博碩士論文 106382002 詳細資訊

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姓名 劉展元(Chang-Yuan Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 火場救援佈署之本體論與建築資訊模型設計
(Design of Ontology and Building Information Models for Fire Rescue Deployments)
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摘要(中) 臺灣的住宿式長期照顧(Long-Term Care, LTC)機構火災傷亡數居高不下,但伴隨人口高齡化,LTC服務需求卻仍逐年攀高。就理論來說,雖然住宿式LTC機構存在密集的避難弱勢,這樣的重要設施應在災害的預防跟韌性屬於最高規格。文獻顯示過去雖已增加醫護人員和火災演習次數但仍未有效改善。研究目標認為應改進目前仍使用平面圖與經驗法則的火場搶救佈署。我們從建築資訊模型與本體論出發,發展火場搶救佈署輔助系統。它包含「建築物的物件數值運算」與「搶救指揮官的邏輯客製化」。救火指揮官將設計自己的火場搶救流程,並由系統運算此流程在某建築物的結果。此作法可 1) 減少計算路線所消耗的時間 2) 讓救火指揮官藉由了解機制信任系統的運算結果3) 輕易變換情境設定與指揮官邏輯。
摘要(英) The number of fire casualties in residential long-term care (LTC) facilities in Taiwan remains high, but with the aging population, the demand for LTC services is still rising year by year. In theory, although residential LTC facilities have a dense population of people with disabilities, such critical facilities should be of the highest standard in disaster prevention and resilience. The literature shows that although the number of medical staff and fire drills has been increased in the past, it has not been effectively improved. The goal of the research is to improve the fire rescue deployment that still uses floor plans and rules of thumb. Starting from building information model (BIM) and ontology, we develop a support system for fire rescue deployment. It includes object numerical calculation of buildings and logical customization of fire commander. The fire commander will design his own fire rescue process, and the system will calculate the result of this process in a certain building. This approach can 1) reduce the time consumed in calculating the route 2) let the fire commander trust the calculation result of the system by understanding the mechanism 3) easily change the scenario setting and the fire commander logic.
It is concluded that the research method not only provides a method for computers to replace accountability decision-making, but also simplifies the complicated workload of changing logic reasoning. At the same time, the weakness of fire rescue and building structures in Taiwan will also be highlighted as digitization. In the future, we hope that in addition to being applied in other fields, deep learning can be used to replace parts that users cannot describe logic, and to analyze changes in the trust of the user.
關鍵字(中) ★ 建築資訊模型
★ 本體論
★ 決策支援系統
★ 火場救援
關鍵字(英) ★ Building Information Modeling
★ Ontology
★ Decision Support System
★ Fire Rescue
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Table of Contents v
List of Figures viii
List of Tables xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1  Research Background and Motivations 1
1-2  Research Question and Objectives 9
1-3  Research Scope and Limitations 10
1-4  Research Steps 12
1-5  Dissertation Structure 13
Chapter 2 Related Work 14
2-1  Fire Rescue Deployment 14
2-2  Building Information Modeling 16
2-3  Ontology 18
2-4  Summary 20
Chapter 3 System Design 21
3-1  Framework 21
3-1-1 System Architecture 21
3-1-2 System Flowchart 23
3-2  Building Modeling 25
3-2-1 Element Partition 25
3-2-2 Graph Path Setting 27
3-3  Model Abstraction 29
3-3-1 Class Diagram of Plug-in 29
3-3-2 Class Diagram of Ontology 32
3-3-3 Abstraction and Primary Key 32
3-4  Ontology Modeling 33
3-4-1 Document Object Model 33
3-4-2 Project Object Model 35
3-4-3 Automatic Ontology Modeling 37
3-4-4 Open World Assumption 38
3-5  Ontology Reasoning 40
3-5-1 Fire Rescue Data 40
3-5-2 Ontology Reasoning Formula 43
3-5-3 SWRL in Java 45
3-6  Ontology Query 46
3-6-1 SQWRL 46
3-6-2 Performance and Limitations 47
Chapter 4 System Implementation 49
4-1  Fire Commander 49
4-1-1 Commander A 49
4-1-2 Commander B 51
4-1-3 Mutual Proofreading 53
4-2  Logic Customization 55
4-2-1  Fire Rescue Reasoning Rules of Command A 55
4-2-2  Fire Rescue Reasoning Rules of Command B 57
4-2-3  Fire Rescue Reasoning Rules of Information Officer 60
4-3  Case Description 60
4-3-1 Case A 61
4-3-2 Case B 63
4-4  Case Analysis 66
4-4-1 System Operation 67
4-4-2 Case A 68
4-4-3 Case B 72
Chapter 5 Verification and Validation 77
5-1  Verification 77
5-1-1 Verification System User Interface 77
5-1-2 Background Operation Verification of System 79
5-2  Validation 84
5-2-1 Preliminary Questionnaire 85
5-2-2 Second Questionnaire 86
5-2-3 Summary 89
Chapter 6 Conclusions, Contributions and Future Work 90
6-1  Conclusions 90
6-2  Contributions 92
6-3  Future Work 93
Appendix A 95
Appendix B 96
Appendix C 102
Appendix D 113
Appendix E 122
Appendix F 136
Appendix G 143
Appendix H 153
Bibliography 156
評審意見回應表 167
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指導教授 周建成(Chien-Cheng Chou) 審核日期 2022-1-24
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