博碩士論文 106382004 詳細資訊

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姓名 簡志峻(Chih-Chun Chien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 以物理試驗及數值耦合分析探討3D列印地工格網於軟弱土壤之加勁機制
(Exploring the reinforcing mechanisms of 3D-printed geogrid in the soft clayey soil by physical tests and numerical coupling analyses)
★ 探討逆向坡受重力變形 及降雨影響之破壞型態★ 以離心模型試驗及個別元素法評估正斷層和逆斷層錯動地表及地下變形
★ 極端降雨下堤防破壞機制探討 -以舊寮堤防為例★ 土壤工程性質水平方向空間變異性探討-以標準貫入試驗N值為例
★ 使用離散元素法進行乾砂直剪試驗模擬★ 以微觀角度探討顆粒狀材料在直剪試驗下之力學行為
★ 以地理統計方法進行大範圍基地地盤改良評估★ 以離散元素法進行具鍵結顆粒材料之直剪試驗模擬
★ 地工織物加勁土壤之承載力影響因子探討 -以中大紅土為例★ 以離散元素法探討加勁砂土層在淺基礎受載重下之力學
★ 卵礫石層直接剪力試驗與垂直平鈑載重試驗之離散元素法數值模擬★ 不同粗糙度係數下岩石節理面剖面之空間變異性探討
★ 以分離元素法與離心模型模擬在不同尺度下順向坡滑動行為★ 極端降雨下堤防邊坡穩定可靠度探討-以荖濃溪沿岸堤防為例
★ The micromechanical behavior of granular samples in direct shear tests using 3D DEM★ 以分離元素法與離心模型試驗探討順向坡滑動行為
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摘要(中) 地工格網應用於無鋪面道路之加勁效果,已有許多學者利用物理試驗及現地實驗等不同方式進行加州貫入比(CBR)之評估,但其產製方式與幾何性質對於加勁效果的相關研究,仍屬少數。
摘要(英) The reinforcing effect of geogrid has been studied through physical tests, numerical modeling, and in-situ testing for the past decades. The effect is usually expressed in terms of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) or the equivalent shear strength. The reinforcing mechanisms of geogrid applied in soft subgrade have been studied by many researchers while producing customized geogrid using 3D printing technology and evaluating the reinforcing effect is uncommon yet necessary to study different configurations of geogrids. This study aims at evaluating the geogrid reinforcing effects among geogrids with various configurations using CBR tests. Afterward, the reinforcing mechanisms are evaluated through a novel numerical coupling analysis. Stress and deformation variations of the discrete base aggregate material and the subgrade represented by continuum medium during CBR simulation were investigated.
In physical tests, Kaolin powders were mixed with the specified water content as the soft subgrade material, while the aggregate base material was represented by artificial triangular-prism-type grindstone. Various design parameters such as base thickness, geogrid aperture shape, manufacturing method (commercial and 3D printed products) were considered to evaluate the effect of reinforcement. Results have shown that the geogrid improves the overall performance of the simulated soil layers, and triangular aperture geogrid performs better than square ones.
After the numerical models were verified using the physical test results, the aggregate layer simulated by discrete elements and the subgrade layer simulated by finite-difference models were coupled to investigate the reinforcing mechanisms of the unpaved roadway foundations. It was observed that due to the high stiffness of the geogrid, the vertical stress transferred to the subgrade layer was significantly reduced. Based on the displacement vectors, contact forces between aggregate particles, and subgrade shear strains, it could be seen that the geogrid provides an effective approach to limit the displacement of the aggregate particles close to the interface of two layers. The above response results in the effective interlocking between aggregate particles and the confinement of the aggregate layers.
Based on the above discussions and findings, the 3D-printed geogrid can perform equally as the commercial products. Hence the effect of different geogrid configurations could be customized during the research phase. Employing the numerical coupling analysis in this study is suitable for both aggregate and subgrade layers and interpreting the reinforcing mechanisms is straightforward. Therefore, the design of geogrid-reinforced roadways could be analyzed first using the proposed numerical approach and an optimized design cross-section could be provided to practitioners for further applications.
