻擊法之研究★ 商業性金鑰恢復與金鑰託管機制之研究
★ AES資料加密標準之實體密碼分析研究★ 電子競標系統之研究
★ 針對堆疊滿溢攻擊之動態程式區段保護機制★ 通用型數域篩選因數分解法之參數探討
★ 於8051單晶片上實作可防禦DPA攻擊之AES加密器★ 以非確定式軟體與遮罩分割對策 防禦能量攻擊之研究
★ 遮罩保護機制防禦差分能量攻擊之研究★ AES資料加密標準之能量密碼分析研究
★ 小額電子付費系統之設計與密碼分析★ 公平電子現金系統之研究
★ RSA公開金鑰系統之實體密碼分析研究★ 保護行動代理人所收集資料之研究
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摘要(中) 歷經逾三十年之研究發展,數位簽章已普遍地被視為傳統手寫式簽名於數位世界中的可行替代方案。然而,相較於傳統的手寫式簽名,一般型的數位簽章雖可提供更為強健的安全性保障,但未必具有更豐富且實用的功能。為拓展可應用之範圍,許多近期的研究試圖使數位簽章實現傳統手寫式簽名所無法達到的眾多新穎功能;而這些近期研究中,相當大的比例著眼於隱私權的強化。由於數位簽章的應用環境十分多樣且多變,數位簽章系統中隱私權及其相關議題,著實不容忽視。本論文將對數位簽章系統中隱私權及其相關議題,分別由系統中不同參與者的觀點,進行廣泛的討論與深入的分析。
於簽章簽署者之隱私權部份,數種具備簽署者混淆性(signer ambiguity)之簽章系統將分別被討論。首先,本論文將提出一個具有合理且安全之混淆性撤銷機制的指定驗證者簽章系統(designated verifier signature scheme);該系統在保障簽署者身份於觀察者角度之混淆性的同時,仍然可維持數位簽章所必備的不可否認性(non-repudiation)。此外,本論文利用同步生效式簽章系統(concurrent signature scheme),架構出一個具高度公平性與可行性之線上交易模式。本論文亦利用環簽章系統(ring signature scheme)建構一個行動代理人之線上訪價協定,而該協定同時達成可公開驗證之前向完整性(public verifiable forward integrity)與前向隱私性(forward privacy)。
於簽章系統中驗證者之隱私權部份,本論文對一個十分具代表性之提名式簽章系統(nominative signature scheme)的安全性進行再分析。分析結果顯示,該提名式簽章足以抵抗近期文獻中所宣稱,針對指定驗證者隱私權的可能攻擊;事實上,該攻擊並非完全正確,其謬誤之處肇因於對安全性定義間細微差異的疏忽與誤解。本論文亦將該安全性定義間之細微差異與相關議題,延伸至以身份為基礎之簽章系統(identity-based signature scheme),及其批次驗證演算法(batch verification algorithm)。研究結果顯示,部份該類簽章系統之批次驗證研究,亦未正確精準地引用安全性定義。
於某些具有特殊功能之數位簽章系統中,除簽署者與驗證者外,亦可能包含第三位參與者。對於此一可能之第三參與者的隱私權,本論文將以代理簽章系統(proxy signature scheme)為範例,進行分析討論。本論文將提出一個對代理簽署者之隱私權提供良好保護的代理簽章系統,該系統不僅能保障代理簽署者之匿名性(anonymity),亦能確保代理簽章間的不可連結性(unlinkability)。於部份應用環境中,上述兩項特徵亦強化了原始簽署者之隱私權。
摘要(英) Being a digital alternative of a hand-written signature, an ordinary digital signature provides better protections in security aspects but unfortunately achieves no significant improvement in functional aspects. Many recent researches try to enrich digital signatures by introducing a diversity of novel and practical functionalities over the ordinary ones. Duo to the variety of application scenarios digital signatures can be applied to, privacy-related issues of digital signatures should never be overlooked; hence a large part of those new signature developments involves privacy enhancement. In this dissertation, privacy-related issues of digital signatures are extensively discussed from the view points of different participants of a digital signature scheme.
For the privacy of the signer, some signature schemes with signer-ambiguity are discussed. First of all, a designated verifier signature scheme with secure disavowability is suggested; the suggested scheme keeps the identity of the signer ambiguous to third-party observers while maintains the signature non-repudiation property. Secondly, by using concurrent signatures, a fair and practical transaction model for online shopping applications is introduced; and thirdly, by using ring signatures, a mobile agent price survey protocol which simultaneously achieves publicly verifiable forward integrity and forward privacy is proposed.
For the privacy of the verifier, the security of a previous nominative signature scheme is reconsidered. It is showed that the previous scheme survives after a recent cryptanalysis against the designated verifier’’s privacy, since the recent cryptanalysis neglects a subtle difference between two related security notions, namely, verification and screening. This dissertation also points out that this subtle difference is neglected in some research works of signature batch verification as well.
In some signature schemes with sophisticated functionalities, a third participant might be involved. For the privacy of the possible third participant in a digital signature scheme, proxy signatures are taken as an example and a new proxy signature scheme with privacy enhancement to proxy signers is proposed. More precisely, the proposed scheme provides anonymity and unlinkability to proxy signers; in some applications, these two properties also enhance the privacy of the original signer.
