博碩士論文 109322081 詳細資訊

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姓名 許又升(Yu-Sheng Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
(Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Reidentification with Artificial Neural Networks and Spatial-Temporal Information)
★ 物聯網制動功能之互操作性解決方案★ 地理網路爬蟲:具擴充及擴展性之地理網路資源爬行架構
★ TDR監測資訊平台之改善與 感測器觀測服務之建立★ 利用高解析衛星立體像對產製近岸水底地形
★ 整合oneM2M 及OGC SensorThings API 標準建立開放式物聯網架構★ 巨量物聯網資料之多重屬性索引架構
★ 高效率異質性時序資料表示法辨別系統★ A TOA-reflectance-based Spatial-temporal Image Fusion Method for Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval
★ An Automatic Embedded Device Registration Procedure for the OGC SensorThings API★ 基於本體論與使用者興趣之個人化地理網路搜尋引擎
★ 利用本體論整合城市模型及物聯網開放式標準探討智慧城市之應用★ 運用無人機及影像套合法進行混凝土橋梁裂縫檢測
★ GeoRank: A Geospatial Web Ranking Algorithm for a GeoWeb Search Engine★ 應用高時空解析度遙測影像融合於海水覆蓋率之監測
★ LoRaWAN Positioning based on Time Difference of Arrival and Differential Correction★ 類神經網路逆向工程理解遙測資訊:以Landsat 8植被分類為例
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摘要(中) 監視攝影機在交通監控、商業與居家安全以及犯罪偵查扮演重要的角色。而監視攝
物件。本研究中採用高斯混合法(Mixture of Gaussian),建立各監視影像背景模型獲得
蹤為在連續影像中標示出同一物件。為避免畫面震盪、雜訊遮擋等影響,本研究使用 RE
類神經網路追蹤器,透過其長短期記憶模型(Long short-term memory, LSTM),使追蹤
為驗證所提之方法,本研究使用 Unity 遊戲引擎建立一虛擬的辦公室場景,包含 7
台固定攝影機以及兩組各 6 個物件在場景中沿固定路線並以固定速率移動做為資料集。
單攝影機物件追蹤誤差約在 1m 左右,而根據物件幀數進行權重平均之誤差為 0.8m,而
以分類結果所得之多攝影機追蹤誤差約在 2-3m 左右。再識別之類別一致性達 80%,代表
同類別中 80%為同一物件。透過本研究所提方法,能夠達成不同監視攝影機之連結進行
摘要(英) Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) has been widely used in various applications such as
security control, traffic monitoring, missing people finding or unmanned stores. CCTV systems
provide real-time video feeds that usually require human interpretation to extract information,
which is expensive and inefficient. This research aims at designing a framework to
automatically extract locations of moving targets from CCTV systems. This framework
includes three main steps: Detection, Tracking and Reidentification. For the Detection, we use
the mixture of gaussians (MOG) method and morphology enhancement to separate the
foreground from the background. Afterward, we initialize a RE3
(Real-Time Recurrent
Regression) tracker to track each stable object detected from the MOG foreground. The tracker
continuously outputs bounding boxes of an object, that provide two major information: object
image crops and object foot locations. To classify the identity of objects (i.e., Reidentification),
we first apply the Geo-Matching that compares the object foot locations detected by different
cameras to link objects in these cameras together. In the meantime, we use the VGG16 to extract
the feature embedding from the object image crops, which will be applied to match with known
classes via the cosine similarity. In addition, to improve feature matching performance and
avoid wrong matches, we use the object’s foot locations, moving velocity and last locations of
known classes to estimate the spatial-temporal rationality of a correct match for each class.
Furthermore, the moving directions of an object help estimate the captured object’s aspects in
the image crops, which serve as a constraint to select suitable candidate classes’ images that
have similar aspects to improve the feature matching accuracy. In terms of the testing dataset,
we simulate a relatively ideal environment that is an office with 2 sets of 6 moving objects and
7 cameras in Unity, where high-definition videos were obtained without noises. As a result, the
proposed solution reaches 1m of single-camera object tracking error, 2-3m of multi-camera
multi-target object tracking error and over 80% of classification consistency. By this research,
we can further develop applications in public surveillance, disaster prevention, unmanned store
and smart city.
關鍵字(中) ★ 物件追蹤
★ 物件再識別
★ 類神經網路
★ 監視攝影機
關鍵字(英) ★ Object Tracking
★ Reidentification
★ Artificial Neural Network
論文目次 Contents
List of Figures............................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................vi
Chapter 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................1
1-1 Motivation ....................................................................................................................1
1-2 Literature Review.........................................................................................................2
Chapter 2 Methodology...........................................................................................................6
2-1 Detection ......................................................................................................................6
2-2 Track.............................................................................................................................8
2-3 Reidentification ............................................................................................................9
Chapter 3 Results & Evaluations ..........................................................................................15
3-1 Experiments................................................................................................................15
3-2 Results........................................................................................................................17
3-3 Evaluations.................................................................................................................19
3-4 Discussion ..................................................................................................................35
Chapter 4 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................39
Chapter 5 Future Work ..........................................................................................................40
References ................................................................................................................................41
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指導教授 黃智遠 審核日期 2022-1-25
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