關鍵字(中) ★ 加州貫入比試驗
★ 軟弱土壤
★ 地工格網加勁
★ 3D列印
★ 三角形地工格網
★ 數值耦合分析
關鍵字(英) ★ California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
★ Soft subgrades
★ Geogrid reinforcement
★ 3D printing technology
★ triangular aperture geogrid
★ numerical coupling analysis
論文目次 中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xxi
符號說明 xxiv
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-2 研究內容與流程 3
1-3 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2-1 地工合成材料之加勁機制 8
2-1-1 地工合成材提供之張力作用 8
2-1-2 顆粒互鎖與圍束效應作用 10
2-1-3 基底層夯實效果提升 11
2-2 地工合成材料鋪設位置 12
2-3 地工格網幾何形狀與加勁效果差異 14
2-4 加州貫入比運用於道路承載力分析 15
2-5 基底層厚度與加勁效果之影響 16
2-6 路基層土壤承載力與應力傳遞 17
2-7 數值模型分析與運用 19
第三章 CBR試驗與結果討論 24
3-1 CBR及實驗材料與儀器準備 24
3-1-1 CBR模具 25
3-1-2 軟弱黏土(路基層)準備 26
3-1-3 地工格網種類 30
3-1-4 基底層(圓球形及三角柱狀研磨石) 39
3-1-5 CBR試驗及試體準備 41
3-1-6 CBR曲線校正 43
3-2 CBR實驗結果與討論 45
3-2-1 全路基層與全基底層實驗結果與分析 46
3-2-2 未加勁系統實驗結果與分析 48
3-2-3 加勁系統實驗結果與分析 50
3-2-4 試驗結果討論 57
第四章 數值耦合分析之理論基礎 67
4-1 FLAC3D耦合PFC3D模擬概述 67
4-2 顆粒流分析之理論基礎 68
4-2-1 PFC3D程式運算原理與基本假設 69
4-2-2 運動方程式 70
4-2-3 PFC模型元件 73
4-2-4 PFC3D之接觸勁度、類型與組成模式介紹 76
4-3 FLAC之理論基礎 86
4-3-1 FLAC程式運算原理與與特點 86
4-3-2 FLAC3D之計算 88
4-3-3 FLAC3D模型元件 93
4-3-4 FLAC3D模式 96
4-4 FLAC3D耦合PFC3D運算原理與流程 97
4-4-1 重心外推法 97
4-4-2 FLAC3D耦合PFC3D計算 99
4-4-3 FLAC3D耦合PFC3D之優點 101
第五章 CBR實驗模擬分析參數率定與驗證 102
5-1 全路基層數值模擬分析與驗證 106
5-1-1 全路基層數值模型建置與邊界條件 106
5-1-2 全路基層數值模擬分析與參數校正 113
5-1-3 全路基層數值模擬驗證 122
5-2 全基底層數值模擬分析與驗證 128
5-2-1 全基底層數值模型建置與邊界條件 128
5-2-2 全基底層數值模擬分析與參數校正 136
5-2-3 全基底層數值模擬驗證 148
5-3 未加勁系統(Model 3)數值模擬分析與驗證 154
5-3-1 未加勁系統數值模型建置與邊界條件 154
5-3-2 未加勁系統數值模擬分析與參數校正 161
5-3-3 未加勁系統數值模擬驗證 168
5-4 加勁系統(Model 4)數值模擬分析與驗證 170
5-4-1 加勁系統數值模型建置與邊界條件 171
5-4-2 加勁系統數值模擬分析與參數校正 177
5-4-3 加勁系統數值模擬驗證 186
第六章 CBR實驗之數值模擬分析與微觀機制探討 188
6-1 CBR試驗之微觀力學機制發展 188
6-2 全路基層(Model 1)與未加勁系統(Model 3)之CBR模擬比較與微觀力學機制討論 202
6-3 未加勁系統(Model 3)與加勁系統(Model 4)之CBR模擬比較與微觀力學機制討論 209
6-4 地工格網加勁行為之微觀機制探討 228
第七章 結論與建議 251
7-1 結論 251
7-1-1 CBR試驗 251
7-1-2 數值模擬CBR試驗 253
7-2 建議 257
參考文獻 260
附錄一 問題與答覆 266
附錄二 數值模型Model 1~ Model 4程式碼 278
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指導教授 黃文昭(Wen-Chao Huang) 審核日期 2021-12-8
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