關鍵字(中) ★ 環簽章
★ 同步生效式簽章
★ 指定驗證者簽章
★ 混淆性
★ 數位簽章
★ 隱私權
★ 匿名性
★ 代理簽章
★ 密碼學
★ 批次驗證
★ 提名式簽章
關鍵字(英) ★ designated-verifier signatures
★ ambiguity
★ concurrent signatures
★ privacy
★ digital signatures
★ cryptography
★ proxy signatures
★ batch verification
★ anonymity
★ nominative signatures
★ ring signatures
論文目次 1 Introduction (1)
1.1 Motivation of the Research (1)
1.2 Organization of the Dissertation (2)
1.3 Our Contributions (3)
Part I -- Privacy of the Signer (7)
2 Designated Verifier Signatures with Secure Disavowability (9)
2.1 Introduction to Designated Verifier Signatures (9)
2.1.1 Secure disavowability and non-delegatability (11)
2.1.2 Related works (12)
2.2 Introduction to Chameleon Signatures (14)
2.2.1 Chameleon hash functions (14)
2.2.2 Chameleon signatures: a simple construction of DVS (15)
2.3 The Proposed Designated Verifier Signature Scheme (16)
2.3.1 The proposed generic DVS construction (16)
2.3.2 Security analysis of the basic DVS construction (17)
2.3.3 A concrete DVS scheme (18)
2.4 Some Possible Extensions (19)
2.4.1 Flexible disavowability with better privacy (19)
2.4.2 From DVS to strong DVS (20)
3 A Fair Transaction Model by Using Concurrent Signatures (21)
3.1 The Current Transaction Model and Its Drawbacks (21)
3.2 Introduction to Concurrent Signatures (24)
3.2.1 The idea of concurrent signatures (25)
3.2.2 Related works (26)
3.3 A Proposed Variant: Asymmetric Proxy Concurrent Signatures (27)
3.3.1 A concrete asymmetric proxy concurrent signature (28)
3.3.2 Security analysis and some possible variants (30)
3.4 The Proposed Fair Transaction Model (32)
3.4.1 Flows of the proposed model (32)
3.4.2 Practicability and security of the proposed model (33)
4 Protection of Mobile Agent Data Collection by Using Ring Signatures (37)
4.1 Introduction to Data Collection in the Mobile Agent Environment (37)
4.1.1 Related works (39)
4.1.2 Two protocols in the KAG family (40)
4.2 Introduction to Ring Signatures (42)
4.3 The Proposed Protocol with Predetermined Candidate Hosts (43)
4.3.1 A modified ring signature scheme (44)
4.3.2 The proposed protocol (46)
4.4 Analysis of the Proposed Protocol (48)
4.4.1 Security analysis (48)
4.4.2 Possible extensions (49)
4.4.3 Concluding remarks on the proposed protocol (49)
Part II -- Privacy of the Verifier (51)
5 Security Reconsideration of the HW Nominative Signature Scheme (53)
5.1 Introduction to Nominative Signatures (53)
5.1.1 The KPW nominative signature scheme (55)
5.1.2 The HW nominative signature scheme (56)
5.2 Analysis of the SM Cryptanalysis against the HW Scheme (58)
5.2.1 The SM cryptanalysis (58)
5.2.2 Reconsideration of the SM cryptanalysis (59)
5.2.3 Screening by the nominator (61)
5.3 Security Proofs of the HW Scheme (61)
5.3.1 Unforgeability of nominative signature scheme (61)
5.3.2 On cheating nominators (65)
5.3.3 Verification untransferability (66)
5.4 Summary of Security Facts about the HW Scheme (68)
6 Security Analysis of Batch Verification on Identity-Based Signature Schemes (71)
6.1 Introduction to Batch Verification on IBS Schemes (71)
6.1.1 Related works (73)
6.1.2 ID-based signature schemes and batch verification algorithms (75)
6.1.3 The attack model for batch screening (76)
6.2 Cryptanalysis against the Batch Screener of the CDC Scheme (77)
6.2.1 Brief review of the CDC scheme (77)
6.2.2 The proposed attack against the CDC scheme (78)
6.2.3 A flaw of the security proof of the CDC scheme (80)
6.3 Discussions on the CLX Attack (81)
6.4 Summary of Security Analysis (83)
Part III -- Privacy of the Third Participant (85)
7 Privacy of Proxy Signers--Proxy Signatures with Proxy Anonymity and Unlinkability (87)
7.1 Introduction to Proxy Signatures (87)
7.2 The Proposed Proxy Signatures with Unlinkability (90)
7.2.1 The basic construction (91)
7.2.2 Unforgeability of the basic construction (94)
7.2.3 Selfless-anonymity of the basic construction (100)
7.3 Two Possible Variants of the Basic Construction (103)
7.3.1 A backward unlinkable version (103)
7.3.2 A partial delegation with warrant version (107)
Part IV -- Concluding Remarks (111)
8 Summary and Future Works (113)
8.1 Summary of Contributions (113)
8.2 Future Research Directions (114)
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指導教授 顏嵩銘(Sung-Ming Yen) 審核日期 2008-7-22
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